mirror of https://github.com/QuantumPackage/qp2.git synced 2024-10-19 06:01:31 +02:00

started working on converter

This commit is contained in:
Kevin Gasperich 2020-02-10 08:34:51 -06:00
parent df2295206f
commit f9ec0e9cff
4 changed files with 1039 additions and 9 deletions

View File

@ -0,0 +1,63 @@
# Create the integral
echo 'Create Integral'
echo 'Create EZFIO'
read nel nmo natom <<< $(cat param)
read e_nucl <<< $(cat e_nuc)
read nao <<< $(cat num_ao)
read nkpts <<< $(cat num_kpts)
read ndf <<< $(cat num_df)
#./create_ezfio_complex_4idx.py $ezfio $nel $natom $nmo $e_nucl $nao $nkpts
./create_ezfio_complex_3idx.py $ezfio $nel $natom $nmo $e_nucl $nao $nkpts $ndf
#Handle the orbital consitensy check
qp_edit -c $ezfio &> /dev/null
cp $ezfio/{ao,mo}_basis/ao_md5
#Read the integral
echo 'Read Integral'
## using AO mono, 4-idx from pyscf ##
qp_run import_integrals_ao_periodic $ezfio
## using AO mono, 3-idx, mo coef from pyscf ##
#qp_run read_ao_mono_complex $ezfio
#qp_run read_kconserv $ezfio
#qp_run read_ao_df_complex $ezfio
#qp_run read_mo_coef_complex $ezfio #start from converged pyscf MOs
#qp_run save_mo_df_to_disk $ezfio
#qp_run save_mo_bielec_to_disk $ezfio
#qp_run mo_from_ao_orth $ezfio #use canonical orthonormalized AOs as initial MO guess
#qp_run print_H_matrix_restart $ezfio > hmat.out
## using AO mono, full 4-idx AO bielec, mo coef from pyscf ##
#qp_run read_ao_mono_complex $ezfio
#qp_run read_kconserv $ezfio
#qp_run read_ao_eri_chunk_complex $ezfio
#qp_run read_mo_coef_complex $ezfio #start from converged pyscf MOs
##qp_run mo_from_ao_orth $ezfio #use canonical orthonormalized AOs as initial MO guess
## using MO mono, full 4-idx MO bielec from pyscf ##
#qp_run read_mo_mono_complex $ezfio
#qp_run read_kconserv $ezfio
#qp_run read_mo_eri_chunk_complex $ezfio

View File

@ -0,0 +1,881 @@
import numpy as np
from functools import reduce
def memoize(f):
memo = {}
def helper(x):
if x not in memo:
memo[x] = f(x)
return memo[x]
return helper
def idx2_tri(iijj):
iijj should be a 2-tuple
return triangular compound index for (0-indexed counting)
return ij1+(ij2*(ij2+1))//2
# return ij1+(ij2*(ij2-1))//2
def pad(arr_in,outshape):
arr_out = np.zeros(outshape,dtype=np.complex128)
dataslice = tuple(slice(0,arr_in.shape[dim]) for dim in range(len(outshape)))
arr_out[dataslice] = arr_in
return arr_out
def makesq(vlist,n1,n2):
make hermitian matrices of size (n2 x n2) from from lower triangles
vlist is n1 lower triangles in flattened form
given: ([a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t],2,4)
output a 2x4x4 array, where each 4x4 is the square constructed from the lower triangle
[a b* d* g*]
[b c e* h*]
[d e f i*]
[g h i j ]
[k l* n* q*]
[l m o* r*]
[n o p s*]
[q r s t ]
n0 = vlist.shape[0]
for i in range(n0):
out[i][lmask] = vlist[i].conj()
for i in range(n0):
out2[i][lmask] = vlist[i]
return out2
def makesq3(vlist,n2):
make hermitian matrices of size (n2 x n2) from from lower triangles
vlist is n1 lower triangles in flattened form
given: ([a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t],2,4)
output a 2x4x4 array, where each 4x4 is the square constructed from the lower triangle
[a b* d* g*]
[b c e* h*]
[d e f i*]
[g h i j ]
[k l* n* q*]
[l m o* r*]
[n o p s*]
[q r s t ]
n0 = vlist.shape[0]
for i in range(n0):
out[i][lmask] = vlist[i].conj()
for i in range(n0):
out2[i][lmask] = vlist[i]
return out2
def makesq2(vlist,n1,n2):
for i in range(n1):
tmp[lmask] = vlist[i].conj()
tmp2[lmask] = vlist[i]
out[i] = tmp2.copy()
return out
def get_phase(cell, kpts, kmesh=None):
The unitary transformation that transforms the supercell basis k-mesh
adapted basis.
from pyscf.pbc import tools
from pyscf import lib
latt_vec = cell.lattice_vectors()
if kmesh is None:
# Guess kmesh
scaled_k = cell.get_scaled_kpts(kpts).round(8)
kmesh = (len(np.unique(scaled_k[:,0])),
R_rel_a = np.arange(kmesh[0])
R_rel_b = np.arange(kmesh[1])
R_rel_c = np.arange(kmesh[2])
R_vec_rel = lib.cartesian_prod((R_rel_a, R_rel_b, R_rel_c))
R_vec_abs = np.einsum('nu, uv -> nv', R_vec_rel, latt_vec)
NR = len(R_vec_abs)
phase = np.exp(1j*np.einsum('Ru, ku -> Rk', R_vec_abs, kpts))
phase /= np.sqrt(NR) # normalization in supercell
# R_rel_mesh has to be construct exactly same to the Ts in super_cell function
scell = tools.super_cell(cell, kmesh)
return scell, phase
def mo_k2gamma(cell, mo_energy, mo_coeff, kpts, kmesh=None):
Transform MOs in Kpoints to the equivalents supercell
from pyscf import lib
import scipy.linalg as la
scell, phase = get_phase(cell, kpts, kmesh)
E_g = np.hstack(mo_energy)
C_k = np.asarray(mo_coeff)
Nk, Nao, Nmo = C_k.shape
NR = phase.shape[0]
# Transform AO indices
C_gamma = np.einsum('Rk, kum -> Rukm', phase, C_k)
C_gamma = C_gamma.reshape(Nao*NR, Nk*Nmo)
E_sort_idx = np.argsort(E_g)
E_g = E_g[E_sort_idx]
C_gamma = C_gamma[:,E_sort_idx]
s = scell.pbc_intor('int1e_ovlp')
assert(abs(reduce(np.dot, (C_gamma.conj().T, s, C_gamma))
- np.eye(Nmo*Nk)).max() < 1e-7)
# Transform MO indices
E_k_degen = abs(E_g[1:] - E_g[:-1]).max() < 1e-5
if np.any(E_k_degen):
degen_mask = np.append(False, E_k_degen) | np.append(E_k_degen, False)
shift = min(E_g[degen_mask]) - .1
f = np.dot(C_gamma[:,degen_mask] * (E_g[degen_mask] - shift),
assert(abs(f.imag).max() < 1e-5)
e, na_orb = la.eigh(f.real, s, type=2)
C_gamma[:,degen_mask] = na_orb[:, e>0]
if abs(C_gamma.imag).max() < 1e-7:
print('!Warning Some complexe pollutions in MOs are present')
C_gamma = C_gamma.real
if abs(reduce(np.dot, (C_gamma.conj().T, s, C_gamma)) - np.eye(Nmo*Nk)).max() < 1e-7:
print('!Warning Some complexe pollutions in MOs are present')
s_k = cell.pbc_intor('int1e_ovlp', kpts=kpts)
# overlap between k-point unitcell and gamma-point supercell
s_k_g = np.einsum('kuv,Rk->kuRv', s_k, phase.conj()).reshape(Nk,Nao,NR*Nao)
# The unitary transformation from k-adapted orbitals to gamma-point orbitals
mo_phase = lib.einsum('kum,kuv,vi->kmi', C_k.conj(), s_k_g, C_gamma)
return mo_phase
def qp2rename():
import shutil
qp2names['mo_coef_complex'] = 'C.qp'
qp2names['bielec_ao_complex'] = 'W.qp'
qp2names['kinetic_ao_complex'] = 'T.qp'
qp2names['ne_ao_complex'] = 'V.qp'
qp2names['overlap_ao_complex'] = 'S.qp'
for old,new in qp2names.items():
def pyscf2QP(cell,mf, kpts, kmesh=None, cas_idx=None, int_threshold = 1E-8,
kpts = List of kpoints coordinates. Cannot be null, for gamma is other script
kmesh = Mesh of kpoints (optional)
cas_idx = List of active MOs. If not specified all MOs are actives
int_threshold = The integral will be not printed in they are bellow that
from pyscf.pbc import ao2mo
from pyscf.pbc import tools
from pyscf.pbc.gto import ecp
import h5py
mo_coef_threshold = int_threshold
ovlp_threshold = int_threshold
kin_threshold = int_threshold
ne_threshold = int_threshold
bielec_int_threshold = int_threshold
natom = len(cell.atom_coords())
print('n_atom per kpt', natom)
print('num_elec per kpt', cell.nelectron)
mo_coeff = mf.mo_coeff
# Mo_coeff actif
mo_k = np.array([c[:,cas_idx] for c in mo_coeff] if cas_idx is not None else mo_coeff)
e_k = np.array([e[cas_idx] for e in mf.mo_energy] if cas_idx is not None else mf.mo_energy)
Nk, nao, nmo = mo_k.shape
print("n Kpts", Nk)
print("n active Mos per kpt", nmo)
print("n AOs per kpt", nao)
naux = mf.with_df.auxcell.nao
print("n df fitting functions", naux)
with open('num_df','w') as f:
# Write all the parameter need to creat a dummy EZFIO folder who will containt the integral after.
# More an implentation detail than a real thing
with open('param','w') as f:
# Note the use of nmo_tot
f.write(' '.join(map(str,(cell.nelectron*Nk, Nk*nmo, natom*Nk))))
with open('num_ao','w') as f:
with open('num_kpts','w') as f:
# _
# |\ | _ | _ _. ._ |_) _ ._ | _ o _ ._
# | \| |_| (_ | (/_ (_| | | \ (/_ |_) |_| | _> | (_) | |
# |
#Total energy shift due to Ewald probe charge = -1/2 * Nelec*madelung/cell.vol =
shift = tools.pbc.madelung(cell, kpts)*cell.nelectron * -.5
e_nuc = (cell.energy_nuc() + shift)*Nk
print('nucl_repul', e_nuc)
with open('e_nuc','w') as f:
# __ __ _
# |\/| | | | _ _ |_ _
# | | |__| |__ (_) (/_ | _>
with open('mo_coef_complex','w') as outfile:
c_kpts = np.reshape(mo_k,(Nk,nao,nmo))
for ik in range(Nk):
for i in range(nao):
for j in range(nmo):
cij = c_kpts[ik,i,j]
if abs(cij) > mo_coef_threshold:
outfile.write('%s %s %s %s\n' % (i+shift1, j+shift2, cij.real, cij.imag))
# ___
# | ._ _|_ _ _ ._ _. | _ |\/| _ ._ _
# _|_ | | |_ (/_ (_| | (_| | _> | | (_) | | (_)
# _|
if mf.cell.pseudo:
v_kpts_ao = np.reshape(mf.with_df.get_pp(kpts=kpts),(Nk,nao,nao))
v_kpts_ao = np.reshape(mf.with_df.get_nuc(kpts=kpts),(Nk,nao,nao))
if len(cell._ecpbas) > 0:
v_kpts_ao += np.reshape(ecp.ecp_int(cell, kpts),(Nk,nao,nao))
ne_ao = ('ne',v_kpts_ao,ne_threshold)
ovlp_ao = ('overlap',np.reshape(mf.get_ovlp(cell=cell,kpts=kpts),(Nk,nao,nao)),ovlp_threshold)
kin_ao = ('kinetic',np.reshape(cell.pbc_intor('int1e_kin',1,1,kpts=kpts),(Nk,nao,nao)),kin_threshold)
for name, intval_kpts_ao, thresh in (ne_ao, ovlp_ao, kin_ao):
if print_ao_ints_mono:
with open('%s_ao_complex' % name,'w') as outfile:
for ik in range(Nk):
for i in range(nao):
for j in range(i,nao):
int_ij = intval_kpts_ao[ik,i,j]
if abs(int_ij) > thresh:
outfile.write('%s %s %s %s\n' % (i+shift, j+shift, int_ij.real, int_ij.imag))
if print_mo_ints_mono:
intval_kpts_mo = np.einsum('kim,kij,kjn->kmn',mo_k.conj(),intval_kpts_ao,mo_k)
with open('%s_mo_complex' % name,'w') as outfile:
for ik in range(Nk):
for i in range(nmo):
for j in range(i,nmo):
int_ij = intval_kpts_mo[ik,i,j]
if abs(int_ij) > thresh:
outfile.write('%s %s %s %s\n' % (i+shift, j+shift, int_ij.real, int_ij.imag))
# ___ _
# | ._ _|_ _ _ ._ _. | _ |_) o
# _|_ | | |_ (/_ (_| | (_| | _> |_) |
# _|
kconserv = tools.get_kconserv(cell, kpts)
with open('kconserv_complex','w') as outfile:
for a in range(Nk):
for b in range(Nk):
for c in range(Nk):
d = kconserv[a,b,c]
outfile.write('%s %s %s %s\n' % (a+1,c+1,b+1,d+1))
j3c = intfile.get('j3c')
naosq = nao*nao
naotri = (nao*(nao+1))//2
j3ckeys = list(j3c.keys())
j3ckeys.sort(key=lambda strkey:int(strkey))
# in new(?) version of PySCF, there is an extra layer of groups before the datasets
# datasets used to be [/j3c/0, /j3c/1, /j3c/2, ...]
# datasets now are [/j3c/0/0, /j3c/1/0, /j3c/2/0, ...]
j3clist = [j3c.get(i+'/0') for i in j3ckeys]
if j3clist==[None]*len(j3clist):
# if using older version, stop before last level
j3clist = [j3c.get(i) for i in j3ckeys]
nkinvsq = 1./np.sqrt(Nk)
# dimensions are (kikj,iaux,jao,kao), where kikj is compound index of kpts i and j
# output dimensions should be reversed (nao, nao, naux, nkptpairs)
j3arr=np.array([(i.value.reshape([-1,nao,nao]) if (i.shape[1] == naosq) else makesq3(i.value,nao)) * nkinvsq for i in j3clist])
nkpt_pairs = j3arr.shape[0]
if print_ao_ints_df:
with open('df_ao_integral_array','w') as outfile:
with open('df_ao_integral_array','a') as outfile:
for k,kpt_pair in enumerate(j3arr):
for iaux,dfbasfunc in enumerate(kpt_pair):
for i,i0 in enumerate(dfbasfunc):
for j,v in enumerate(i0):
if (abs(v) > bielec_int_threshold):
outfile.write('%s %s %s %s %s %s\n' % (i+1,j+1,iaux+1,k+1,v.real,v.imag))
if print_mo_ints_df:
for i in range(Nk):
for j in range(Nk):
j3mo = np.array([np.einsum('mij,ik,jl->mkl',j3arr[kij],mo_k[ki].conj(),mo_k[kj]) for ki,kj,kij in kpair_list])
with open('df_mo_integral_array','w') as outfile:
with open('df_mo_integral_array','a') as outfile:
for k,kpt_pair in enumerate(j3mo):
for iaux,dfbasfunc in enumerate(kpt_pair):
for i,i0 in enumerate(dfbasfunc):
for j,v in enumerate(i0):
if (abs(v) > bielec_int_threshold):
outfile.write('%s %s %s %s %s %s\n' % (i+1,j+1,iaux+1,k+1,v.real,v.imag))
# eri_4d_ao = np.zeros((Nk,nao,Nk,nao,Nk,nao,Nk,nao), dtype=np.complex)
# for d, kd in enumerate(kpts):
# for c, kc in enumerate(kpts):
# if c > d: break
# idx2_cd = idx2_tri(c,d)
# for b, kb in enumerate(kpts):
# if b > d: break
# a = kconserv[b,c,d]
# if idx2_tri(a,b) > idx2_cd: continue
# if ((c==d) and (a>b)): continue
# ka = kpts[a]
# v = mf.with_df.get_ao_eri(kpts=[ka,kb,kc,kd],compact=False).reshape((nao,)*4)
# v *= 1./Nk
# eri_4d_ao[a,:,b,:,c,:,d] = v
# eri_4d_ao = eri_4d_ao.reshape([Nk*nao]*4)
if (print_ao_ints_bi or print_mo_ints_bi):
if print_ao_ints_bi:
with open('bielec_ao_complex','w') as outfile:
if print_mo_ints_bi:
with open('bielec_mo_complex','w') as outfile:
for d, kd in enumerate(kpts):
for c, kc in enumerate(kpts):
if c > d: break
idx2_cd = idx2_tri((c,d))
for b, kb in enumerate(kpts):
if b > d: break
a = kconserv[b,c,d]
if idx2_tri((a,b)) > idx2_cd: continue
if ((c==d) and (a>b)): continue
ka = kpts[a]
if print_ao_ints_bi:
with open('bielec_ao_complex','a') as outfile:
eri_4d_ao_kpt = mf.with_df.get_ao_eri(kpts=[ka,kb,kc,kd],compact=False).reshape((nao,)*4)
eri_4d_ao_kpt *= 1./Nk
for l in range(nao):
for j in range(nao):
if jj>ll: break
idx2_jjll = idx2_tri((jj,ll))
for k in range(nao):
if kk>ll: break
for i in range(nao):
if idx2_tri((ii,kk)) > idx2_jjll: break
if ((jj==ll) and (ii>kk)): break
if (abs(v) > bielec_int_threshold):
outfile.write('%s %s %s %s %s %s\n' % (ii+1,jj+1,kk+1,ll+1,v.real,v.imag))
if print_mo_ints_bi:
with open('bielec_mo_complex','a') as outfile:
eri_4d_mo_kpt = mf.with_df.ao2mo([mo_k[a], mo_k[b], mo_k[c], mo_k[d]],
eri_4d_mo_kpt *= 1./Nk
for l in range(nmo):
for j in range(nmo):
if jj>ll: break
idx2_jjll = idx2_tri((jj,ll))
for k in range(nmo):
if kk>ll: break
for i in range(nmo):
if idx2_tri((ii,kk)) > idx2_jjll: break
if ((jj==ll) and (ii>kk)): break
if (abs(v) > bielec_int_threshold):
outfile.write('%s %s %s %s %s %s\n' % (ii+1,jj+1,kk+1,ll+1,v.real,v.imag))
def pyscf2QP2(cell,mf, kpts, kmesh=None, cas_idx=None, int_threshold = 1E-8,
kpts = List of kpoints coordinates. Cannot be null, for gamma is other script
kmesh = Mesh of kpoints (optional)
cas_idx = List of active MOs. If not specified all MOs are actives
int_threshold = The integral will be not printed in they are bellow that
from pyscf.pbc import ao2mo
from pyscf.pbc import tools
from pyscf.pbc.gto import ecp
import h5py
import scipy
mo_coef_threshold = int_threshold
ovlp_threshold = int_threshold
kin_threshold = int_threshold
ne_threshold = int_threshold
bielec_int_threshold = int_threshold
natom = cell.natm
nelec = cell.nelectron
print('n_atom per kpt', natom)
print('num_elec per kpt', nelec)
mo_coeff = mf.mo_coeff
# Mo_coeff actif
mo_k = np.array([c[:,cas_idx] for c in mo_coeff] if cas_idx is not None else mo_coeff)
e_k = np.array([e[cas_idx] for e in mf.mo_energy] if cas_idx is not None else mf.mo_energy)
Nk, nao, nmo = mo_k.shape
print("n Kpts", Nk)
print("n active Mos per kpt", nmo)
print("n AOs per kpt", nao)
naux = mf.with_df.auxcell.nao
print("n df fitting functions", naux)
#in old version: param < nelec*Nk, nmo*Nk, natom*Nk
# _
# |\ | _ | _ _. ._ |_) _ ._ | _ o _ ._
# | \| |_| (_ | (/_ (_| | | \ (/_ |_) |_| | _> | (_) | |
# |
#Total energy shift due to Ewald probe charge = -1/2 * Nelec*madelung/cell.vol =
shift = tools.pbc.madelung(cell, kpts)*cell.nelectron * -.5
e_nuc = (cell.energy_nuc() + shift)*Nk
print('nucl_repul', e_nuc)
# __ __ _
# |\/| | | | _ _ |_ _
# | | |__| |__ (_) (/_ | _>
# ___
# | ._ _|_ _ _ ._ _. | _ |\/| _ ._ _
# _|_ | | |_ (/_ (_| | (_| | _> | | (_) | | (_)
# _|
if mf.cell.pseudo:
ao_n_e = np.reshape(mf.with_df.get_pp(kpts=kpts),(Nk,nao,nao))
v_kpts_ao = np.reshape(mf.with_df.get_nuc(kpts=kpts),(Nk,nao,nao))
if len(cell._ecpbas) > 0:
v_kpts_ao += np.reshape(ecp.ecp_int(cell, kpts),(Nk,nao,nao))
ne_ao = ('ne',v_kpts_ao,ne_threshold)
ovlp_ao = ('overlap',np.reshape(mf.get_ovlp(cell=cell,kpts=kpts),(Nk,nao,nao)),ovlp_threshold)
kin_ao = ('kinetic',np.reshape(cell.pbc_intor('int1e_kin',1,1,kpts=kpts),(Nk,nao,nao)),kin_threshold)
for name, intval_kpts_ao, thresh in (ne_ao, ovlp_ao, kin_ao):
if print_ao_ints_mono:
with open('%s_ao_complex' % name,'w') as outfile:
for ik in range(Nk):
for i in range(nao):
for j in range(i,nao):
int_ij = intval_kpts_ao[ik,i,j]
if abs(int_ij) > thresh:
outfile.write('%s %s %s %s\n' % (i+shift, j+shift, int_ij.real, int_ij.imag))
if print_mo_ints_mono:
intval_kpts_mo = np.einsum('kim,kij,kjn->kmn',mo_k.conj(),intval_kpts_ao,mo_k)
with open('%s_mo_complex' % name,'w') as outfile:
for ik in range(Nk):
for i in range(nmo):
for j in range(i,nmo):
int_ij = intval_kpts_mo[ik,i,j]
if abs(int_ij) > thresh:
outfile.write('%s %s %s %s\n' % (i+shift, j+shift, int_ij.real, int_ij.imag))
# ___ _
# | ._ _|_ _ _ ._ _. | _ |_) o
# _|_ | | |_ (/_ (_| | (_| | _> |_) |
# _|
kconserv = tools.get_kconserv(cell, kpts)
with open('kconserv_complex','w') as outfile:
for a in range(Nk):
for b in range(Nk):
for c in range(Nk):
d = kconserv[a,b,c]
outfile.write('%s %s %s %s\n' % (a+1,c+1,b+1,d+1))
j3c = intfile.get('j3c')
naosq = nao*nao
naotri = (nao*(nao+1))//2
j3ckeys = list(j3c.keys())
j3ckeys.sort(key=lambda strkey:int(strkey))
# in new(?) version of PySCF, there is an extra layer of groups before the datasets
# datasets used to be [/j3c/0, /j3c/1, /j3c/2, ...]
# datasets now are [/j3c/0/0, /j3c/1/0, /j3c/2/0, ...]
j3clist = [j3c.get(i+'/0') for i in j3ckeys]
if j3clist==[None]*len(j3clist):
# if using older version, stop before last level
j3clist = [j3c.get(i) for i in j3ckeys]
nkinvsq = 1./np.sqrt(Nk)
# dimensions are (kikj,iaux,jao,kao), where kikj is compound index of kpts i and j
# output dimensions should be reversed (nao, nao, naux, nkptpairs)
j3arr=np.array([(i.value.reshape([-1,nao,nao]) if (i.shape[1] == naosq) else makesq3(i.value,nao)) * nkinvsq for i in j3clist])
nkpt_pairs = j3arr.shape[0]
if print_ao_ints_df:
with open('df_ao_integral_array','w') as outfile:
with open('df_ao_integral_array','a') as outfile:
for k,kpt_pair in enumerate(j3arr):
for iaux,dfbasfunc in enumerate(kpt_pair):
for i,i0 in enumerate(dfbasfunc):
for j,v in enumerate(i0):
if (abs(v) > bielec_int_threshold):
outfile.write('%s %s %s %s %s %s\n' % (i+1,j+1,iaux+1,k+1,v.real,v.imag))
if print_mo_ints_df:
for i in range(Nk):
for j in range(Nk):
j3mo = np.array([np.einsum('mij,ik,jl->mkl',j3arr[kij],mo_k[ki].conj(),mo_k[kj]) for ki,kj,kij in kpair_list])
with open('df_mo_integral_array','w') as outfile:
with open('df_mo_integral_array','a') as outfile:
for k,kpt_pair in enumerate(j3mo):
for iaux,dfbasfunc in enumerate(kpt_pair):
for i,i0 in enumerate(dfbasfunc):
for j,v in enumerate(i0):
if (abs(v) > bielec_int_threshold):
outfile.write('%s %s %s %s %s %s\n' % (i+1,j+1,iaux+1,k+1,v.real,v.imag))
# eri_4d_ao = np.zeros((Nk,nao,Nk,nao,Nk,nao,Nk,nao), dtype=np.complex)
# for d, kd in enumerate(kpts):
# for c, kc in enumerate(kpts):
# if c > d: break
# idx2_cd = idx2_tri(c,d)
# for b, kb in enumerate(kpts):
# if b > d: break
# a = kconserv[b,c,d]
# if idx2_tri(a,b) > idx2_cd: continue
# if ((c==d) and (a>b)): continue
# ka = kpts[a]
# v = mf.with_df.get_ao_eri(kpts=[ka,kb,kc,kd],compact=False).reshape((nao,)*4)
# v *= 1./Nk
# eri_4d_ao[a,:,b,:,c,:,d] = v
# eri_4d_ao = eri_4d_ao.reshape([Nk*nao]*4)
if (print_ao_ints_bi or print_mo_ints_bi):
if print_ao_ints_bi:
with open('bielec_ao_complex','w') as outfile:
if print_mo_ints_bi:
with open('bielec_mo_complex','w') as outfile:
for d, kd in enumerate(kpts):
for c, kc in enumerate(kpts):
if c > d: break
idx2_cd = idx2_tri((c,d))
for b, kb in enumerate(kpts):
if b > d: break
a = kconserv[b,c,d]
if idx2_tri((a,b)) > idx2_cd: continue
if ((c==d) and (a>b)): continue
ka = kpts[a]
if print_ao_ints_bi:
with open('bielec_ao_complex','a') as outfile:
eri_4d_ao_kpt = mf.with_df.get_ao_eri(kpts=[ka,kb,kc,kd],compact=False).reshape((nao,)*4)
eri_4d_ao_kpt *= 1./Nk
for l in range(nao):
for j in range(nao):
if jj>ll: break
idx2_jjll = idx2_tri((jj,ll))
for k in range(nao):
if kk>ll: break
for i in range(nao):
if idx2_tri((ii,kk)) > idx2_jjll: break
if ((jj==ll) and (ii>kk)): break
if (abs(v) > bielec_int_threshold):
outfile.write('%s %s %s %s %s %s\n' % (ii+1,jj+1,kk+1,ll+1,v.real,v.imag))
if print_mo_ints_bi:
with open('bielec_mo_complex','a') as outfile:
eri_4d_mo_kpt = mf.with_df.ao2mo([mo_k[a], mo_k[b], mo_k[c], mo_k[d]],
eri_4d_mo_kpt *= 1./Nk
for l in range(nmo):
for j in range(nmo):
if jj>ll: break
idx2_jjll = idx2_tri((jj,ll))
for k in range(nmo):
if kk>ll: break
for i in range(nmo):
if idx2_tri((ii,kk)) > idx2_jjll: break
if ((jj==ll) and (ii>kk)): break
if (abs(v) > bielec_int_threshold):
outfile.write('%s %s %s %s %s %s\n' % (ii+1,jj+1,kk+1,ll+1,v.real,v.imag))
#def testpyscf2QP(cell,mf, kpts, kmesh=None, cas_idx=None, int_threshold = 1E-8):
# '''
# kpts = List of kpoints coordinates. Cannot be null, for gamma is other script
# kmesh = Mesh of kpoints (optional)
# cas_idx = List of active MOs. If not specified all MOs are actives
# int_threshold = The integral will be not printed in they are bellow that
# '''
# from pyscf.pbc import ao2mo
# from pyscf.pbc import tools
# from pyscf.pbc.gto import ecp
# mo_coef_threshold = int_threshold
# ovlp_threshold = int_threshold
# kin_threshold = int_threshold
# ne_threshold = int_threshold
# bielec_int_threshold = int_threshold
# natom = len(cell.atom_coords())
# print('n_atom per kpt', natom)
# print('num_elec per kpt', cell.nelectron)
# mo_coeff = mf.mo_coeff
# # Mo_coeff actif
# mo_k = np.array([c[:,cas_idx] for c in mo_coeff] if cas_idx is not None else mo_coeff)
# e_k = np.array([e[cas_idx] for e in mf.mo_energy] if cas_idx is not None else mf.mo_energy)
# Nk, nao, nmo = mo_k.shape
# print("n Kpts", Nk)
# print("n active Mos per kpt", nmo)
# print("n AOs per kpt", nao)
# naux = mf.with_df.get_naoaux()
# print("n df fitting functions", naux)
# # _
# # |\ | _ | _ _. ._ |_) _ ._ | _ o _ ._
# # | \| |_| (_ | (/_ (_| | | \ (/_ |_) |_| | _> | (_) | |
# # |
# #Total energy shift due to Ewald probe charge = -1/2 * Nelec*madelung/cell.vol =
# shift = tools.pbc.madelung(cell, kpts)*cell.nelectron * -.5
# e_nuc = (cell.energy_nuc() + shift)*Nk
# print('nucl_repul', e_nuc)
# # ___
# # | ._ _|_ _ _ ._ _. | _ |\/| _ ._ _
# # _|_ | | |_ (/_ (_| | (_| | _> | | (_) | | (_)
# # _|
# if mf.cell.pseudo:
# v_kpts_ao = np.reshape(mf.with_df.get_pp(kpts=kpts),(Nk,nao,nao))
# else:
# v_kpts_ao = np.reshape(mf.with_df.get_nuc(kpts=kpts),(Nk,nao,nao))
# if len(cell._ecpbas) > 0:
# v_kpts_ao += np.reshape(ecp.ecp_int(cell, kpts),(Nk,nao,nao))
# ne_ao = ('ne',v_kpts_ao,ne_threshold)
# ovlp_ao = ('overlap',np.reshape(mf.get_ovlp(cell=cell,kpts=kpts),(Nk,nao,nao)),ovlp_threshold)
# kin_ao = ('kinetic',np.reshape(cell.pbc_intor('int1e_kin',1,1,kpts=kpts),(Nk,nao,nao)),kin_threshold)
# # ___ _
# # | ._ _|_ _ _ ._ _. | _ |_) o
# # _|_ | | |_ (/_ (_| | (_| | _> |_) |
# # _|
# #
# kconserv = tools.get_kconserv(cell, kpts)
# import h5py
# intfile=h5py.File(mf.with_df._cderi,'r')
# j3c = intfile.get('j3c')
# naosq = nao*nao
# naotri = (nao*(nao+1))//2
# j3keys = list(j3c.keys())
# j3keys.sort(key=lambda x:int(x))
# j3clist = [j3c.get(i) for i in j3keys]
# nkinvsq = 1./np.sqrt(Nk)
# # dimensions are (kikj,iaux,jao,kao), where kikj is compound index of kpts i and j
# # output dimensions should be reversed (nao, nao, naux, nkptpairs)
# j3arr=np.array([(pad(i.value.reshape([-1,nao,nao]),[naux,nao,nao]) if (i.shape[1] == naosq) else makesq(i.value,naux,nao)) * nkinvsq for i in j3clist])
# nkpt_pairs = j3arr.shape[0]
# kpair_list=[]
# for i in range(Nk):
# for j in range(Nk):
# if(i>=j):
# kpair_list.append((i,j,idx2_tri((i,j))))
# j3mo = np.array([np.einsum('mij,ik,jl->mkl',j3arr[kij,:,:,:],mo_k[ki,:,:].conj(),mo_k[kj,:,:]) for ki,kj,kij in kpair_list])
# eri_mo = np.zeros(4*[nmo*Nk],dtype=np.complex128)
# eri_ao = np.zeros(4*[nao*Nk],dtype=np.complex128)
# for d, kd in enumerate(kpts):
# for c, kc in enumerate(kpts):
# for b, kb in enumerate(kpts):
# a = kconserv[b,c,d]
# ka = kpts[a]
# eri_4d_ao_kpt = mf.with_df.get_ao_eri(kpts=[ka,kb,kc,kd],compact=False).reshape((nao,)*4)
# eri_4d_ao_kpt *= 1./Nk
# for l in range(nao):
# ll=l+d*nao
# for j in range(nao):
# jj=j+c*nao
# for k in range(nao):
# kk=k+b*nao
# for i in range(nao):
# ii=i+a*nao
# v=eri_4d_ao_kpt[i,k,j,l]
# eri_ao[ii,kk,jj,ll]=v
# eri_4d_mo_kpt = mf.with_df.ao2mo([mo_k[a], mo_k[b], mo_k[c], mo_k[d]],
# [ka,kb,kc,kd],compact=False).reshape((nmo,)*4)
# eri_4d_mo_kpt *= 1./Nk
# for l in range(nmo):
# ll=l+d*nmo
# for j in range(nmo):
# jj=j+c*nmo
# for k in range(nmo):
# kk=k+b*nmo
# for i in range(nmo):
# ii=i+a*nmo
# v=eri_4d_mo_kpt[i,k,j,l]
# eri_mo[ii,kk,jj,ll]=v
# return (mo_k,j3arr,j3mo,eri_ao,eri_mo,kpair_list)

View File

@ -0,0 +1,78 @@
#!/usr/bin/env python
from ezfio import ezfio
import h5py
import sys
filename = sys.argv[1]
h5filename = sys.argv[2]
#num_elec, nucl_num, mo_num = map(int,sys.argv[2:5])
#nuclear_repulsion = float(sys.argv[5])
#ao_num = int(sys.argv[6])
#n_kpts = int(sys.argv[7])
#n_aux = int(sys.argv[8])
ezfio.electrons_elec_alpha_num = qph5['electrons'].attrs['elec_alpha_num']
ezfio.electrons_elec_beta_num = qph5['electrons'].attrs['elec_beta_num']
nucl_num = qph5['nuclei'].attrs['nucl_num']
kpt_num = qph5['nuclei'].attrs['kpt_num']
#df_num = qph5['???'].attrs['df_num']
mo_num = qph5['mo_basis'].attrs['mo_num']
#ao_num = mo_num
#Important !
import math
nelec_per_kpt = num_elec // n_kpts
nelec_alpha_per_kpt = int(math.ceil(nelec_per_kpt / 2.))
nelec_beta_per_kpt = int(math.floor(nelec_per_kpt / 2.))
ezfio.electrons_elec_alpha_num = int(nelec_alpha_per_kpt * n_kpts)
ezfio.electrons_elec_beta_num = int(nelec_beta_per_kpt * n_kpts)
#ezfio.electrons_elec_alpha_num = int(math.ceil(num_elec / 2.))
#ezfio.electrons_elec_beta_num = int(math.floor(num_elec / 2.))
ezfio.set_nuclei_nucl_coord( [ [0.], [0.], [0.] ]*nucl_num )
ezfio.set_nuclei_nucl_label( ['He'] * nucl_num )
# Ao num
#ao_num = mo_num
ezfio.set_ao_basis_ao_basis("Dummy one. We read MO")
ezfio.set_ao_basis_ao_nucl([1]*ao_num) #Maybe put a realy incorrect stuff
#Just need one
ao_prim_num_max = 5
d = [ [0] *ao_prim_num_max]*ao_num
#Dummy one
ao_md5 = '3b8b464dfc95f282129bde3efef3c502'
c_mo = [[1 if i==j else 0 for i in range(mo_num)] for j in range(ao_num)]
ezfio.set_mo_basis_mo_coef([ [0]*mo_num] * ao_num)

View File

@ -73,6 +73,14 @@ later:
3-index integrals
<ij|kl> = \sum_\mu (ik|\mu)(jl|\mu)
store (ik|\mu) for I<=K
if i>k, take conjugate transpose in first two dimensions
df_mo(:,:,mu,kjkl) = C(:,:,kj)^\dagger.df_ao(:,:,mu,kjkl).C(:,:,kl)
2e int compound indexing
number of unique 4-tuples with 8-fold symmetry is a8(n)=n*(n+1)*(n^2+n+2)/8 number of unique 4-tuples with 8-fold symmetry is a8(n)=n*(n+1)*(n^2+n+2)/8
number of unique 4-tuples with 4-fold symmetry is a4(n)=n^2*(n^2+3)/4 number of unique 4-tuples with 4-fold symmetry is a4(n)=n^2*(n^2+3)/4
a8 is number of unique real 2e ints with n mos a8 is number of unique real 2e ints with n mos