open Qptypes (** Display a table that can be plotted by gnuplot *) let display_table ~range property = let p = Property.of_string property |> Random_variable.of_raw_data ~range in let conv = Random_variable.convergence p and rconv = Random_variable.rev_convergence p and data = in let results = List.map2 (fun (val1, err1) (val2,err2) -> (val1, err1, val2, err2)) conv rconv in List.iter2 (fun (val1, err1, val2, err2) block -> Printf.printf "%10.6f %10.6f %10.6f %10.6f %10.6f\n" val1 err1 val2 err2 (Sample.to_float block.Block.value) ) results data (** Display a convergence plot of the requested property *) let display_plot ~range property = print_string ("display_plot "^property^".\n") (** Display a convergence table of the error *) let display_err_convergence ~range property = let p = Property.of_string property |> Random_variable.of_raw_data ~range in let rec aux n p = match Random_variable.ave_error p with | (ave, Some error) -> let (ave, error) = Random_variable.Average.to_float ave, Random_variable.Error.to_float error in Printf.printf "%10d %16.10f %16.10f\n" n ave error ; begin if ((3*n) < (List.length then let new_p = Random_variable.compress p in aux (n+n) new_p end | (ave, None) -> () in aux 1 p (** Display the centered cumulants of a property *) let display_cumulants ~range property = let p = Property.of_string property |> Random_variable.of_raw_data ~range in let cum = Random_variable.centered_cumulants p in Printf.printf "Average = %16.10f\n" cum.(0); Printf.printf "Variance = %16.10f\n" cum.(1); Printf.printf "Centered k3 = %16.10f\n" cum.(2); Printf.printf "Centered k4 = %16.10f\n" cum.(3); Printf.printf "\n%!"; let n = 1. /. 12. *. cum.(2) *. cum.(2) +. 1. /. 48. *. cum.(3) *. cum.(3) in Printf.printf "Non-gaussianity = %16.10f\n" n (** Display a table for the autocovariance of the property *) let display_autocovariance ~range property = let p = Property.of_string property |> Random_variable.of_raw_data ~range in Random_variable.autocovariance p |> List.iteri (fun i x -> Printf.printf "%10d %16.10f\n" i x) (** Display a histogram of the property *) let display_histogram ~range property = let p = Property.of_string property |> Random_variable.of_raw_data ~range in let histo = Random_variable.histogram p in let g = Random_variable.GaussianDist.create ~mu:(Random_variable.average p) ~sigma2:((Random_variable.centered_cumulants p).(1) |> Random_variable.Variance.of_float) in let g = Random_variable.GaussianDist.eval ~g in List.iter ( fun (x,y) -> Printf.printf "%16.10f %16.10f %16.10f\n" x y (g ~x)) histo (* and sigma2 = (Random_variable.centered_cumulants p).(1) and pi = acos(-1.) in let one_over_2sigma2 = 1. /. ( 2. *. sigma2 ) and mu = Random_variable.average p and norm = 1. /. (sqrt(sigma2 *. 2.*.pi)) in histo ~f:(fun (x,y) -> let g = norm *. exp(-.((*.(*.one_over_2sigma2)) in (x,y,g) ) |> List.iter ~f:(fun (x,y,g) -> Printf.printf "%16.10f %16.10f %16.10f\n" x y g) *) (** Display a summary of all the cmoputed quantities *) let display_summary ~range = let properties = Lazy.force and print_property property = let p = Random_variable.of_raw_data ~range property in Printf.printf "%20s : %s\n" (Property.to_string property) (Random_variable.to_string p) in List.iter print_property properties ; let cpu = Random_variable.of_raw_data ~range Property.Cpu |> Random_variable.sum and wall = Random_variable.of_raw_data ~range Property.Wall |> Random_variable.max_value_per_compute_node |> Random_variable.sum in let speedup = cpu /. wall in Printf.printf "%20s : %10.2f x\n" "Speedup" speedup let run ?a ?c ?e ?h ?t ?p ?rmin ?rmax ezfio_file = Qputils.set_ezfio_filename ezfio_file; let rmin = match rmin with | None -> 0. | Some x when (float_of_string x < 0.) -> failwith "rmin should be >= 0" | Some x when (float_of_string x > 100.) -> failwith "rmin should be <= 100" | Some x -> float_of_string x and rmax = match rmax with | None -> 100. | Some x when (float_of_string x < 0.) -> failwith "rmax should be >= 0" | Some x when (float_of_string x > 100.) -> failwith "rmax should be <= 100" | Some x -> float_of_string x in let range = (rmin, rmax) in let l = [ (a, display_autocovariance) ; (c, display_cumulants) ; (e, display_err_convergence) ; (h, display_histogram) ; (p, display_plot) ; (t, display_table) ; ] in List.iter (fun (x,func) -> match x with | Some property -> func ~range property | None -> () ) l; if (List.fold_left (fun accu x -> match x with | (None, _) -> accu && true | (Some _,_) -> false ) true l ) then display_summary ~range let () = let open Command_line in begin set_header_doc (Sys.argv.(0) ^ " - QMC=Chem command"); set_description_doc "Displays the results computed in an EZFIO directory."; [ { short='a' ; long="autocovariance" ; opt=Optional ; doc="Display the autcovariance function of the property"; arg=With_arg "" ; }; { short='c' ; long="centered-cumulants" ; opt=Optional ; doc="Print the centered cumulants of a property" ; arg=With_arg ""; }; { short='e' ; long="error" ; opt=Optional ; doc="Display the convergence of the error of the property by merging blocks"; arg=With_arg ""; }; { short='h' ; long="histogram" ; opt=Optional ; doc="Display the histogram of the property blocks" ; arg=With_arg ""; }; { short='p' ; long="plot" ; opt=Optional ; doc="Display a convergence plot for a property"; arg=With_arg ""; }; { short='m' ; long="rmin" ; opt=Optional ; doc="Lower bound of the percentage of the total weight to consider (default 0)" ; arg=With_arg ""; }; { short='n' ; long="rmax" ; opt=Optional ; doc="Upper bound of the percentage of the total weight to consider (default 100)" ; arg=With_arg ""; }; { short='t' ; long="table" ; opt=Optional ; doc="Print a table for the convergence of a property" ; arg=With_arg ""; }; anonymous "EZFIO_DIR" Mandatory "EZFIO directory"; ] |> set_specs ; end; let a = Command_line.get "autocovariance" in let c = Command_line.get "centered-cumulants" in let e = Command_line.get "error" in let h = Command_line.get "histogram" in let t = Command_line.get "table" in let p = Command_line.get "plot" in let rmin = Command_line.get "m" in let rmax = Command_line.get "n" in let ezfio_file = match Command_line.anon_args () with | ezfio_file :: [] -> ezfio_file | _ -> ( () ; failwith "Inconsistent command line") in run ?a ?c ?e ?h ?t ?p ?rmin ?rmax ezfio_file