.. _fci: .. program:: fci === fci === This program performs a |CIPSI|-like selected |CI| using a stochastic scheme for both the selection of the important Slater determinants and the computation of the |PT2| correction. This |CIPSI|-like algorithm will be performed for the lowest states of the variational space (see :option:`determinants n_states`). The |FCI| program will stop when reaching at least one the two following conditions: * number of Slater determinants > :option:`determinants n_det_max` * |PT2| < :option:`perturbation pt2_max` The following other options can be of interest: :option:`determinants read_wf` When set to |false|, the program starts with a ROHF-like Slater determinant as a guess wave function. When set to |true|, the program starts with the wave function(s) stored in the |EZFIO| directory as guess wave function(s). :option:`determinants s2_eig` When set to |true|, the selection will systematically add all the necessary Slater determinants in order to have a pure spin wave function with an |S^2| value corresponding to :option:`determinants expected_s2`. For excited states calculations, it is recommended to start with :ref:`.cis.` or :ref:`.cisd.` guess wave functions, eventually in a restricted set of |MOs|, and to set :option:`determinants s2_eig` to |true|. Needs: .. hlist:: :columns: 3 * :c:data:`is_zmq_slave` * :c:data:`do_pt2` Calls: .. hlist:: :columns: 3 * :c:func:`run_cipsi` * :c:func:`run_slave_cipsi` * :c:func:`run_stochastic_cipsi` Touches: .. hlist:: :columns: 3 * :c:data:`ci_electronic_energy` * :c:data:`ci_electronic_energy` * :c:data:`ci_electronic_energy` * :c:data:`ci_energy` * :c:data:`n_det` * :c:data:`psi_occ_pattern` * :c:data:`c0_weight` * :c:data:`distributed_davidson` * :c:data:`psi_coef` * :c:data:`psi_det_sorted_bit` * :c:data:`psi_det` * :c:data:`psi_det_size` * :c:data:`psi_det_sorted_bit` * :c:data:`psi_energy` * :c:data:`psi_occ_pattern` * :c:data:`psi_energy` * :c:data:`pt2_stoch_istate` * :c:data:`read_wf` * :c:data:`state_average_weight` * :c:data:`threshold_generators`