#!/usr/bin/env python3 # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- """ Welcome to the ei_handler. We will create all the ezfio related stuff from a EZFIO.cfg file. Usage: ei_handler.py [--path_module=<module>] [--irpf90] [--ezfio_config] [--ocaml] [--ezfio_default] ei_handler.py list_supported_types ei_handler.py ocaml_global By default all the option are executed. Options: -h --help --irpf90 Create the `<module>/ezfio_interface.irpf90` which contains all the providers needed --ezfio_config Create the `<module_lower>_ezfio_interface_config` in `${QP_EZFIO}/config/` --ocaml Create all the stuff needed by *qp_edit*: -`Input_<module_lower>.ml` and - <module_lower>_ezfio_interface_default` ocaml_global Create the *qp_edit* Format specification : Required: [<provider_name>] The name of the provider in irp.f90 and in the EZFIO lib doc:<str> The plain text documentation type:<str> A Fancy_type supported by the ocaml. type `ei_handler.py get_supported_type` for a list interface:<str> The interface is list of string sepeared by "," which can contain : - ezfio (if you only whant the ezfiolib) - provider (if you want the provider) - ocaml (if you want the ocaml gestion) Optional: default: <str> The default value needed, if 'ocaml' is in interface list. ! No list is allowed for now ! size: <str> The size information. (by default is one) Example : 1, =sum(ao_num); (ao_num,3) ATTENTION : The module and the value are separed by a "." not a "_". For example (determinants.n_det) ezfio_name: <str> The name for the EZFIO lib (by default is <provider_name>) ezfio_dir: <str> Will be the folder of EZFIO. (by default is <module_lower>) Example of EZFIO.cfg: ``` [thresh_SCF] doc: Threshold on the convergence of the Hartree Fock energy type: Threshold default: 1.e-10 interface: provider,ezfio,ocaml size: 1 [energy] type: double precision doc: Calculated HF energy interface: ezfio ``` """ from docopt import docopt import sys import os import os.path import configparser from collections import defaultdict from collections import namedtuple from qp_decorator import cache from os import listdir from os.path import isdir, join, exists from qp_path import QP_ROOT, QP_SRC, QP_OCAML, QP_EZFIO Type = namedtuple('Type', 'fancy ocaml fortran') Module = namedtuple('Module', 'path lower') def is_bool(str_): """ Take a string, if is a bool return the conversion into fortran and ocaml. """ if "true" in str_.strip().lower(): return Type(None, "true", ".True.") elif "false" in str_.strip().lower(): return Type(None, "false", ".False") else: raise TypeError @cache def get_type_dict(): """ This function makes the correspondance between the type of value read in EZFIO.cfg into the f90 and OCaml type. return fancy_type[fancy_type] = namedtuple('Type', 'ocaml fortran') For example fancy_type['Ndet'].fortran = integer .ocaml = int """ # ~#~#~#~ # # I n i t # # ~#~#~#~ # fancy_type = defaultdict(dict) # ~#~#~#~#~#~#~#~ # # R a w _ t y p e # # ~#~#~#~#~#~#~#~ # fancy_type['integer'] = Type(None, "int", "integer") fancy_type['integer*8'] = Type(None, "int", "integer*8") fancy_type['int'] = Type(None, "int", "integer") fancy_type['int64'] = Type(None, "int64", "integer*8") fancy_type['float'] = Type(None, "float", "double precision") fancy_type['double precision'] = Type(None, "float", "double precision") fancy_type['logical'] = Type(None, "bool", "logical") fancy_type['bool'] = Type(None, "bool", "logical") fancy_type['character*(32)'] = Type(None, "string", "character*(32)") fancy_type['character*(64)'] = Type(None, "string", "character*(64)") fancy_type['character*(256)'] = Type(None, "string", "character*(256)") # ~#~#~#~#~#~#~#~ # # q p _ t y p e s # # ~#~#~#~#~#~#~#~ # # Dict to change ocaml LowLevel type into FortranLowLevel type ocaml_to_fortran = {"int": "integer", "int64": "integer*8", "float": "double precision", "logical": "logical", "string": "character*32"} # Read and parse qptype generate src = join(QP_OCAML, "qptypes_generator.ml") with open(src, "r") as f: r = f.read() # Generate l_gen = [i for i in r.splitlines() if i.strip().startswith("*")] # Untouch b = r.find('let untouched = "') e = r.find('let parse_input', b) l_un = [i for i in r[b:e].splitlines() if i.strip().startswith("module")] # ~#~#~#~#~#~#~#~#~#~#~#~#~#~#~#~#~ # # q p _ t y p e s _ g e n e r a t e # # ~#~#~#~#~#~#~#~#~#~#~#~#~#~#~#~#~ # # Read the fancy_type, the ocaml. and convert the ocaml to the fortran for i in l_gen + l_un: str_fancy_type = i.split()[1].strip() str_ocaml_type = i.split()[3] if str_ocaml_type != 'sig': str_fortran_type = ocaml_to_fortran[str_ocaml_type] else: str_fortran_type = 'character*(32)' str_ocaml_type = 'string' fancy_type[str_fancy_type] = Type(str_fancy_type, str_ocaml_type, str_fortran_type) fancy_type["MO_class"] = Type("MO_class", "MO_class", "character*(32)") # ~#~#~#~#~#~#~#~ # # F i n a l i z e # # ~#~#~#~#~#~#~#~ # return dict(fancy_type) type_dict = get_type_dict() def get_dict_config_file(module_obj): """ Input: module_obj.path is the config file (for example FULL_PATH/EZFIO.cfg) module_obj.lower is the MODULE name lowered (Ex fullci) Return a dict d[provider_name] = {type, doc, ezfio_name, ezfio_dir, size, interface, default} """ # ~#~#~#~ # # I n i t # # ~#~#~#~ # d = defaultdict(dict) l_info_optional = ["ezfio_dir", "ezfio_name", "size"] # ~#~#~#~#~#~#~#~#~#~#~ # # L o a d _ C o n f i g # # ~#~#~#~#~#~#~#~#~#~#~ # config_file = configparser.ConfigParser() config_file.read_file(open(module_obj.path)) # ~#~#~#~#~#~#~#~#~ # # F i l l _ d i c t # # ~#~#~#~#~#~#~#~#~ # def error(o, p, c): "o option ; p provider_name ;c module_obj.path" print("You need a {0} for {1} in {2}".format(o, p, c)) for section in config_file.sections(): # pvd = provider pvd = section.lower() d[pvd]["module"] = module_obj # Create the dictionary which contains the default value d_default = {"ezfio_name": pvd, "ezfio_dir": module_obj.lower, "size": "1"} # Check if type is avalaible try: type_ = config_file.get(section, "type").strip() except configparser.NoOptionError: error("type", pvd, module_obj.path) sys.exit(1) if type_ not in type_dict: print("{0} not avalaible. Choose in:".format(type_).strip()) print(", ".join(sorted([i for i in type_dict]))) sys.exit(1) else: d[pvd]["type"] = type_dict[type_] # Fill the dict with REQUIRED information try: d[pvd]["doc"] = config_file.get(section, "doc") except configparser.NoOptionError: error("doc", pvd, module_obj.path) sys.exit(1) try: interface = [i.lower().strip() for i in config_file.get(section, "interface").split(",")] except configparser.NoOptionError: error("doc", pvd, module_obj.path) sys.exit(1) else: if not any(i in ["ezfio", "provider", "ocaml"] for i in interface): print("Bad keyword for interface for {0}".format(pvd)) sys.exit(1) else: d[pvd]["interface"] = interface # Fill the dict with OPTIONAL information for option in l_info_optional: try: d[pvd][option] = config_file.get(section, option).lower() except configparser.NoOptionError: if option in d_default: d[pvd][option] = d_default[option] # If interface is input we need a default value information try: default_raw = config_file.get(section, "default") except configparser.NoOptionError: if "ocaml" in d[pvd]["interface"]: error("default", pvd, module_obj.path) sys.exit(1) else: pass else: try: d[pvd]["default"] = is_bool(default_raw) except TypeError: d[pvd]["default"] = Type(None, default_raw, default_raw) return dict(d) def create_ezfio_provider(dict_ezfio_cfg): import re """ From dict d[provider_name] = {type, doc, ezfio_name, ezfio_dir, interface, default size} create the a list which contains all the code for the provider output = output_dict_info['ezfio_dir' return [code, ...] """ from ezfio_generate_provider import EZFIO_Provider, gen_ezfio_provider_disk_access dict_code_provider = dict() ez_p = EZFIO_Provider() for provider_name, dict_info in dict_ezfio_cfg.items(): if "provider" in dict_info["interface"]: ez_p.set_type(dict_info['type'].fortran) ez_p.set_name(provider_name) ez_p.set_doc(dict_info['doc']) ez_p.set_ezfio_dir(dict_info['ezfio_dir']) ez_p.set_ezfio_name(dict_info['ezfio_name']) ez_p.set_output("6") # (nuclei.nucl_num,pseudo.klocmax) => (nucl_num,klocmax) ez_p.set_size(re.sub(r'\w+\.', "", dict_info['size'])) str_ = str(ez_p) + "\n" if dict_info['type'].fancy == 'Disk_access': allowed_prefix = ['disk_access', 'io'] assert (any(provider_name.startswith(p) for p in allowed_prefix)) provider_name_c = provider_name for p in allowed_prefix: if provider_name_c.startswith(p): provider_name_c = provider_name_c.replace(p+'_','',1) str_ += gen_ezfio_provider_disk_access(provider_name, provider_name_c) dict_code_provider[provider_name] = str_ return dict_code_provider def save_ezfio_provider(path_head, dict_code_provider): """ Write in path_head/"ezfio_interface.irp.f" the value of dict_code_provider """ path = "{0}/ezfio_interface.irp.f".format(path_head) l_output = ["! DO NOT MODIFY BY HAND", "! Created by $QP_ROOT/scripts/ezfio_interface/ei_handler.py", "! from file {0}/EZFIO.cfg".format(path_head), "\n"] l_output += [code for code in list(dict_code_provider.values())] output = "\n".join(l_output) with open(path, "w+") as f: f.write(output) def create_ezfio_stuff(dict_ezfio_cfg, config_or_default="config"): """ From dict_ezfio_cfg[provider_name] = {type, default, ezfio_name,ezfio_dir,doc} Return the string ezfio_interface_config """ def size_format_to_ezfio(size_raw): """ If size_raw == "=" is a formula -> do nothing; return Else convert the range of a multidimential array (12,begin:end) into (12,begin+end+1) for example If the values are between parenthses -> do nothing; return """ size_raw = str(size_raw) if size_raw.startswith('='): size_convert = size_raw.replace('.', '_') else: size_raw = provider_info["size"].translate(str.maketrans("","","()")) size_raw = size_raw.replace('.', '_') a_size_raw = [] for dim in size_raw.split(","): try: (begin, end) = list(map(str.strip, dim.split(":"))) except ValueError: a_size_raw.append(dim.strip()) else: if begin[0] == '-': a_size_raw.append("{0}+{1}+1".format(end, begin[1:])) else: a_size_raw.append("{0}-{1}+1".format(end, begin)) size_raw = ",".join(a_size_raw) size_convert = "({0})".format(size_raw) return size_convert def create_format_string(size): """ Take a size number and return the string format for being right align with this offset """ return "{{0:<{0}}}".format(size).format # ~#~#~#~#~#~#~#~#~#~#~# # # F o r m a t _ i n f o # # ~#~#~#~#~#~#~#~#~#~#~# # lenmax_name = max([len(i) for i in dict_ezfio_cfg]) lenmax_type = max([len(i["type"].fortran) for i in list(dict_ezfio_cfg.values())]) str_name_format = create_format_string(lenmax_name + 2) str_type_format = create_format_string(lenmax_type + 2) # ~#~#~#~#~#~#~#~#~#~#~#~#~#~#~#~#~# # # C r e a t e _ t h e _ s t r i n g # # ~#~#~#~#~#~#~#~#~#~#~#~#~#~#~#~#~# # # Checking is many ezfio_dir provided l_ezfio_dir = [d['ezfio_dir'] for d in list(dict_ezfio_cfg.values())] if not l_ezfio_dir.count(l_ezfio_dir[0]) == len(l_ezfio_dir): print("You have many ezfio_dir. Not supported yet", file=sys.stderr) raise TypeError else: result = [l_ezfio_dir[0]] for provider_name, provider_info in sorted(dict_ezfio_cfg.items()): # Get the value from dict name_raw = provider_info["ezfio_name"].lower() fortran_type_raw = provider_info["type"].fortran if "size" in provider_info and not provider_info["size"] == "1": size_raw = provider_info["size"] else: size_raw = None # It is the last so we don't need to right align it str_size = size_format_to_ezfio(size_raw) if size_raw else "" if "default" in provider_info and provider_info["default"].fortran.startswith("="): str_default = provider_info["default"].fortran.replace('.', '_') else: str_default = "" # Get the string in to good format (left align and co) str_name = str_name_format(name_raw) str_fortran_type = str_type_format(fortran_type_raw) # Return the string if config_or_default == "config": s = " {0} {1} {2} {3}".format(str_name, str_fortran_type, str_size, str_default) elif config_or_default == "default": try: str_value = provider_info["default"].ocaml except KeyError: continue else: s = " {0} {1}".format(str_name, str_value) else: raise KeyError # Append result.append(s) result.append("\n") return "\n".join(result) def create_ezfio_config(dict_ezfio_cfg): return create_ezfio_stuff(dict_ezfio_cfg, config_or_default="config") def save_ezfio_config(module_lower, str_ezfio_config): """ Write the str_ezfio_config in "$QP_ROOT/EZFIO/{0}.ezfio_interface_config".format(module_lower) """ name = "{0}.ezfio_interface_config".format(module_lower) path = os.path.join(QP_EZFIO, "config", name) with open(path, "w+") as f: f.write(str_ezfio_config) def create_ezfio_default(dict_ezfio_cfg): return create_ezfio_stuff(dict_ezfio_cfg, config_or_default="default") def save_ezfio_default(module_lower, str_ezfio_default): """ Write the str_ezfio_config in "$QP_ROOT/data/ezfio_defaults/{0}.ezfio_interface_default".format(module_lower) """ root_ezfio_default = "{0}/data/ezfio_defaults/".format( QP_ROOT) path = "{0}/{1}.ezfio_interface_default".format(root_ezfio_default, module_lower) with open(path, "w+") as f: f.write(str_ezfio_default) def create_ocaml_input(dict_ezfio_cfg, module_lower): # ~#~#~#~# # # I n i t # # ~#~#~#~# # from ezfio_generate_ocaml import EZFIO_ocaml l_ezfio_name = [] l_type = [] l_doc = [] for k, v in dict_ezfio_cfg.items(): if "ocaml" in v['interface']: l_ezfio_name.append(v['ezfio_name']) l_type.append(v["type"]) l_doc.append(v["doc"]) if not l_ezfio_name: raise ValueError e_glob = EZFIO_ocaml(l_ezfio_name=l_ezfio_name, l_type=l_type, l_doc=l_doc) # ~#~#~#~#~#~#~#~# # # C r e a t i o n # # ~#~#~#~#~#~#~#~# # template = ['(* =~=~ *)', '(* Init *)', '(* =~=~ *)', ""] template += ["open Qptypes;;", "open Qputils;;", "open Sexplib.Std;;", "", "module {0} : sig".format(module_lower.capitalize())] template += [e_glob.create_type()] template += [" val read : unit -> t option", " val write : t-> unit", " val to_string : t -> string", " val to_rst : t -> Rst_string.t", " val of_rst : Rst_string.t -> t option", "end = struct"] template += [e_glob.create_type()] template += ['', ' let get_default = Qpackage.get_ezfio_default "{0}";;'.format(module_lower), ''] template += ['(* =~=~=~=~=~=~==~=~=~=~=~=~ *)', '(* Generate Special Function *)', '(* =~=~=~==~=~~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~ *)', ""] for provider_name, d_val in sorted(dict_ezfio_cfg.items()): if 'default' not in d_val: continue ezfio_dir = d_val["ezfio_dir"] ezfio_name = d_val["ezfio_name"] e = EZFIO_ocaml(ezfio_dir=ezfio_dir, ezfio_name=ezfio_name, type=d_val["type"]) template += [e.create_read(), e.create_write(), ""] template += ['(* =~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~ *)', '(* Generate Global Function *)', '(* =~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~ *)', ""] template += [e_glob.create_read_global(), e_glob.create_write_global(), e_glob.create_to_string(), e_glob.create_to_rst()] template += [" include Generic_input_of_rst;;", " let of_rst = of_rst t_of_sexp;;", "", "end"] result = "\n".join(template) result = result.replace("String.of_string","string_of_string") result = result.replace("String.to_string","string_of_string") result = result.replace("Int.of_string","int_of_string") result = result.replace("Int.to_string","string_of_int") result = result.replace("Float.of_string","float_of_string") result = result.replace("Float.to_string","string_of_float") result = result.replace("Bool.of_string","bool_of_string") result = result.replace("Bool.to_string","string_of_bool") return result def save_ocaml_input(module_lower, str_ocaml_input): """ Write the str_ocaml_input in qp_path.QP_OCAML/Input_{0}.ml".format(module_lower) """ name = "Input_{0}.ml".format(module_lower) path = join(QP_OCAML, name) with open(path, "w+") as f: f.write(str_ocaml_input) def get_l_module_with_auto_generate_ocaml_lower(): """ Get all modules which have EZFIO.cfg with OCaml data (NB `search` in all the lines and `match` only in one) """ # ~#~#~#~#~#~#~#~ # # L _ f o l d e r # # ~#~#~#~#~#~#~#~ # l_folder = [f for f in listdir(QP_SRC) if isdir(join(QP_SRC, f))] # ~#~#~#~#~#~#~#~#~#~#~#~#~#~ # # L _ m o d u l e _ l o w e r # # ~#~#~#~#~#~#~#~#~#~#~#~#~#~ # l_module_lower = [] import re p = re.compile(r'interface:.*ocaml') for f in l_folder: path = "{0}/{1}/EZFIO.cfg".format(QP_SRC, f) if exists(path): with open(path, 'r') as file_: if p.search(file_.read()): l_module_lower.append(f.lower()) # ~#~#~#~#~#~ # # R e t u r n # # ~#~#~#~#~#~ # return l_module_lower def create_ocaml_input_global(l_module_with_auto_generate_ocaml_lower): """ Create the Input_auto_generated.ml and qp_edit.ml str """ # ~#~#~#~#~#~#~#~# # # C r e a t i o n # # ~#~#~#~#~#~#~#~# # from ezfio_generate_ocaml import EZFIO_ocaml path = QP_ROOT + "/scripts/ezfio_interface/qp_edit_template" with open(path, "r") as f: template_raw = f.read() e = EZFIO_ocaml(l_module_lower=l_module_with_auto_generate_ocaml_lower) template = template_raw.format(keywords=e.create_qp_keywords(), keywords_to_string=e.create_qp_keywords_to_string(), section_to_rst=e.create_qp_section_to_rst(), write=e.create_qp_write(), tasks=e.create_qp_tasks()) input_auto = e.create_input_auto_generated() return (template, input_auto) def save_ocaml_input_auto(str_ocaml_input_global): """ Write the str_ocaml_input in qp_path.QP_OCAML/Input_auto_generated.ml """ name = "Input_auto_generated.ml" path = join(QP_OCAML, name) with open(path, "w+") as f: f.write(str_ocaml_input_global) def save_ocaml_qp_edit(str_ocaml_qp_edit): """ Write the str_ocaml_qp_edit in qp_path.QP_OCAML/qp_edit.ml """ name = "qp_edit.ml" path = join(QP_OCAML, name) with open(path, "w+") as f: f.write(str_ocaml_qp_edit) def code_generation(arguments, dict_ezfio_cfg, m): module_lower = m.lower path_dirname = m.path.replace("/EZFIO.cfg", "") # ~#~#~#~#~#~#~#~#~#~ # # W h a t _ t o _ d o # # ~#~#~#~#~#~#~#~#~#~ # if any([arguments[i] for i in ["--irpf90", "--ezfio_config", "--ocaml", "--ezfio_default"]]): # User changer somme argument, do what he want do_all = False else: # Do all the stuff do_all = True # ~#~#~#~#~#~#~ # # I R P . f 9 0 # # ~#~#~#~#~#~#~ # if do_all or arguments["--irpf90"]: l_str_code = create_ezfio_provider(dict_ezfio_cfg) save_ezfio_provider(path_dirname, l_str_code) # ~#~#~#~#~#~#~#~#~#~#~#~ # # e z f i o _ c o n f i g # # ~#~#~#~#~#~#~#~#~#~#~#~ # if do_all or arguments["--ezfio_config"]: str_ezfio_config = create_ezfio_config(dict_ezfio_cfg) save_ezfio_config(module_lower, str_ezfio_config) # ~#~#~#~#~#~#~#~#~#~#~#~#~#~#~#~#~#~#~ # # O c a m l & e z f i o _ d e f a u l t # # ~#~#~#~#~#~#~#~#~#~#~#~#~#~#~#~#~#~#~ # if do_all or arguments["--ocaml"]: try: str_ocaml_input = create_ocaml_input(dict_ezfio_cfg, module_lower) except ValueError: pass else: save_ocaml_input(module_lower, str_ocaml_input) str_ezfio_default = create_ezfio_default(dict_ezfio_cfg) save_ezfio_default(module_lower, str_ezfio_default) if __name__ == "__main__": arguments = docopt(__doc__) # ___ # | ._ o _|_ # _|_ | | | |_ # if arguments["list_supported_types"]: for i in sorted(get_type_dict()): print(i) sys.exit(0) if arguments["ocaml_global"]: # ~#~#~#~# # # I n i t # # ~#~#~#~# # l_module = get_l_module_with_auto_generate_ocaml_lower() str_ocaml_qp_edit, str_ocaml_input_auto = create_ocaml_input_global(l_module) save_ocaml_input_auto(str_ocaml_input_auto) save_ocaml_qp_edit(str_ocaml_qp_edit) sys.exit(0) # ~#~#~#~#~#~#~#~#~#~#~#~#~#~# # # G e t _ m o d u l e _ d i r # # ~#~#~#~#~#~#~#~#~#~#~#~#~#~# # if arguments["--path_module"]: path_dirname = os.path.abspath(arguments["--path_module"]) else: path_dirname = os.getcwd() root_module = os.path.split(path_dirname)[1] l_module = [root_module] # ~#~#~#~#~#~#~#~#~#~#~#~#~#~#~#~#~#~#~#~# # # G e t _ l _ d i c t _ e z f i o _ c f g # # ~#~#~#~#~#~#~#~#~#~#~#~#~#~#~#~#~#~#~#~# # l_module_with_ezfio = [] for f in l_module: path = join(QP_SRC, f, "EZFIO.cfg") if exists(path): l_module_with_ezfio.append(Module(path, f.lower())) l_dict_ezfio_cfg = [(m, get_dict_config_file(m)) for m in l_module_with_ezfio] # _ # / _ _| _ _ _ ._ _ ._ _. _|_ o _ ._ # \_ (_) (_| (/_ (_| (/_ | | (/_ | (_| |_ | (_) | | # _| for (m, dict_ezfio_cfg) in l_dict_ezfio_cfg: code_generation(arguments, dict_ezfio_cfg, m)