BEGIN_PROVIDER [double precision, TC_HF_energy ] &BEGIN_PROVIDER [double precision, TC_HF_one_e_energy ] &BEGIN_PROVIDER [double precision, TC_HF_two_e_energy ] &BEGIN_PROVIDER [double precision, TC_HF_three_e_energy] BEGIN_DOC ! TC Hartree-Fock energy containing the nuclear repulsion, and its one- and two-body components. END_DOC implicit none integer :: i, j double precision :: t0, t1 PROVIDE mo_l_coef mo_r_coef PROVIDE two_e_tc_integral_alpha two_e_tc_integral_beta TC_HF_energy = nuclear_repulsion TC_HF_one_e_energy = 0.d0 TC_HF_two_e_energy = 0.d0 do j = 1, ao_num do i = 1, ao_num TC_HF_two_e_energy += 0.5d0 * ( two_e_tc_integral_alpha(i,j) * TCSCF_density_matrix_ao_alpha(i,j) & + two_e_tc_integral_beta (i,j) * TCSCF_density_matrix_ao_beta (i,j) ) TC_HF_one_e_energy += ao_one_e_integrals_tc_tot(i,j) & * (TCSCF_density_matrix_ao_alpha(i,j) + TCSCF_density_matrix_ao_beta (i,j) ) enddo enddo if((three_body_h_tc .eqv. .False.) .and. (.not. noL_standard)) then TC_HF_three_e_energy = 0.d0 else TC_HF_three_e_energy = noL_0e endif TC_HF_energy += TC_HF_one_e_energy + TC_HF_two_e_energy + TC_HF_three_e_energy END_PROVIDER ! ---