open Qptypes type t = { property : Property.t ; data : Block.t list; } module Average = struct include Sample end module Error = struct include Sample end module Variance = struct include Sample end module Skewness: sig type t val to_float : t -> float val of_float : float -> t val to_string : t -> string end = struct type t = float let to_string = string_of_float let to_float x = x let of_float x = x end module Kurtosis: sig type t val to_float : t -> float val of_float : float -> t val to_string : t -> string end = struct type t = float let to_string = string_of_float let to_float x = x let of_float x = x end module GaussianDist: sig type t val create : mu:Average.t -> sigma2:Variance.t -> t val eval : g:t -> x:float -> float end = struct type t = { mu: Average.t ; sigma2: Variance.t } let create ~mu ~sigma2 = { mu ; sigma2 } let eval ~g ~x = let { mu ; sigma2 } = g in let mu = Average.to_float mu and sigma2 = Variance.to_float sigma2 in let x2 = (x -. mu) *. ( x -. mu) /. sigma2 in let pi = acos (-1.) in let c = 1. /. (sqrt (sigma2 *. (pi +. pi))) in c *. exp ( -0.5 *. x2) end let hashtbl_to_alist table = Hashtbl.fold (fun k v a -> (k,v) :: a) table [] let hashtbl_change table key f = let elt = try Some (Hashtbl.find table key) with | Not_found -> None in let new_elt = f elt in match new_elt with | None -> Hashtbl.remove table key | Some value -> Hashtbl.replace table key value (** Build from raw data. Range values are given in percent. *) let of_raw_data ?(locked=true) ~range property = let data = Block.raw_data ~locked () |> List.filter (fun x -> = property) in let data_in_range rmin rmax = let total_weight = List.fold_left (fun accu x -> (Weight.to_float x.Block.weight) +. accu ) 0. data in let wmin, wmax = rmin *. total_weight *. 0.01, rmax *. total_weight *. 0.01 in let (_, new_data) = List.fold_left (fun (wsum, l) x -> if (wsum > wmax) then (wsum,l) else begin let wsum_new = wsum +. (Weight.to_float x.Block.weight) in if (wsum_new > wmin) then (wsum_new, x::l) else (wsum_new, l) end ) (0.,[]) data in List.rev new_data in let result = match range with | (0.,100.) -> { property ; data } | (rmin,rmax) -> { property ; data=data_in_range rmin rmax } in result (** Compute average *) let average { property ; data } = if Property.is_scalar property then let (num,denom) = List.fold_left (fun (an, ad) x -> let num = (Weight.to_float x.Block.weight) *. (Sample.to_float x.Block.value) and den = (Weight.to_float x.Block.weight) in (an +. num, ad +. den) ) (0., 0.) data in num /. denom |> Average.of_float else let dim = match data with | [] -> 1 | x :: tl -> Sample.dimension x.Block.value in let (num,denom) = List.fold_left (fun (an, ad) x -> let num = (fun y -> (Weight.to_float x.Block.weight) *. y) (Sample.to_float_array x.Block.value) and den = (Weight.to_float x.Block.weight) in ( Array.mapi (fun i y -> y +. num.(i)) an , ad +. den) ) (Array.make dim 0. , 0.) data in let denom_inv = 1. /. denom in (fun x -> x *. denom_inv) num |> Average.of_float_array ~dim (** Compute sum (for CPU/Wall time) *) let sum { property ; data } = List.fold_left (fun accu x -> let num = (Weight.to_float x.Block.weight) *. (Sample.to_float x.Block.value) in accu +. num ) 0. data (** Calculation of the average and error bar *) let ave_error { property ; data } = let rec loop ~sum ~avsq ~ansum ~avsum ~n ?idx = function | [] -> begin if (n > 0.) then ( Average.of_float (sum /. ansum), Some (Error.of_float (sqrt ( abs_float ( avsq /.( ansum *. n)))) )) else ( Average.of_float (sum /. ansum), None) end | (x,w) :: tail -> begin let avcu0 = avsum /. ansum in let xw = x *. w in let ansum, avsum, sum = ansum +. w , avsum +. xw , sum +. xw in loop tail ~sum:sum ~avsq:(avsq +. (1. -. (w /. ansum)) *. (x -. avcu0) *. (x -. avcu0) *. w) ~avsum:avsum ~ansum:ansum ~n:(n +. 1.) end in let ave_error_scalar = function | [] -> (Average.of_float 0., None) | (x,w) :: tail -> loop tail ~sum:(x *. w) ~avsq:0. ~ansum:w ~avsum:(x *. w) ~n:0. in if (Property.is_scalar property) then (fun x -> (Sample.to_float x.Block.value, Weight.to_float x.Block.weight) ) data |> ave_error_scalar else match data with | [] -> (Average.of_float 0., None) | head::tail as list_of_samples -> let dim = head.Block.value |> Sample.dimension in let result = Array.init dim (fun idx -> (fun x -> (Sample.to_float ~idx x.Block.value, Weight.to_float x.Block.weight) ) list_of_samples |> ave_error_scalar ) in ( (fun (x,_) -> Average.to_float x) result |> Average.of_float_array ~dim , if (Array.length result < 2) then None else Some ( (function | (_,Some y) -> Error.to_float y | (_,None) -> 0.) result |> Average.of_float_array ~dim) ) (** Fold function for block values *) let fold_blocks ~f { property ; data } = let init = try let block = List.hd data in Sample.to_float block.Block.value with | Failure _ -> 0. in List.fold_left (fun accu block -> let x = Sample.to_float block.Block.value in f accu x ) init data (** Convergence plot *) let convergence { property ; data } = let rec loop ~sum ~avsq ~ansum ~avsum ~n ~accu = function | [] -> List.rev accu | head :: tail -> begin let x = Sample.to_float head.Block.value and w = Weight.to_float head.Block.weight and avcu0 = avsum /. ansum in let xw = x *. w in let ansum = ansum +. w and avsum = avsum +. xw and sum = sum +. xw in let accu = if (n > 0.) then (sum /. ansum, sqrt ( abs_float ( avsq /.( ansum *. n))))::accu else (sum /. ansum, 0.)::accu in loop tail ~sum:sum ~avsq:(avsq +. (1. -. (w /. ansum)) *. (x -. avcu0) *. (x -. avcu0) *. w) ~avsum:avsum ~ansum:ansum ~n:(n +. 1.) ~accu:accu end in match data with | [] -> [] | head :: tail -> begin let x = Sample.to_float head.Block.value and w = Weight.to_float head.Block.weight in let s = x *. w in loop tail ~sum:s ~avsq:0. ~ansum:w ~avsum:s ~n:0. ~accu:[ (s /. w, 0.) ] end let rev_convergence { property ; data } = let p = { property=property ; data = List.rev data } in convergence p |> List.rev (** Min and max of block *) let min_block = fold_blocks ~f:(fun accu x -> if (x < accu) then x else accu ) let max_block = fold_blocks ~f:(fun accu x -> if (x > accu) then x else accu ) (** Create a hash table for merging *) let create_hash ~create_key ?(update_block_id=(fun x->x)) ?(update_value=(fun wc vc wb vb sw -> (wc *. vc +. wb *. vb) /. sw) ) ?(update_weight=(fun wc wb -> wc +. wb) ) t = let table = Hashtbl.create 63 in List.iter (fun block -> let key = create_key block in let open Block in hashtbl_change table key (function | Some current -> let wc, wb = Weight.to_float current.weight, Weight.to_float block.weight in let sw = update_weight wc wb in if (Property.is_scalar then let vc, vb = Sample.to_float current.value, Sample.to_float block.value in Some { property = ; weight = Weight.of_float sw ; value = Sample.of_float (update_value wc vc wb vb sw); block_id = update_block_id block.block_id; pid = ; compute_node = block.compute_node; } else let vc, vb = Sample.to_float_array current.value, Sample.to_float_array block.value and dim = Sample.dimension current.value in Some { property = ; weight = Weight.of_float sw ; value = Array.init dim (fun i -> update_value wc vc.(i) wb vb.(i) sw) |> Sample.of_float_array ~dim ; block_id = update_block_id block.block_id; pid = ; compute_node = block.compute_node; } | None -> Some { property = ; weight = block.weight; value = block.value ; block_id = update_block_id block.block_id; pid = ; compute_node = block.compute_node; } ) ) ; table (** Genergic merge function *) let merge ~create_key ?update_block_id ?update_value ?update_weight t = let table = create_hash ~create_key ?update_block_id ?update_value ?update_weight t in { property = ; data = hashtbl_to_alist table |> List.sort (fun x y -> if (x>y) then 1 else if (x (fun (x,y) -> y) } (** Merge per block id *) let merge_per_block_id = merge ~create_key:(fun block -> Block_id.to_string block.Block.block_id) (** Merge per compute_node *) let merge_per_compute_node = merge ~create_key:(fun block -> Printf.sprintf "%s" (Compute_node.to_string block.Block.compute_node) ) (** Merge per Compute_node and PID *) let merge_per_compute_node_and_pid = merge ~create_key:(fun block -> Printf.sprintf "%s %10.10d" (Compute_node.to_string block.Block.compute_node) ( ) (** Merge per Compute_node and BlockId *) let merge_per_compute_node_and_block_id = merge ~create_key:(fun block -> Printf.sprintf "%s %10.10d" (Compute_node.to_string block.Block.compute_node) (Block_id.to_int block.Block.block_id) ) let error_x_over_y = function | [] -> (Average.of_float 0., None) | (x,_)::[] -> (Average.of_float x , None) | (x,w)::tail -> begin let avcu0 = ref 0. and ansum = ref w and avsum = ref x and avbl = ref (x /. w) and avsq = ref 0. and n = ref 1. in let avcu = ref !avbl in List.iter (fun (x,w) -> avcu0 := !avsum /. !ansum; ansum := !ansum +. w; avsum := !avsum +. x; avbl := x /. w ; if (!ansum <> 0.) then avcu := !avsum /. !ansum else (); avsq := !avsq +. (1. -. w /. !ansum) *. (!avbl -. !avcu0) *. (!avbl -. !avcu0) *. w; n := !n +. 1. ) tail ; let arg = abs_float (!avsq /.(!ansum *. (!n -. 1.))) in let error = sqrt arg in (Average.of_float !avcu, Some (Error.of_float error) ) end (** Create float, variable operators *) let one_variable_operator ~update_value p f = { p with data = (fun b -> { b with Block.value = Sample.of_float (update_value (Sample.to_float b.Block.value) ) } ) } let ( +@ ) p f = one_variable_operator p f ~update_value: (fun x -> x +. f ) let ( *@ ) p f = one_variable_operator p f ~update_value: (fun x -> x *. f ) let ( -@ ) p f = one_variable_operator p f ~update_value: (fun x -> x -. f ) let ( /@ ) p f = one_variable_operator p f ~update_value: (fun x -> x /. f ) (** Create two variable operators *) let two_variable_operator ~update_value p1 p2 = merge ~update_value ~create_key:(fun block -> Printf.sprintf "%s %10.10d %10.10d" (Compute_node.to_string block.Block.compute_node) (Block_id.to_int block.Block.block_id) ( ) ~update_weight:(fun wc wb -> wc ) { property = ; data = List.concat [ ; ] } let ( +! ) = two_variable_operator ~update_value: (fun wc vc wb vb sw -> (vc +. vb) ) let ( *! ) = two_variable_operator ~update_value: (fun wc vc wb vb sw -> (vc *. vb) ) let ( -! ) = two_variable_operator ~update_value: (fun wc vc wb vb sw -> (vc -. vb) ) let ( /! ) = two_variable_operator ~update_value: (fun wc vc wb vb sw -> (vc /. vb) ) (** Merge two consecutive blocks *) let compress = merge ~create_key:(fun block -> Printf.sprintf "%s %10.10d" (Compute_node.to_string block.Block.compute_node) (((Block_id.to_int block.Block.block_id)+1)/2)) ~update_block_id:(fun block_id -> ((Block_id.to_int block_id)+1)/2 |> Block_id.of_int ) (** Last value on each compute node (for wall_time) *) let max_value_per_compute_node t = let table = Hashtbl.create 63 in let create_key block = Printf.sprintf "%s %10.10d" (Compute_node.to_string block.Block.compute_node) ( in List.iter (fun block -> let key = create_key block in let open Block in hashtbl_change table key (function | Some current -> let vc = Sample.to_float current.value and vb = Sample.to_float block.value in if (vc > vb) then Some current else Some block | None -> Some block ) ) ; { property = ; data = hashtbl_to_alist table |> List.sort (fun x y -> if (x>y) then 1 else if (x (fun (x,y) -> y) } (** String representation *) let to_string p = match with | Property.Cpu -> Printf.sprintf "%s" (Time.string_of_sec (sum p)) | Property.Wall -> Printf.sprintf "%s" (Time.string_of_sec (sum (max_value_per_compute_node p))) | Property.Accep -> Printf.sprintf "%16.10f" (average p |> Average.to_float) | _ -> begin if Property.is_scalar then match ave_error p with | (ave, Some error) -> let (ave, error) = Average.to_float ave, Error.to_float error in Printf.sprintf "%16.10f +/- %16.10f" ave error | (ave, None) -> let ave = Average.to_float ave in Printf.sprintf "%16.10f" ave else match ave_error p with | (ave, Some error) -> let idxmax = Average.dimension ave in let rec f accu idx = if (idx < idxmax) then let (ave, error) = Average.to_float ~idx ave, Error.to_float ~idx error in let s = Printf.sprintf "%8d : %16.10f +/- %16.10f ;\n" (idx+1) ave error in f (accu ^ s) (idx+1) else accu in (f "[ \n" 0) ^ " ]" | (ave, None) -> Average.to_float ave |> Printf.sprintf "%16.10f" end (** Compress block files : Merge all the blocks computed on the same host *) let compress_files () = Block._raw_data := None; let properties = Lazy.force in (* Create temporary file *) let dir_name = Block.dir_name in let dir_name = Lazy.force dir_name in let files = Sys.readdir dir_name |> Array.to_list |> List.filter (fun x -> try Str.search_backward (Str.regexp "locked") x (String.length x) >= 0 with | Not_found -> true ) |> (fun x -> dir_name^x) in let out_channel_dir = let rand_num = 1000000 |> string_of_int in let tmp_dir = Filename.concat !Ezfio.ezfio_filename @@ Filename.concat "blocks" "qmc"^rand_num in try Unix.mkdir tmp_dir 0o755; tmp_dir with _ -> let message = Printf.sprintf "Cannot create temp dir %s" tmp_dir in raise (Sys_error message) in let out_channel_name = let hostname = Lazy.force Qmcchem_config.hostname and suffix = Unix.getpid () |> string_of_int in String.concat "." [ hostname ; suffix ] in let block_channel = Filename.concat out_channel_dir out_channel_name |> open_out in List.iter (fun p -> let l = match p with | Property.Cpu | Property.Accep -> of_raw_data ~locked:false ~range:(0.,100.) p |> merge_per_compute_node | Property.Wall -> of_raw_data ~locked:false ~range:(0.,100.) p |> max_value_per_compute_node | _ -> of_raw_data ~locked:false ~range:(0.,100.) p |> merge_per_compute_node_and_block_id in List.iter (fun x -> output_string block_channel (Block.to_string x); output_char block_channel '\n'; ) ) properties ; close_out block_channel; List.iter Unix.unlink files ; Unix.rename (Filename.concat out_channel_dir out_channel_name) (Filename.concat dir_name out_channel_name); Unix.rmdir out_channel_dir (** Autocovariance function (not weighted) *) let autocovariance { property ; data } = let ave = average { property ; data } |> Average.to_float and data = match (merge_per_block_id { property ; data }) with { property ; data } -> Array.of_list data in let x_t = (fun x -> (Sample.to_float x.Block.value) -. ave) data in let f i = let denom = if (i > 1) then (float_of_int i) else 1. in let r = Array.sub x_t 0 i |> Array.fold_left (fun accu x -> accu +. x *. x_t.(i)) 0. in r /. denom in Array.init (Array.length data) f |> Array.to_list (** Computes the first 4 centered cumulants (zero mean) *) let centered_cumulants { property ; data } = let ave = average { property ; data } |> Average.to_float in let centered_data = (fun x -> ( (Weight.to_float x.Block.weight), (Sample.to_float x.Block.value) -. ave ) ) data in let var = let (num, denom) = List.fold_left (fun (a2, ad) (w,x) -> let x2 = x *. x in let var = w *. x2 and den = w in (a2 +. var, ad +. den) ) (0., 0.) centered_data in num /. denom in let centered_data = let sigma_inv = 1. /. (sqrt var) in (fun x -> ( (Weight.to_float x.Block.weight), ( (Sample.to_float x.Block.value) -. ave ) *. sigma_inv ) ) data in let (cum3,cum4) = let (cum3, cum4, denom) = List.fold_left (fun (a3, a4, ad) (w,x) -> let x2 = x *. x in let cum3 = w *. x2 *. x and cum4 = w *. x2 *. x2 and den = w in (a3 +. cum3, a4 +. cum4, ad +. den) ) (0., 0., 0.) centered_data in ( cum3 /. denom, cum4 /. denom -. 3. ) in [| ave ; var ; cum3 ; cum4 |] (** Computes a histogram *) let histogram { property ; data } = let min, max = (min_block { property ; data }), (max_block { property ; data }) in let length = max -. min and n = List.length data |> float_of_int |> sqrt in let delta_x = length /. (n-.1.) and result = Array.init (int_of_float n + 1) (fun _ -> 0.) in List.iter (fun x -> let w = (Weight.to_float x.Block.weight) and x = (Sample.to_float x.Block.value) in let i = (x -. min) /. delta_x +. 0.5 |> int_of_float in result.(i) <- result.(i) +. w ) data ; let norm = 1. /. ( delta_x *. ( Array.fold_left (fun accu x -> accu +. x) 0. result ) ) in Array.mapi (fun i x -> (min +. (float_of_int i)*.delta_x, x *. norm) ) result |> Array.to_list