* In an **external plugin** named **fancy_functionals**, you create *e_c_new_fancy_func* for the energy and *pot_ao_alpha_new_func* for the alpha potential.
* If you want to be able to use the |DFT| programs already available in the |QP|, these *providers* must use the providers for the density defined in :ref:`module_density_for_dft` and :ref:`module_dft_utils_in_r`.
2. Add the name of your **external plugin** to the :file:`NEED` in order to link your new providers to **new_functionals**
3. Change the file :file:`e_xc_new_func.irp.f` and :file:`pot_xc_new_func.irp.f` to set the value of your new providers to the providers defined in **new_functionals**
5. When you want to execute a program with your new functional, just set the options :option:`dft_keywords exchange_functional` and :option:`dft_keywords correlation_functional` to "my_functional".