#!/usr/bin/env python3 import os import sys import configparser from module_handler import get_binaries def generate_modules(abs_module, entities): """Generates the doc for modules""" MODULE = os.path.split(abs_module)[-1] module = MODULE.lower() if module == "dummy": return with open(os.path.join(abs_module, 'README.rst'), 'r') as f: readme = f.read() rst = [ ".. _module_%s:"%(module), "", ".. program:: %s"%(module), "", ".. default-role:: option", "", readme, "", ] EZFIO = os.path.join(abs_module,'EZFIO.cfg') if os.path.exists(EZFIO): rst += ["", "EZFIO parameters", "----------------", ""] config_file = configparser.ConfigParser() with open(EZFIO, 'r') as f: config_file.readfp(f) for section in config_file.sections(): doc = config_file.get(section, "doc") doc = " " + doc.replace("\n", "\n\n ")+"\n" try: default = config_file.get(section, "default") default = " " + "Default: %s\n"%default except: default = "" rst += [".. option:: %s\n"%(section), doc, default] providers = [] subroutines = {} for k in sorted(entities.keys()): e = entities[k] if e["module"].lower() == module.lower(): if "/" not in e["file"] and e["file"] != "ezfio_interface.irp.f": if e["type"] == 's': subroutines[e["name"]] = e elif e["type"] == 'p': providers.append(e) binaries = [os.path.basename(f) for f in get_binaries(abs_module)] if binaries: rst += ["", "Programs", "--------", ""] for b in binaries: try: b = subroutines[b] except KeyError: print("Error: The program %s in %s does not have the same name as the file, \ or you did not run ninja at the root."% (b, abs_module)) sys.exit(1) rst += [" * :ref:`%s`"%(b["name"])] if providers: rst += ["", "Providers", "---------", ""] for p in providers: rst += [p["rst"]] if subroutines: rst += [ "", "Subroutines / functions", "-----------------------", "" ] for p in sorted(subroutines.keys()): p = subroutines[p] if p["name"] in binaries: continue rst += [p["rst"]] rst_file = os.path.join('modules', module+".rst") with open(rst_file,'w') as f: f.write(" \n".join(rst)) for b in subroutines: if b not in binaries: continue p = subroutines[b] rst = [".. _%s:"%(b), "", ".. program:: %s"%(b), "", "="*len(b), b, "="*len(b), "", ""] rst += [line[3:] for line in p["rst"].splitlines()[8:]] rst_file = os.path.join('programs', b+".rst") with open(rst_file,'w') as f: f.write(" \n".join(rst)) def generate_providers(abs_module): """ Reads the IRPF90_man pages and returns a dict of dicts describing the providers. """ MODULE = os.path.split(abs_module)[-1] module = MODULE.lower() if module == "dummy": return files = {} entities = {} mandir = os.path.join(abs_module, 'IRPF90_man') if not os.path.exists(mandir): return {} for f in os.listdir(mandir): if f.endswith('.rst'): continue filename = os.path.join(mandir, f) if f not in files: files[f] = 0 name = f.split('.')[0] with open(os.path.join(mandir, name+".rst"), 'r') as g: rst = g.read() with open(filename, 'r') as f: state = 0 entity = {"decl": [], "doc": [] , "name": name , "module": module, "rst":rst} text=f.read() text_old = None while text_old != text: text_old = text text = text.replace("$"," :math:`",1).replace("$","` ",1) for line in text.splitlines(): line = line.rstrip() if line.startswith(".SH Declaration"): state = 1 continue elif line.startswith(".nf"): continue elif line.startswith(".ni"): continue elif line.startswith(".P"): continue if line.startswith(".SH Description"): state = 2 continue elif line.startswith(".SH File"): state = 3 continue if line.startswith(".SH Need"): state = 0 continue if line.startswith(".SH Instability"): state = 0 continue if line.startswith(".SH Call"): state = 0 continue if state == 1: entity["decl"] += [line] if line.startswith("subroutine") \ or line.startswith("function ") \ or " function " in line: entity["type"] = 's' else: entity["type"] = 'p' elif state == 2: if line.startswith(".br"): line = "\n\n" entity["doc"] += [line] elif state == 3: if line.startswith(".br"): continue entity["file"] = line.split("/")[-1] try: entity["module"] = line.split("/")[-2] except: pass break entities[entity["name"]] = entity return entities def generate_index(entities): rst_file = os.path.join('programmers_guide','index_providers.rst') with open(rst_file,'w') as f: rst = [ "Index of Providers", "------------------", "", ".. hlist::", ""] for e in sorted(entities.keys()): e = entities[e] if e["type"] == 'p': rst.append(" * :c:data:`%s`" % (e["name"])) rst += [ "","", "Index of Subroutines/Functions", "------------------------------", "", ".. hlist::", "" ] for e in sorted(entities.keys()): e = entities[e] if e["type"] == 's': rst.append(" * :c:func:`%s`" % (e["name"])) rst.append("\n") f.write(" \n".join(rst)) def main(): if "QP_ROOT" in os.environ: QP_ROOT=os.environ["QP_ROOT"] else: QP_ROOT="../../" SRC = os.path.join(QP_ROOT, "src") entities = {} for abs_module in os.listdir(SRC): if os.path.islink(os.path.join(SRC,abs_module)): continue abs_module = os.path.join(SRC,abs_module) if os.path.exists( os.path.join(abs_module, "README.rst") ): read_entities = generate_providers(abs_module) if read_entities: for k in read_entities: entities[k] = read_entities[k] for abs_module in os.listdir(SRC): abs_module = os.path.join(SRC,abs_module) if os.path.islink(os.path.join(SRC,abs_module)): continue if os.path.exists( os.path.join(abs_module, "README.rst") ): generate_modules(abs_module,entities) generate_index(entities) if __name__ == '__main__': main()