type short_opt = char type long_opt = string type optional = Mandatory | Optional type documentation = string type argument = With_arg of string | Without_arg | With_opt_arg of string type description = { short: short_opt ; long : long_opt ; opt : optional ; doc : documentation ; arg : argument ; } let anon_args = ref [] and header_doc = ref "" and description_doc = ref "" and footer_doc = ref "" and specs = ref [] let set_header_doc s = header_doc := s let set_description_doc s = description_doc := s let set_footer_doc s = footer_doc := s (* Hash table containing all the options *) let dict = Hashtbl.create 67 let get_bool x = Hashtbl.mem dict x let show_help () = get_bool "help" let get x = try Some (Hashtbl.find dict x) with Not_found -> None let anonymous name opt doc = { short=' ' ; long=name; opt; doc; arg=Without_arg; } let output_text t = Format.printf "@[<v 0>"; begin match Str.split (Str.regexp "\n") t with | x :: [] -> Format.printf "@[<hov 0>"; Str.split (Str.regexp " ") x |> List.iter (fun y -> Format.printf "@[%s@]@ " y) ; Format.printf "@]" | t -> List.iter (fun x -> Format.printf "@[<hov 0>"; Str.split (Str.regexp " ") x |> List.iter (fun y -> Format.printf "@[%s@]@ " y) ; Format.printf "@]@;") t end; Format.printf "@]" ;; let output_short x = match x.short, x.opt, x.arg with | ' ', Mandatory, _ -> Format.printf "@[%s@]" x.long | ' ', Optional , _ -> Format.printf "@[[%s]@]" x.long | _ , Mandatory, Without_arg -> Format.printf "@[-%c@]" x.short | _ , Optional , Without_arg -> Format.printf "@[[-%c]@]" x.short | _ , Mandatory, With_arg arg -> Format.printf "@[-%c %s@]" x.short arg | _ , Optional , With_arg arg -> Format.printf "@[[-%c %s]@]" x.short arg | _ , Mandatory, With_opt_arg arg -> Format.printf "@[-%c [%s]@]" x.short arg | _ , Optional , With_opt_arg arg -> Format.printf "@[[-%c [%s]]@]" x.short arg let output_long max_width x = let arg = match x.short, x.arg with | ' ' , _ -> x.long | _ , Without_arg -> x.long | _ , With_arg arg -> Printf.sprintf "%s=%s" x.long arg | _ , With_opt_arg arg -> Printf.sprintf "%s[=%s]" x.long arg in let long = let l = String.length arg in arg^(String.make (max_width-l) ' ') in Format.printf "@[<v 0>"; begin match x.short with | ' ' -> Format.printf "@[%s @]" long | short -> Format.printf "@[-%c --%s @]" short long end; Format.printf "@]"; output_text x.doc let help () = (* Print the header *) output_text !header_doc; Format.printf "@.@."; (* Find the anonymous arguments *) let anon = List.filter (fun x -> x.short = ' ') !specs in (* Find the options *) let options = List.filter (fun x -> x.short <> ' ') !specs |> List.sort (fun x y -> Char.compare x.short y.short) in (* Find column lengths *) let max_width = List.map (fun x -> ( match x.arg with | Without_arg -> String.length x.long | With_arg arg -> String.length x.long + String.length arg | With_opt_arg arg -> String.length x.long + String.length arg + 2 ) + ( if x.opt = Optional then 2 else 0) ) !specs |> List.fold_left max 0 in (* Print usage *) Format.printf "@[<v>@[<v 2>Usage:@,@,@[<hov 4>@[%s@]" Sys.argv.(0); List.iter (fun x -> Format.printf "@ "; output_short x) options; Format.printf "@ @[[--]@]"; List.iter (fun x -> Format.printf "@ "; output_short x;) anon; Format.printf "@]@,@]@,"; (* Print arguments and doc *) Format.printf "@[<v 2>Arguments:@,"; Format.printf "@[<v 0>" ; List.iter (fun x -> Format.printf "@ "; output_long max_width x) anon; Format.printf "@]@,@]@,"; (* Print options and doc *) Format.printf "@[<v 2>Options:@,"; Format.printf "@[<v 0>" ; List.iter (fun x -> Format.printf "@ "; output_long max_width x) options; Format.printf "@]@,@]@,"; (* Print footer *) if !description_doc <> "" then begin Format.printf "@[<v 2>Description:@,@,"; output_text !description_doc; Format.printf "@," end; (* Print footer *) output_text !footer_doc; Format.printf "@." let set_specs specs_in = specs := { short='h' ; long ="help" ; doc ="Prints the help message." ; arg =Without_arg ; opt =Optional ; } :: specs_in; let cmd_specs = List.filter (fun x -> x.short != ' ') !specs |> List.map (fun { short ; long ; opt ; doc ; arg } -> match arg with | With_arg _ -> (short, long, None, Some (fun x -> Hashtbl.replace dict long x) ) | Without_arg -> (short, long, Some (fun () -> Hashtbl.replace dict long ""), None) | With_opt_arg _ -> (short, long, Some (fun () -> Hashtbl.replace dict long ""), Some (fun x -> Hashtbl.replace dict long x) ) ) in Getopt.parse_cmdline cmd_specs (fun x -> anon_args := !anon_args @ [x]); if show_help () then (help () ; exit 0); (* Check that all mandatory arguments are set *) List.filter (fun x -> x.short <> ' ' && x.opt = Mandatory) !specs |> List.iter (fun x -> match get x.long with | Some _ -> () | None -> failwith ("Error: --"^x.long^" option is missing.") ) ;; let anon_args () = !anon_args