open Core.Std open Qptypes open Qputils module Pseudo: sig type t = bool val doc : string val read : unit -> t val to_bool : t -> bool val of_bool : bool -> t val to_int : t -> int val of_int : int -> t val to_string : t -> string val of_string : string -> t end = struct type t = bool let doc = "Compute pseudo-potentials" let of_bool x = x let to_bool x = x let read () = let _ = Lazy.force Qputils.ezfio_filename in if (not (Ezfio.has_pseudo_do_pseudo ())) then Ezfio.set_pseudo_do_pseudo false; Ezfio.get_pseudo_do_pseudo () |> of_bool let to_string t = to_bool t |> Bool.to_string let of_string t = try String.lowercase t |> Bool.of_string |> of_bool with | Invalid_argument msg -> failwith msg let to_int t = let t = to_bool t in if t then 1 else 0 let of_int = function | 0 -> false | 1 -> true | _ -> failwith "Expected 0 or 1" end module Fitcusp_factor : sig type t = float val doc : string val read : unit -> t val write : t -> unit val to_float : t -> float val of_float : float -> t val to_string : t -> string val of_string : string -> t end = struct type t = float let doc = "Correct wave function to verify electron-nucleus cusp condition. Fit is done for r < r_c(f) where r_c(f) = (1s orbital radius) x f. Value of f" let of_float x = if (x < 0.) then failwith "Fitcusp_factor should be >= 0."; if (x > 10.) then failwith "Fitcusp_factor is too large."; x let to_float x = x let read () = ignore @@ Lazy.force Qputils.ezfio_filename ; if (not (Ezfio.has_simulation_nucl_fitcusp_factor ())) then begin let factor = Lazy.force Default.simulation_nucl_fitcusp_factor ; in Ezfio.set_simulation_nucl_fitcusp_factor factor end ; Ezfio.get_simulation_nucl_fitcusp_factor () |> of_float let write t = let _ = Lazy.force Qputils.ezfio_filename in to_float t |> Ezfio.set_simulation_nucl_fitcusp_factor let to_string t = to_float t |> Float.to_string let of_string t = try Float.of_string t |> of_float with | Invalid_argument msg -> failwith msg end module Block_time : sig type t = int val doc : string val read : unit -> t val write : t -> unit val to_int : t -> int val of_int : int -> t val to_string : t -> string val of_string : string -> t val to_float : t -> float val of_float : float-> t end = struct type t = int let doc = "Time (seconds) of a block" let of_int x = if (x < 1) then failwith "Block time should be >=1"; if (x > 36000) then failwith "Block time is too large (<= 36000)"; x let to_int x = x let read () = let _ = Lazy.force Qputils.ezfio_filename in if (not (Ezfio.has_simulation_block_time ())) then Lazy.force Default.simulation_block_time |> Ezfio.set_simulation_block_time ; Ezfio.get_simulation_block_time () |> of_int let write t = let _ = Lazy.force Qputils.ezfio_filename in to_int t |> Ezfio.set_simulation_block_time let to_string t = to_int t |> Int.to_string let of_string t = Int.of_string t |> of_int let to_float t = to_int t |> Float.of_int let of_float t = Int.of_float t |> of_int end module Walk_num : sig type t = int val doc : string val read : unit -> t val write : t -> unit val to_int : t -> int val of_int : int -> t val to_string : t -> string val of_string : string -> t end = struct type t = int let doc = "Number of walkers per CPU core" let of_int x = if (x < 1) then failwith "Number of walkers should be >=1"; if (x > 100_000) then failwith "Number of walkers is too large (<= 100_000)"; x let to_int x = x let read () = let _ = Lazy.force Qputils.ezfio_filename in if (not (Ezfio.has_electrons_elec_walk_num () )) then Lazy.force Default.electrons_elec_walk_num |> Ezfio.set_electrons_elec_walk_num ; Ezfio.get_electrons_elec_walk_num () |> of_int let write t = let _ = Lazy.force Qputils.ezfio_filename in to_int t |> Ezfio.set_electrons_elec_walk_num let to_string t = to_int t |> Int.to_string let of_string t = Int.of_string t |> of_int end module Walk_num_tot : sig type t = int val doc : string val read : unit -> t val write : t -> unit val to_int : t -> int val of_int : int -> t val to_string : t -> string val of_string : string -> t end = struct type t = int let doc = "Total number of stored walkers for restart" let of_int x = if (x < 2) then failwith "Total number of stored walkers should be > 1"; if (x > 100_000_000) then failwith "Number of walkers to store too large (<= 100.10^6)"; x let to_int x = x let read () = let _ = Lazy.force Qputils.ezfio_filename in if (not (Ezfio.has_electrons_elec_walk_num_tot () )) then Lazy.force Default.electrons_elec_walk_num_tot |> Ezfio.set_electrons_elec_walk_num_tot ; Ezfio.get_electrons_elec_walk_num_tot () |> of_int let write t = let _ = Lazy.force Qputils.ezfio_filename in to_int t |> Ezfio.set_electrons_elec_walk_num_tot let to_string t = to_int t |> Int.to_string let of_string t = Int.of_string t |> of_int end module Stop_time : sig type t = int val read : unit -> t val doc : string val write : t -> unit val to_int : t -> int val of_int : int -> t val to_float : t -> float val of_float : float -> t val to_string : t -> string val of_string : string -> t end = struct type t = int let doc = "Requested simulation time (seconds)" let of_int x = if (x < 1) then failwith "Simulation time too short (>=1 s)"; x let to_int x = x let read () = let _ = Lazy.force Qputils.ezfio_filename in if (not (Ezfio.has_simulation_stop_time ())) then Lazy.force Default.simulation_stop_time |> Ezfio.set_simulation_stop_time ; Ezfio.get_simulation_stop_time () |> of_int let write t = let _ = Lazy.force Qputils.ezfio_filename in to_int t |> Ezfio.set_simulation_stop_time let to_string t = to_int t |> Int.to_string let of_string t = Int.of_string t |> of_int let to_float t = to_int t |> Float.of_int let of_float t = Int.of_float t |> of_int end module Method : sig type t = VMC | DMC | SRMC | FKMC | PDMC val doc : string val read : unit -> t val write : t -> unit val to_string : t -> string val of_string : string -> t end = struct type t = VMC | DMC | SRMC | FKMC | PDMC let doc = "QMC Method : [ VMC | DMC | SRMC | FKMC | PDMC ]" let of_string = function | "VMC" | "vmc" -> VMC | "DMC" | "dmc" -> DMC | "SRMC" | "srmc" -> SRMC | "PDMC" | "pdmc" -> PDMC | "FKMC" | "fkmc" -> FKMC | x -> failwith ("Method should be [ VMC | DMC | SRMC | FKMC | PDMC ], not "^x^".") let to_string = function | VMC -> "VMC" | DMC -> "DMC" | SRMC -> "SRMC" | PDMC -> "PDMC" | FKMC -> "FKMC" let read () = let _ = Lazy.force Qputils.ezfio_filename in if (not (Ezfio.has_simulation_method ())) then Lazy.force Default.simulation_method |> Ezfio.set_simulation_method ; Ezfio.get_simulation_method () |> of_string let write t = let _ = Lazy.force Qputils.ezfio_filename in to_string t |> Ezfio.set_simulation_method end module Sampling : sig type t = Brownian | Langevin val doc : string val read : unit -> t val write : t -> unit val to_string : t -> string val of_string : string -> t end = struct type t = Brownian | Langevin let doc = "Sampling algorithm : [ Langevin | Brownian ]" let of_string s = match String.capitalize (String.strip s) with | "Langevin" -> Langevin | "Brownian" -> Brownian | x -> failwith ("Sampling should be [ Brownian | Langevin ], not "^x^".") let to_string = function | Langevin -> "Langevin" | Brownian -> "Brownian" let read () = let _ = Lazy.force Qputils.ezfio_filename in if (not (Ezfio.has_simulation_sampling ())) then Lazy.force Default.simulation_sampling |> Ezfio.set_simulation_sampling ; Ezfio.get_simulation_sampling () |> of_string let write t = let _ = Lazy.force Qputils.ezfio_filename in to_string t |> Ezfio.set_simulation_sampling end module Trial_wf_energy : sig type t = float val doc : string val read : unit -> t val write : t -> unit val to_float : t -> float val of_float : float -> t val to_string : t -> string val of_string : string -> t end = struct type t = float let doc = "Energy of the trial wave function (au)" let of_float x = if (x > 0.) then failwith "Reference energy should not be positive."; if (x <= -1_000_000.) then failwith "Reference energy is too low."; x let to_float x = x let read () = let _ = Lazy.force Qputils.ezfio_filename in if (not (Ezfio.has_simulation_e_trial ())) then to_float 0. |> Ezfio.set_simulation_e_trial; Ezfio.get_simulation_e_trial () |> of_float let write t = let _ = Lazy.force Qputils.ezfio_filename in to_float t |> Ezfio.set_simulation_e_trial let of_string x = Float.of_string x |> of_float let to_string x = to_float x |> Float.to_string end module Ref_energy : sig type t = float val doc : string val read : unit -> t val write : t -> unit val to_float : t -> float val of_float : float -> t val to_string : t -> string val of_string : string -> t end = struct type t = float let doc = "Fixed reference energy to normalize DMC weights (au)" let of_float x = if (x > 0.) then failwith "Reference energy should not be positive."; if (x <= -1_000_000.) then failwith "Reference energy is too low."; x let to_float x = x let read () = let _ = Lazy.force Qputils.ezfio_filename in if (not (Ezfio.has_simulation_e_ref ())) then to_float 0. |> Ezfio.set_simulation_e_ref; Ezfio.get_simulation_e_ref () |> of_float let write t = let _ = Lazy.force Qputils.ezfio_filename in to_float t |> Ezfio.set_simulation_e_ref let of_string x = Float.of_string x |> of_float let to_string x = to_float x |> Float.to_string end module CI_threshold : sig type t = float val doc : string val read : unit -> t val write : t -> unit val to_float : t -> float val of_float : float -> t val to_string : t -> string val of_string : string -> t end = struct type t = float let doc = "Truncation t of the wave function : Remove determinants with a contribution to the norm less than t (au)" let of_float x = if (x >= 1.) then failwith "Truncation of the wave function should be < 1."; if (x < 0.) then failwith "Truncation of the wave function should be positive."; x let to_float x = x let read () = let _ = Lazy.force Qputils.ezfio_filename in if (not (Ezfio.has_simulation_ci_threshold ())) then Lazy.force Default.simulation_ci_threshold |> Ezfio.set_simulation_ci_threshold ; Ezfio.get_simulation_ci_threshold () |> of_float let write t = let _ = Lazy.force Qputils.ezfio_filename in to_float t |> Ezfio.set_simulation_ci_threshold let of_string x = Float.of_string x |> of_float let to_string x = to_float x |> Float.to_string end module SRMC_projection_time : sig type t = float val doc : string val read : unit -> t val write : t -> unit val to_float : t -> float val of_float : float -> t val to_string : t -> string val of_string : string -> t end = struct type t = float let doc = "SRMC projection time (au)" let of_float x = if (x >= 100.) then failwith "SRMC Projection time should be < 100."; if (x <= 0.) then failwith "SRMC Projection time should be positive."; x let to_float x = x let read () = let _ = Lazy.force Qputils.ezfio_filename in if (not (Ezfio.has_simulation_srmc_projection_time())) then Lazy.force Default.simulation_srmc_projection_time |> Ezfio.set_simulation_srmc_projection_time ; Ezfio.get_simulation_srmc_projection_time () |> of_float let write t = let _ = Lazy.force Qputils.ezfio_filename in to_float t |> Ezfio.set_simulation_srmc_projection_time let of_string x = Float.of_string x |> of_float let to_string x = to_float x |> Float.to_string end module Time_step : sig type t = float val doc : string val read : unit -> t val write : t -> unit val to_float : t -> float val of_float : float -> t val to_string : t -> string val of_string : string -> t end = struct type t = float let doc = "Simulation time step (au)" let of_float x = if (x >= 10.) then failwith "Time step should be < 10."; if (x <= 0.) then failwith "Time step should be positive."; x let to_float x = x let read () = let _ = Lazy.force Qputils.ezfio_filename in if (not (Ezfio.has_simulation_time_step ())) then Lazy.force Default.simulation_time_step |> Ezfio.set_simulation_time_step ; Ezfio.get_simulation_time_step () |> of_float let write t = let _ = Lazy.force Qputils.ezfio_filename in to_float t |> Ezfio.set_simulation_time_step let of_string x = Float.of_string x |> of_float let to_string x = to_float x |> Float.to_string end module Jastrow_type : sig type t = None | Core | Simple val doc : string val read : unit -> t val write : t -> unit val to_string : t -> string val of_string : string -> t end = struct type t = None | Core | Simple let doc = "Type of Jastrow factor [ None | Core | Simple ]" let of_string s = match String.capitalize (String.strip s) with | "Core" -> Core | "Simple" -> Simple | "None" -> None | _ -> failwith "Jastrow type should be [ None | Core | Simple ]" let to_string = function | Core -> "Core" | Simple -> "Simple" | None -> "None" let read () = let _ = Lazy.force Qputils.ezfio_filename in if (not (Ezfio.has_jastrow_jast_type ())) then Lazy.force Default.jastrow_jast_type |> Ezfio.set_jastrow_jast_type ; Ezfio.get_jastrow_jast_type (); |> of_string let write t = let _ = Lazy.force Qputils.ezfio_filename in let () = match ( () |> Pseudo.to_bool, t) with | (false, _) | (true , None) -> () | _ -> failwith "Jastrow and Pseudopotentials are incompatible for now" in to_string t |> Ezfio.set_jastrow_jast_type end module Properties: sig type t = (Property.t * bool) list val doc : string val read : unit -> t val write : t -> unit val to_string : t -> string val of_string : string -> t end = struct type t = (Property.t * bool) list let doc = "Properties to sample. (X) is true and ( ) is false" let read () = Property.all ~f:(fun x -> (x, Property.calc x)) let write l = List.iter l ~f:(fun (x,b) -> Property.set_calc x b) let to_string l = l ~f:(fun (x,b) -> let ch = if b then "X" else " " in Printf.sprintf "(%s) %s" ch (Property.to_string x)) |> String.concat ~sep:"\n" let of_string s = String.split s ~on:'\n' |> ~f:(fun x -> let (calc,prop) = String.strip x |> String.rsplit2_exn ~on:' ' in let prop = String.strip prop |> Property.of_string and calc = match calc with | "(X)" -> true | "( )" -> false | _ -> failwith " (X) or ( ) expected" in (prop, calc) ) end (** Check if everything is correct in the input file. *) let validate () = let _ = Lazy.force Qputils.ezfio_filename in (* Check if walkers are present *) if (not (Ezfio.has_electrons_elec_coord_pool ())) then Printf.printf "Warning: No initial walkers\n"; let meth = () and sampling = () and ts = () and jast_type = () and do_pseudo = () in (* Check sampling and time steps *) let () = match (sampling, meth, Pseudo.to_bool do_pseudo) with | (Sampling.Brownian, Method.VMC, _) -> if ( (Time_step.to_float ts) >= 10. ) then warn "Time step seems large for VMC." | (Sampling.Langevin, Method.VMC, _) -> if ( (Time_step.to_float ts) <= 0.01 ) then warn "Time step seems small for Langevin sampling." | (Sampling.Brownian, _, true) -> if ( (Time_step.to_float ts) >= 0.5 ) then warn ( "Time step seems large for "^(Method.to_string meth) ) | (Sampling.Brownian, _, false) -> if ( (Time_step.to_float ts) >= 0.01 ) then warn ( "Time step seems large for "^(Method.to_string meth) ) | (Sampling.Langevin, _, _) -> failwith "Lanvegin sampling is incompatible with DMC" in (* Check E_ref is not zero *) let () = match (meth, Ref_energy.(read () |> to_float) ) with | (Method.SRMC,0.) | (Method.PDMC,0.) | (Method.FKMC,0.) | (Method.DMC,0.) -> failwith ("E_ref should not be zero in "^(Method.to_string meth) ) | _ -> () in (* Set block and total time*) let () = if ( ( ()) > ()) then failwith "Block time is longer than total time" in (* Check if E_loc if computed *) let () = match (meth, Property.(calc E_loc)) with | (Method.SRMC, false) | (Method.PDMC, false) | (Method.FKMC, false) | (Method.DMC, false) -> failwith ( "E_loc should be sampled in "^(Method.to_string meth) ) | (Method.VMC, false) -> warn "Sampling of E_loc is not activated in input" | _ -> () in (* Pseudo and Jastrow are incompatible *) let () = match (Pseudo.to_bool do_pseudo, jast_type) with | (true, Jastrow_type.Core ) | (true, Jastrow_type.Simple) -> failwith "Jastrow and Pseudopotentials are incompatible" | _ -> () in (* Fitcusp is incompatible with pseudo *) let () = let f = () |> Fitcusp_factor.to_float in match (Pseudo.to_bool do_pseudo, f > 0.) with | (true, true) -> begin warn "Electron-nucleus cusp fitting is incompatible with Pseudopotentials."; Fitcusp_factor.of_float 0. |> Fitcusp_factor.write end | _ -> () in (* Other Checks *) let () = let _ = () and _ = () and _ = () in () in ()