1) You know how to create an |EZFIO| file and run calculations with |QP| (check the tuto: `<https://quantumpackage.github.io/qp2/post/hartree-fock/>`_),
2) You have an |EZFIO| file with MOs created (with the :ref:`scf` executable for instance). As we are going to print out some integrals, don't take a too large system/basis (Ex: H2, cc-pVDZ is ok :)
3) You made an qp set_file YOUR_EZFIO_FILE_FOR_H2 in order to work on that ezfio folder.
4) You have READ the :file:`qp2/plugins/README.rst` file to HAVE THE **VOCABULARY**.
Now that we have specified the various depenencies we need now to INSTALL the plugin, which means to create the equivalent of a Makefile for the compilation.
Also, if you make "ls" in the "plugin_I" you will notice that many symbolink links have been created, and among which the four modules that you included in the NEED file.
We will now create a program that will print out the one-electron integrals on the AO and MO basis.
You can then copy the file :file:`qp2/plugins/tuto_plugins/tuto_I/print_one_e_h.irp.f` in your plugin.
In this file you will see that we simply browse the two arrays :data:`ao_one_e_integrals` and :data:`mo_one_e_integrals`, which are the providers and we browse them until either :data:`ao_num` or :data:`mo_num` which are also providers representing the number of AOs or MOs.
You can check these variables with :command:`irpman` !
If you recompile using |ninja| as before, and another executable has been created "print_one_e_h".
1- :c:func:`get_ao_two_e_integral` for the AO basis
2- :c:func:`get_two_e_integral` for the MO basis
check them with irpman !
To print the two-electron integrals, you can copy the file :file:`qp2/plugins/tuto_plugins/tuto_I/print_two_e_h.irp.f` in your plugin and recompile with |ninja|.
Just copy the :file:`qp2/plugins/tuto_plugins/tuto_I/traces_one_e.irp.f` in your plugin and recompile.
Once it has compiled, check your new providers with :command:`irpman` !
As explained in the files :file:`qp2/plugins/tuto_plugins/tuto_I/traces_one_e.irp.f` and :file:`qp2/plugins/tuto_plugins/tuto_I/print_traces_on_e.irp.f`, :c:data:`trace_mo_one_e_ints` is equal to :c:data:`trace_ao_one_e_ints` only if the number of AO basis functions is equal to the number of MO basis functions, which means if you work with cartesian functions.
You can check with :command:`qp create_ezfio -h` for the option to create an |EZFIO| with cartesian basis functions
In the file :file:`qp2/plugins/tuto_plugins/tuto_I/print_traces_on_e.irp.f` you will find an example of executable that prints out the various providers.