open Core.Std (** Directory containing the list of input files. The directory is created is inexistant. *) let input_directory = lazy ( let ezfio_filename = Lazy.force Qputils.ezfio_filename in let dirname = Filename.concat ezfio_filename "input" in begin match ( Sys.is_directory dirname ) with | `No -> Unix.mkdir dirname | _ -> () end ; dirname ) (** List of files responsible for the MD5 key of the input *) let files_to_track = [ "ao_basis/ao_coef.gz" ; "ao_basis/ao_expo.gz" ; "ao_basis/ao_nucl.gz" ; "ao_basis/ao_num" ; "ao_basis/ao_power.gz" ; "ao_basis/ao_prim_num.gz" ; "electrons/elec_alpha_num" ; "electrons/elec_beta_num" ; "electrons/elec_walk_num" ; "jastrow/jast_type" ; "mo_basis/mo_coef.gz" ; "mo_basis/mo_tot_num" ; "nuclei/nucl_charge.gz" ; "nuclei/nucl_coord.gz" ; "nuclei/nucl_fitcusp_radius.gz" ; "nuclei/nucl_num" ; "simulation/ci_threshold" ; "simulation/do_nucl_fitcusp" ; "simulation/jast_a_up_dn" ; "simulation/jast_a_up_up" ; "simulation/jast_b_up_dn" ; "simulation/jast_b_up_up" ; "simulation/jast_core_a1" ; "simulation/jast_core_a2" ; "simulation/jast_core_b1" ; "simulation/jast_core_b2" ; "simulation/jast_een_e_a.gz" ; "simulation/jast_een_e_b.gz" ; "simulation/jast_een_n.gz" ; "simulation/jast_pen.gz" ; "simulation/method" ; "simulation/time_step" ; "simulation/dmc_projection_time" ; "spindeterminants/bit_kind" ; "spindeterminants/n_det" ; "spindeterminants/n_det_alpha" ; "spindeterminants/n_det_beta" ; "spindeterminants/n_int" ; "spindeterminants/n_states" ; "spindeterminants/psi_coef_matrix_columns.gz" ; "spindeterminants/psi_coef_matrix_rows.gz" ; "spindeterminants/psi_coef_matrix_values.gz" ; "spindeterminants/psi_det_alpha.gz" ; "spindeterminants/psi_det_beta.gz" ; "/pseudo/do_pseudo" ; "/pseudo/mo_pseudo_grid.gz" ; "/pseudo/pseudo_dz_kl.gz"; "/pseudo/pseudo_klocmax" ; "/pseudo/pseudo_n_k.gz" ; "/pseudo/pseudo_v_kl.gz" ; "/pseudo/pseudo_grid_rmax" ; "/pseudo/pseudo_kmax" ; "/pseudo/pseudo_n_kl.gz" ; "/pseudo/pseudo_dz_k.gz" ; "/pseudo/pseudo_grid_size" ; "/pseudo/pseudo_v_k.gz" ; ] (** Get an MD5 ke from the content of a file. *) let hash_file filename = match Sys.is_file filename with | `Yes -> begin In_channel.with_file filename ~f:(fun ic -> Cryptokit.hash_channel (Cryptokit.Hash.md5 ()) ic |> Cryptokit.transform_string (Cryptokit.Hexa.encode ()) ) end | _ -> "" (** Cache containing the current value of the MD5 hash. *) let _hash = ref None (** Get the hash correcponding to the EZFIO file. *) let hash () = let compute_hash () = let ezfio_filename = Lazy.force Qputils.ezfio_filename in let old_md5 = if Ezfio.has_simulation_md5_key () then Ezfio.get_simulation_md5_key () else "" in let md5_string = files_to_track |> ~f:(fun x -> Printf.sprintf "%s/%s" ezfio_filename x) |> ~f:hash_file |> String.concat in let new_md5 = md5_string |> Cryptokit.hash_string (Cryptokit.Hash.md5 ()) |> Cryptokit.transform_string (Cryptokit.Hexa.encode ()) in if (new_md5 <> old_md5) then begin Printf.eprintf "Info : MD5 key changed\n %s\n-> %s\n%!" old_md5 new_md5 ; Ezfio.set_simulation_md5_key new_md5 end ; new_md5 in match (!_hash) with | Some key -> key | None -> begin let key = compute_hash () in _hash := Some key ; key end (** Reset the cache of the MD5 hash. *) let reset_hash () = _hash := None; ignore (hash ())