mirror of https://github.com/QuantumPackage/qp2.git synced 2025-01-11 20:48:10 +01:00

UPdate configuration_sigma_vector.irp.f to sigma_vector.irp.f

This commit is contained in:
v1j4y 2021-03-01 12:50:50 +01:00
parent 40a3a30ea1
commit e166d0646a
2 changed files with 380 additions and 126 deletions

View File

@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
&BEGIN_PROVIDER [ integer*8, NMO]
&BEGIN_PROVIDER [ integer, NBFMax]
&BEGIN_PROVIDER [ integer, n_CSF]
&BEGIN_PROVIDER [ integer, dimBasisCSF]
&BEGIN_PROVIDER [ integer, maxDetDimPerBF]
implicit none
@ -27,8 +27,9 @@
integer ncfgpersomo
detDimperBF = 0
MS = elec_alpha_num-elec_beta_num
!print *,"NSOMOMax=",NSOMOMax, cfg_seniority_index(0)
! number of cfgs = number of dets for 0 somos
n_CSF = cfg_seniority_index(0)-1
dimBasisCSF = cfg_seniority_index(0)-1
ncfgprev = cfg_seniority_index(0)
do i = 0-iand(MS,1)+2, NSOMOMax,2
if(cfg_seniority_index(i) .EQ. -1)then
@ -39,11 +40,19 @@
ncfg = ncfgpersomo - ncfgprev
!detDimperBF = max(1,nint((binom(i,(i+1)/2))))
dimcsfpercfg = max(1,nint((binom(i-2,(i-2+1)/2)-binom(i-2,((i-2+1)/2)+1))))
n_CSF += ncfg * dimcsfpercfg
dimBasisCSF += ncfg * dimcsfpercfg
!print *,i,">(",ncfg,ncfgprev,ncfgpersomo,")",",",detDimperBF,">",dimcsfpercfg, " | dimbas= ", dimBasisCSF
!if(cfg_seniority_index(i+2) == -1) EXIT
!if(detDimperBF > maxDetDimPerBF) maxDetDimPerBF = detDimperBF
ncfgprev = cfg_seniority_index(i)
if(NSOMOMax .EQ. elec_num)then
ncfgpersomo = N_configuration + 1
ncfg = ncfgpersomo - ncfgprev
dimcsfpercfg = max(1,nint((binom(i-2,(i-2+1)/2)-binom(i-2,((i-2+1)/2)+1))))
dimBasisCSF += ncfg * dimcsfpercfg
!print *,i,">(",ncfg,ncfgprev,ncfgpersomo,")",",",detDimperBF,">",dimcsfpercfg, " | dimbas= ", dimBasisCSF
subroutine get_phase_qp_to_cfg(Ialpha, Ibeta, phaseout)
@ -99,7 +108,296 @@ end subroutine get_phase_qp_to_cfg
BEGIN_PROVIDER [ integer, AIJpqMatrixDimsList, (0:NSOMOMax,0:NSOMOMax,4,NSOMOMax,NSOMOMax,2)]
BEGIN_PROVIDER [ real*8, DetToCSFTransformationMatrix, (0:NSOMOMax,NBFMax,maxDetDimPerBF)]
&BEGIN_PROVIDER [ real*8, psi_coef_config, (dimBasisCSF,1)]
&BEGIN_PROVIDER [ integer, psi_config_data, (N_configuration,2)]
&BEGIN_PROVIDER [ integer, psi_csf_to_config_data, (dimBasisCSF)]
use cfunctions
implicit none
! Documentation for DetToCSFTransformationMatrix
! Provides the matrix of transformatons for the
! conversion between determinant to CSF basis (in BFs)
integer*8 :: Isomo, Idomo, mask, Ialpha,Ibeta
integer :: rows, cols, i, j, k
integer :: startdet, enddet
integer*8 MS
integer ndetI
integer :: getNSOMO
real*8,dimension(:,:),allocatable :: tempBuffer
real*8,dimension(:),allocatable :: tempCoeff
real*8 :: norm_det1, phasedet
norm_det1 = 0.d0
MS = elec_alpha_num - elec_beta_num
print *,"Maxbfdim=",NBFMax
print *,"Maxdetdim=",maxDetDimPerBF
print *,"dimBasisCSF=",dimBasisCSF
print *,"N_configurations=",N_configuration
print *,"n_core_orb=",n_core_orb
! initialization
psi_coef_config = 0.d0
DetToCSFTransformationMatrix(0,:,:) = 1.d0
do i = 2-iand(elec_alpha_num-elec_beta_num,1), NSOMOMax,2
Isomo = IBSET(0_8, i) - 1_8
! rows = Ncsfs
! cols = Ndets
bfIcfg = max(1,nint((binom(i,(i+1)/2)-binom(i,((i+1)/2)+1))))
ndetI = max(1,nint((binom(i,(i+1)/2))))
call getCSFtoDETTransformationMatrix(Isomo, MS, NBFMax, maxDetDimPerBF, tempBuffer)
DetToCSFTransformationMatrix(i,:bfIcfg,:ndetI) = tempBuffer
integer s, bfIcfg
integer countcsf
countcsf = 0
integer countdet
countdet = 0
integer istate
istate = 1
phasedet = 1.0d0
do i = 1,N_configuration
startdet = psi_configuration_to_psi_det(1,i)
enddet = psi_configuration_to_psi_det(2,i)
ndetI = enddet-startdet+1
countdet = 1
do j = startdet, enddet
Ialpha = psi_det(1,1,psi_configuration_to_psi_det_data(j))
Ibeta = psi_det(1,2,psi_configuration_to_psi_det_data(j))
!call debug_spindet(Ialpha,1,1)
!call debug_spindet(Ibeta ,1,1)
call get_phase_qp_to_cfg(Ialpha, Ibeta, phasedet)
!print *,">>",Ialpha,Ibeta,phasedet
tempCoeff(countdet) = psi_coef(psi_configuration_to_psi_det_data(j), istate)*phasedet
!tempCoeff(countdet) = psi_coef(psi_configuration_to_psi_det_data(j), istate)
norm_det1 += tempCoeff(countdet)*tempCoeff(countdet)
countdet += 1
!print *,"dimcoef=",bfIcfg,norm_det1
!call printMatrix(tempCoeff,ndetI,1)
s = 0
do k=1,N_int
if (psi_configuration(k,1,i) == 0_bit_kind) cycle
s = s + popcnt(psi_configuration(k,1,i))
bfIcfg = max(1,nint((binom(s,(s+1)/2)-binom(s,((s+1)/2)+1))))
! perhaps blocking with CFGs of same seniority
! can be more efficient
tempBuffer = DetToCSFTransformationMatrix(s,:bfIcfg,:ndetI)
!print *,"csftodetdim=",bfIcfg,ndetI
!call printMatrix(tempBuffer,bfIcfg,ndetI)
call dgemm('N','N', bfIcfg, 1, ndetI, 1.d0, tempBuffer, size(tempBuffer,1), tempCoeff, size(tempCoeff,1), 0.d0, psi_coef_config(countcsf+1,1), size(psi_coef_config,1))
!call dgemv('N', NBFMax, maxDetDimPerBF, 1.d0, tempBuffer, size(tempBuffer,1), tempCoeff, 1, 0.d0, psi_coef_config(countcsf), 1)
!call printMatrix(psi_coef_config(countcsf+1,1),bfIcfg,1)
psi_config_data(i,1) = countcsf + 1
countcsf += bfIcfg
psi_config_data(i,2) = countcsf
psi_csf_to_config_data(countcsf) = i
print *,"Norm det=",norm_det1, size(psi_coef_config,1), " Dim csf=", countcsf
subroutine convertWFfromDETtoCSF(psi_coef_det_in, psi_coef_cfg_out)
use cfunctions
implicit none
! Documentation for DetToCSFTransformationMatrix
! Provides the matrix of transformatons for the
! conversion between determinant to CSF basis (in BFs)
integer*8 :: Isomo, Idomo, mask, Ialpha,Ibeta
integer :: rows, cols, i, j, k
integer :: startdet, enddet
integer*8 MS
integer ndetI
integer :: getNSOMO
real*8,intent(in) :: psi_coef_det_in(n_det,1)
real*8,intent(out) :: psi_coef_cfg_out(dimBasisCSF,1)
real*8,dimension(:,:),allocatable :: tempBuffer
real*8,dimension(:),allocatable :: tempCoeff
real*8 :: norm_det1, phasedet
norm_det1 = 0.d0
MS = elec_alpha_num - elec_beta_num
print *,"Maxbfdim=",NBFMax
print *,"Maxdetdim=",maxDetDimPerBF
print *,"dimBasisCSF=",dimBasisCSF
print *,"N_configurations=",N_configuration
print *,"n_core_orb=",n_core_orb
! initialization
psi_coef_cfg_out(:,1) = 0.d0
integer s, bfIcfg
integer countcsf
countcsf = 0
integer countdet
countdet = 0
integer istate
istate = 1
phasedet = 1.0d0
do i = 1,N_configuration
startdet = psi_configuration_to_psi_det(1,i)
enddet = psi_configuration_to_psi_det(2,i)
ndetI = enddet-startdet+1
countdet = 1
do j = startdet, enddet
Ialpha = psi_det(1,1,psi_configuration_to_psi_det_data(j))
Ibeta = psi_det(1,2,psi_configuration_to_psi_det_data(j))
call get_phase_qp_to_cfg(Ialpha, Ibeta, phasedet)
!print *,">>",Ialpha,Ibeta,phasedet
tempCoeff(countdet) = psi_coef(psi_configuration_to_psi_det_data(j), istate)*phasedet
!tempCoeff(countdet) = psi_coef(psi_configuration_to_psi_det_data(j), istate)
norm_det1 += tempCoeff(countdet)*tempCoeff(countdet)
countdet += 1
!print *,"dimcoef=",bfIcfg,norm_det1
!call printMatrix(tempCoeff,ndetI,1)
s = 0
do k=1,N_int
if (psi_configuration(k,1,i) == 0_bit_kind) cycle
s = s + popcnt(psi_configuration(k,1,i))
bfIcfg = max(1,nint((binom(s,(s+1)/2)-binom(s,((s+1)/2)+1))))
! perhaps blocking with CFGs of same seniority
! can be more efficient
tempBuffer = DetToCSFTransformationMatrix(s,:bfIcfg,:ndetI)
!print *,"csftodetdim=",bfIcfg,ndetI
!call printMatrix(tempBuffer,bfIcfg,ndetI)
call dgemm('N','N', bfIcfg, 1, ndetI, 1.d0, tempBuffer, size(tempBuffer,1), tempCoeff, size(tempCoeff,1), 0.d0, psi_coef_cfg_out(countcsf+1,1), size(psi_coef_cfg_out,1))
psi_config_data(i,1) = countcsf + 1
countcsf += bfIcfg
psi_config_data(i,2) = countcsf
print *,"Norm det=",norm_det1, size(psi_coef_cfg_out,1), " Dim csf=", countcsf
end subroutine convertWFfromDETtoCSF
subroutine convertWFfromCSFtoDET(psi_coef_cfg_in, psi_coef_det)
implicit none
! Documentation for convertCSFtoDET
! This function converts the wavefunction
! in CFG basis to DET basis using the
! transformation matrix provided before.
real*8,intent(in) :: psi_coef_cfg_in(dimBasisCSF,1)
real*8,intent(out) :: psi_coef_det(N_det,1)
real*8 :: tmp_psi_coef_det(maxDetDimPerBF)
integer s, bfIcfg
integer countcsf
integer countdet
integer*8 :: Isomo, Idomo, Ialpha, Ibeta
integer :: rows, cols, i, j, k
integer :: startdet, enddet
integer*8 MS
integer ndetI
integer :: getNSOMO
real*8,dimension(:,:),allocatable :: tempBuffer
real*8,dimension(:),allocatable :: tempCoeff
real*8 :: phasedet
! number of states
integer istate
istate = 1
countcsf = 1
countdet = 1
print *,"in function convertWFfromCSFtoDET()"
do i = 1,N_configuration
startdet = psi_configuration_to_psi_det(1,i)
enddet = psi_configuration_to_psi_det(2,i)
ndetI = enddet-startdet+1
s = 0
do k=1,N_int
if (psi_configuration(k,1,i) == 0_bit_kind) cycle
s = s + popcnt(psi_configuration(k,1,i))
bfIcfg = max(1,nint((binom(s,(s+1)/2)-binom(s,((s+1)/2)+1))))
do j = 1,bfIcfg
tempCoeff(j) = psi_coef_cfg_in(countcsf,1)
countcsf += 1
!print *,"dimcoef=",bfIcfg
!call printMatrix(tempCoeff,bfIcfg,1)
! perhaps blocking with CFGs of same seniority
! can be more efficient
tempBuffer = DetToCSFTransformationMatrix(s,:bfIcfg,:ndetI)
!print *,"csftodetdim=",bfIcfg,ndetI
!call printMatrix(tempBuffer,bfIcfg,ndetI)
!call dgemm('T','N', ndetI, 1, bfIcfg, 1.d0, tempBuffer, size(tempBuffer,1), tempCoeff, size(tempCoeff,1), 0.d0, psi_coef_det(countdet,1), size(psi_coef_det,1))
call dgemm('T','N', ndetI, 1, bfIcfg, 1.d0, tempBuffer, size(tempBuffer,1), tempCoeff, size(tempCoeff,1), 0.d0, tmp_psi_coef_det, size(tmp_psi_coef_det,1))
!call dgemv('N', NBFMax, maxDetDimPerBF, 1.d0, tempBuffer, size(tempBuffer,1), tempCoeff, 1, 0.d0, psi_coef_config(countcsf,1), 1)
!print *,"result"
!call printMatrix(tmp_psi_coef_det,ndetI,1)
countdet = 1
do j=startdet,enddet
Ialpha = psi_det(1,1,psi_configuration_to_psi_det_data(j))
Ibeta = psi_det(1,2,psi_configuration_to_psi_det_data(j))
!call debug_spindet(Ialpha,1,1)
!call debug_spindet(Ibeta ,1,1)
call get_phase_qp_to_cfg(Ialpha, Ibeta, phasedet)
!print *,">>",Ialpha,Ibeta,phasedet
psi_coef_det(psi_configuration_to_psi_det_data(j),1) = tmp_psi_coef_det(countdet)*phasedet
countdet += 1
!countdet += ndetI
!countdet = 1
!tmp_psi_coef_det = psi_coef_det(:,1)
!do i=1,N_configuration
! startdet = psi_configuration_to_psi_det(1,i)
! enddet = psi_configuration_to_psi_det(2,i)
! ndetI = enddet-startdet+1
! print *,i,">>>",startdet,enddet
! do k=1,ndetI
! !psi_coef_det(startdet+k-1,1) = tmp_psi_coef_det(countdet)
! psi_coef_det(countdet,1) = tmp_psi_coef_det(startdet+k-1)
! countdet += 1
! enddo
print *,"End ncsfs=",countcsf
end subroutine convertCSFtoDET
BEGIN_PROVIDER [ integer, AIJpqMatrixDimsList, (0:NSOMOMax,0:NSOMOMax,4,NSOMOMax+1,NSOMOMax+1,2)]
&BEGIN_PROVIDER [ integer, rowsmax]
&BEGIN_PROVIDER [ integer, colsmax]
use cfunctions
@ -122,9 +420,13 @@ end subroutine get_phase_qp_to_cfg
nsomomin = elec_alpha_num-elec_beta_num
rowsmax = 0
colsmax = 0
print *,"NSOMOMax = ",NSOMOMax
! Type
! 1. SOMO -> SOMO
!print *,"Doing SOMO->SOMO"
AIJpqMatrixDimsList(0,0,1,1,1,1) = 1
AIJpqMatrixDimsList(0,0,1,1,1,2) = 1
do i = 2-iand(nsomomin,1), NSOMOMax, 2
Isomo = ISHFT(1_8,i)-1
do j = i-2,i-2, 2
@ -152,6 +454,7 @@ end subroutine get_phase_qp_to_cfg
MS, &
rows, &
!print *, "SOMO->SOMO \t",i,j,k,l,">",Isomo,Jsomo,">",rows, cols
if(rowsmax .LT. rows) then
rowsmax = rows
end if
@ -167,6 +470,9 @@ end subroutine get_phase_qp_to_cfg
end do
! Type
! 2. DOMO -> VMO
!print *,"Doing DOMO->VMO"
AIJpqMatrixDimsList(0,0,2,1,1,1) = 1
AIJpqMatrixDimsList(0,0,2,1,1,2) = 1
do i = 0+iand(nsomomin,1), NSOMOMax, 2
Isomo = ISHFT(1_8,i)-1
tmpsomo = ISHFT(1_8,i+2)-1
@ -200,6 +506,7 @@ end subroutine get_phase_qp_to_cfg
MS, &
rows, &
!print *, i,j,k,l,">",Isomo,Jsomo,">",rows, cols
if(rowsmax .LT. rows) then
rowsmax = rows
end if
@ -216,6 +523,8 @@ end subroutine get_phase_qp_to_cfg
! Type
! 3. SOMO -> VMO
!print *,"Doing SOMO->VMO"
AIJpqMatrixDimsList(0,0,3,1,1,1) = 1
AIJpqMatrixDimsList(0,0,3,1,1,2) = 1
do i = 2-iand(nsomomin,1), NSOMOMax, 2
Isomo = ISHFT(1_8,i)-1
do j = i,i, 2
@ -223,8 +532,8 @@ end subroutine get_phase_qp_to_cfg
if(j .GT. NSOMOMax .OR. j .LE. 0) then
end if
do k = 1,i
do l = 1,i
do k = 1,i+1
do l = 1,i+1
if(k .NE. l) then
Isomo = ISHFT(1_8,i+1)-1
Isomo = IBCLR(Isomo,l-1)
@ -239,6 +548,7 @@ end subroutine get_phase_qp_to_cfg
MS, &
rows, &
!print *, i,j,k,l,">",Isomo,Jsomo,">",rows, cols
if(rowsmax .LT. rows) then
rowsmax = rows
end if
@ -253,18 +563,20 @@ end subroutine get_phase_qp_to_cfg
end do
end do
! Type
! 4. DOMO -> VMO
! 4. DOMO -> SOMO
!print *,"Doing DOMO->SOMO"
AIJpqMatrixDimsList(0,0,4,1,1,1) = 1
AIJpqMatrixDimsList(0,0,4,1,1,2) = 1
do i = 2-iand(nsomomin,1), NSOMOMax, 2
do j = i,i, 2
if(j .GT. NSOMOMax .OR. j .LE. 0) then
end if
do k = 1,i
do l = 1,i
do k = 1,i+1
do l = 1,i+1
if(k .NE. l) then
Isomo = ISHFT(1_8,i+1)-1
Isomo = IBCLR(Isomo,k+1-1)
Isomo = IBCLR(Isomo,k-1)
Jsomo = ISHFT(1_8,j+1)-1
Jsomo = IBCLR(Jsomo,l-1)
@ -276,6 +588,7 @@ end subroutine get_phase_qp_to_cfg
MS, &
rows, &
!print *, i,j,k,l,">",Isomo,Jsomo,">",rows, cols
if(rowsmax .LT. rows) then
rowsmax = rows
end if
@ -289,9 +602,10 @@ end subroutine get_phase_qp_to_cfg
end do
end do
end do
print *,"Rowsmax=",rowsmax," Colsmax=",colsmax
BEGIN_PROVIDER [ real*8, AIJpqContainer, (0:NSOMOMax,0:NSOMOMax,4,NSOMOMax,NSOMOMax,NBFMax,NBFMax)]
BEGIN_PROVIDER [ real*8, AIJpqContainer, (0:NSOMOMax,0:NSOMOMax,4,NSOMOMax+1,NSOMOMax+1,NBFMax,NBFMax)]
use cfunctions
implicit none
@ -327,13 +641,18 @@ end subroutine get_phase_qp_to_cfg
integer maxdim
!maxdim = max(rowsmax,colsmax)
! allocate matrix
!print *,"rowsmax =",rowsmax," colsmax=",colsmax
!print *,"NSOMOMax = ",NSOMOMax
! Type
! 1. SOMO -> SOMO
!print *,"Doing SOMO -> SOMO"
AIJpqContainer(0,0,1,1,1,1,1) = 1.0d0
do i = 2, NSOMOMax, 2
Isomo = ISHFT(1_8,i)-1
do j = i-2,i-2, 2
if(j .GT. NSOMOMax .OR. j .LT. 0) cycle
!print *,"i,j=",i,j
do k = 1,i
do l = 1,i
@ -350,6 +669,10 @@ end subroutine get_phase_qp_to_cfg
nsomoj = i
!print *,"k,l=",k,l
!call debug_spindet(Jsomo,1)
!call debug_spindet(Isomo,1)
AIJpqContainer(nsomoi,nsomoj,1,k,l,:,:) = 0.0d0
call getApqIJMatrixDims(Isomo, &
Jsomo, &
@ -371,6 +694,8 @@ end subroutine get_phase_qp_to_cfg
meMatrix, &
rows, &
!print *, i,j,k,l,">",Isomo,Jsomo,">",rows, cols,">",rowsmax,colsmax
!call printMatrix(meMatrix,rows,cols)
! i -> j
do ri = 1,rows
do ci = 1,cols
@ -384,6 +709,8 @@ end subroutine get_phase_qp_to_cfg
end do
! Type
! 2. DOMO -> VMO
!print *,"Doing DOMO -> VMO"
AIJpqContainer(0,0,2,1,1,1,1) = 1.0d0
do i = 0, NSOMOMax, 2
Isomo = ISHFT(1_8,i)-1
tmpsomo = ISHFT(1_8,i+2)-1
@ -409,6 +736,10 @@ end subroutine get_phase_qp_to_cfg
nsomoj = j
!print *,"k,l=",k,l
!call debug_spindet(Jsomo,1)
!call debug_spindet(Isomo,1)
AIJpqContainer(nsomoi,nsomoj,2,k,l,:,:) = 0.0d0
call getApqIJMatrixDims(Isomo, &
Jsomo, &
@ -430,6 +761,8 @@ end subroutine get_phase_qp_to_cfg
meMatrix, &
rows, &
!print *, i,j,k,l,">",Isomo,Jsomo,">",rows, cols,">",rowsmax,colsmax
!call printMatrix(meMatrix,rows,cols)
! i -> j
do ri = 1,rows
do ci = 1,cols
@ -443,13 +776,14 @@ end subroutine get_phase_qp_to_cfg
end do
! Type
! 3. SOMO -> VMO
!print *,"Doing SOMO -> VMO"
do i = 2, NSOMOMax, 2
Isomo = ISHFT(1_8,i)-1
do j = i,i, 2
Jsomo = ISHFT(1_8,j)-1
if(j .GT. NSOMOMax .OR. j .LE. 0) cycle
do k = 1,i
do l = 1,i
do k = 1,i+1
do l = 1,i+1
if(k .NE. l) then
Isomo = ISHFT(1_8,i+1)-1
Isomo = IBCLR(Isomo,l-1)
@ -460,6 +794,10 @@ end subroutine get_phase_qp_to_cfg
Jsomo = ISHFT(1_8,j)-1
!print *,"k,l=",k,l
!call debug_spindet(Jsomo,1)
!call debug_spindet(Isomo,1)
AIJpqContainer(i,j,3,k,l,:,:) = 0.0d0
call getApqIJMatrixDims(Isomo, &
Jsomo, &
@ -481,6 +819,8 @@ end subroutine get_phase_qp_to_cfg
meMatrix, &
rows, &
!call printMatrix(meMatrix,rows,cols)
!print *, i,j,k,l,">",Isomo,Jsomo,">",rows, cols,">",rowsmax,colsmax
! i -> j
do ri = 1,rows
do ci = 1,cols
@ -494,18 +834,20 @@ end subroutine get_phase_qp_to_cfg
end do
! Type
! 4. DOMO -> SOMO
!print *,"Doing DOMO -> SOMO"
AIJpqContainer(0,0,4,1,1,1,1) = 1.0d0
do i = 2, NSOMOMax, 2
Isomo = ISHFT(1_8,i)-1
do j = i,i, 2
Jsomo = ISHFT(1_8,i)-1
if(j .GT. NSOMOMax .OR. j .LE. 0) cycle
do k = 1,i
do l = 1,i
do k = 1,i+1
do l = 1,i+1
if(k .NE. l) then
Isomo = ISHFT(1_8,i+1)-1
Isomo = IBCLR(Isomo,k-1)
Jsomo = ISHFT(1_8,j+1)-1
Jsomo = IBCLR(Jsomo,l+1-1)
Jsomo = IBCLR(Jsomo,l-1)
Isomo = ISHFT(1_8,i)-1
Jsomo = ISHFT(1_8,j)-1
@ -533,6 +875,8 @@ end subroutine get_phase_qp_to_cfg
meMatrix, &
rows, &
!call printMatrix(meMatrix,rows,cols)
!print *, i,j,k,l,">",Isomo,Jsomo,">",rows, cols,">",rowsmax,colsmax
! i -> j
do ri = 1,rows
do ci = 1,cols
@ -545,94 +889,3 @@ end subroutine get_phase_qp_to_cfg
end do
end do
BEGIN_PROVIDER [ real*8, DetToCSFTransformationMatrix, (0:NSOMOMax,NBFMax,maxDetDimPerBF)]
&BEGIN_PROVIDER [ real*8, psi_coef_config, (n_CSF)]
&BEGIN_PROVIDER [ integer, psi_config_data, (N_configuration,2)]
use cfunctions
use bitmasks
implicit none
! Documentation for DetToCSFTransformationMatrix
! Provides the matrix of transformatons for the
! conversion between determinant to CSF basis (in BFs)
integer(bit_kind) :: mask(N_int), Ialpha(N_int),Ibeta(N_int)
integer :: rows, cols, i, j, k
integer :: startdet, enddet
integer*8 MS, Isomo, Idomo
integer ndetI
integer :: getNSOMO
real*8,dimension(:,:),allocatable :: tempBuffer
real*8,dimension(:),allocatable :: tempCoeff
real*8 :: norm_det1, phasedet
norm_det1 = 0.d0
MS = elec_alpha_num - elec_beta_num
! initialization
psi_coef_config = 0.d0
DetToCSFTransformationMatrix(0,:,:) = 1.d0
do i = 2-iand(elec_alpha_num-elec_beta_num,1), NSOMOMax,2
Isomo = IBSET(0_8, i) - 1_8
! rows = Ncsfs
! cols = Ndets
bfIcfg = max(1,nint((binom(i,(i+1)/2)-binom(i,((i+1)/2)+1))))
ndetI = max(1,nint((binom(i,(i+1)/2))))
call getCSFtoDETTransformationMatrix(Isomo, MS, NBFMax, maxDetDimPerBF, tempBuffer)
DetToCSFTransformationMatrix(i,1:bfIcfg,1:ndetI) = tempBuffer(1:bfIcfg,1:ndetI)
integer s, bfIcfg
integer countcsf
countcsf = 0
integer countdet
countdet = 0
integer idx
integer istate
istate = 1
phasedet = 1.0d0
do i = 1,N_configuration
startdet = psi_configuration_to_psi_det(1,i)
enddet = psi_configuration_to_psi_det(2,i)
ndetI = enddet-startdet+1
countdet = 1
do j = startdet, enddet
idx = psi_configuration_to_psi_det_data(j)
Ialpha(:) = psi_det(:,1,idx)
Ibeta(:) = psi_det(:,2,idx)
call get_phase_qp_to_cfg(Ialpha, Ibeta, phasedet)
tempCoeff(countdet) = psi_coef(idx, istate)*phasedet
norm_det1 += tempCoeff(countdet)*tempCoeff(countdet)
countdet += 1
s = 0
do k=1,N_int
if (psi_configuration(k,1,i) == 0_bit_kind) cycle
s = s + popcnt(psi_configuration(k,1,i))
bfIcfg = max(1,nint((binom(s,(s+1)/2)-binom(s,((s+1)/2)+1))))
! perhaps blocking with CFGs of same seniority
! can be more efficient
tempBuffer = DetToCSFTransformationMatrix(s,:bfIcfg,:ndetI)
call dgemm('N','N', bfIcfg, 1, ndetI, 1.d0, tempBuffer, size(tempBuffer,1), tempCoeff, size(tempCoeff,1), 0.d0, psi_coef_config(countcsf+1), size(psi_coef_config,1))
!call dgemv('N', NBFMax, maxDetDimPerBF, 1.d0, tempBuffer, size(tempBuffer,1), tempCoeff, 1, 0.d0, psi_coef_config(countcsf), 1)
psi_config_data(i,1) = countcsf + 1
countcsf += bfIcfg
psi_config_data(i,2) = countcsf

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@ -22,7 +22,8 @@ struct bin_tree {
int NBF;
#include "/export/apps/pgi/linux86-64/18.10/include/cblas.h"
//#include "/export/apps/pgi/linux86-64/18.10/include/cblas.h"
#include "cblas.h"
#define MAX_SOMO 32