mirror of https://gitlab.com/scemama/qmcchem.git synced 2024-06-28 16:12:05 +02:00

4.9 KiB

Asynchronous DMC

Main program


include '../types.F'

integer          :: iter
integer          :: k_full  ! Index of walkers in elec_coord_full
integer          :: k_new   ! Index of walkers in elec_coord_new
integer          :: iw      ! Number of copies in branching
integer          :: l

double precision :: w, E_out, w_sum

double precision, allocatable :: elec_coord_new(:,:,:)

double precision, external :: qmc_ranf                                                  


Main flow

  • Fetch walk_num electron coordinates in elec_coord_full
  • For each set of coordinates,

    • Make a PDMC trajectory, and output the weight w
    • Perform branching depending on the value of the weight
    • Store the new sets of coordinates in elec_coord_new
  • When elec_coord_new is full, send it to the server
program admc
call run
call ezfio_finish
end program admc

subroutine run
implicit none


! Initialization
if (vmc_algo /= t_Brownian) then
   call abrt(irp_here,'DMC should run with Brownian algorithm')

do iter=1,2
   call read_coords()
   k_new = 1
   do while (k_new < walk_num)
      call pdmc_trajectory(k_full, w, E_out, w_sum)
      write(*,*) 'E', E_out, w_sum
      k_full = k_full+1
      if (k_full > walk_num) k_full = 1

   end do

   elec_coord_full(1:elec_num+1,1:3,1:walk_num) = &

   call write_coords()
end do

end subroutine run



! Find number of copies
iw = int(w)
w = w - int(w)
if (qmc_ranf() < w) then
 iw = iw+1
end if

! Duplicate walker
do l=1,iw
elec_coord_new(1:elec_num+1,1:3,k_new) = &
k_new = k_new+1
if (k_new > walk_num) exit
end do

Read/write coordinates


Fetch a new set of coordinates for walk_num walkers from the pool of coordinates.

subroutine read_coords()
implicit none

integer :: i, k

do k=1,walk_num
  do i=1,elec_num
     read(*,*) elec_coord_full(i,1:3,k)
  end do
end do

SOFT_TOUCH elec_coord_full
end subroutine read_coords


Send the current set of coordinates for walk_num walkers to the pool of coordinates.

subroutine write_coords()
implicit none

integer :: i, k

do k=1,walk_num
  do i=1,elec_num
     write(*,*) 'C', elec_coord_full(i,1:3,k)
  end do
end do

end subroutine write_coords

PDMC trajectory

Computes a PDMC trajectory until the weight w is $1/2 < w < 3/2$. The energy of the trajectory is computed as \[ E = \frac{\sum_i w_i E(R_i)}{\sum_i w_i} \]

The function returns:

  • pdmc_weight: the last of all $w_i$
  • E_out: The average energy $E$ of the trajectory
  • w_sum: The sum of the weights
integer          :: i,j,l
double precision :: delta

! If true, continue to make more steps
logical :: loop

! Brownian step variables
double precision               :: p,q
real                           :: delta_x
logical                        :: accepted

! Local energies from the past
double precision :: E_loc_save(4)
subroutine pdmc_trajectory(k_full, pdmc_weight, E_out, w_sum)
implicit none

integer, intent(in) :: k_full
double precision, intent(out) :: pdmc_weight, E_out, w_sum


elec_coord(1:elec_num+1,1:3) = elec_coord_full(1:elec_num+1,1:3,k_full)
TOUCH elec_coord

E_out = 0.d0
w_sum = 0.d0

E_loc_save(1:4) = E_loc

pdmc_weight = 1.d0
loop = .True.

do while (loop)

  call brownian_step(p,q,accepted,delta_x)

  delta = (9.d0*E_loc+19.d0*E_loc_save(1)-5.d0*E_loc_save(2)+E_loc_save(3))/24.d0
  delta = (delta - E_ref)*p

  if (delta >= 0.d0) then
    pdmc_weight = dexp(-dtime_step*delta)
    pdmc_weight = 2.d0-dexp(dtime_step*delta)
  elec_coord(elec_num+1,1) += p*time_step
  elec_coord(elec_num+1,2)  = E_loc
  elec_coord(elec_num+1,3)  = pdmc_weight

  w_sum = w_sum + pdmc_weight
  E_out = E_out + pdmc_weight * E_loc

  loop = pdmc_weight > 0.5d0 .or. pdmc_weight < 1.5d0
end do

elec_coord_full(1:elec_num+1,1:3,k_full) = elec_coord(1:elec_num+1,1:3)
SOFT_TOUCH elec_coord_full

end subroutine pdmc_trajectory