let run ~t ezfio_filename= Qputils.set_ezfio_filename ezfio_filename; if (not (Ezfio.has_simulation_http_server ())) then failwith "QMC=Chem is not running" ; let zmq_context = Zmq.Context.create () in Printf.printf "Debugging %s\n%!" ezfio_filename; let socket = Zmq.Socket.create zmq_context Zmq.Socket.sub in let address = match (Ezfio.get_simulation_http_server () |> String_ext.rsplit2 ~on:':' ) with | Some (a,p) -> a^":"^( (Int.of_string p)+4 |> Int.to_string ) | None -> failwith "Badly formed address" in Zmq.Socket.connect socket address; Zmq.Socket.subscribe socket ""; if t then begin let re_split = Str.regexp " *: *" in let tot_size = ref (Byte_units.create `Bytes 0.) in while true do let msg = Zmq.Socket.recv socket in let (socket, bytes) = match Str.split re_split msg with | socket :: bytes :: _ -> (socket, Byte_units.create `Bytes (Float.of_string bytes)) | _ -> (print_endline msg ; ("", Byte_units.create `Bytes 0.)) in tot_size := Byte_units.create `Bytes ((Byte_units.bytes !tot_size) +. (Byte_units.bytes bytes)); Printf.printf "%s\n%!" (Byte_units.to_string !tot_size); Time.pause (Time.Span.of_sec 1.) done end else begin while true do let msg = Zmq.Socket.recv socket in Printf.printf "%s\n%!" msg; done end let spec = let open Command.Spec in empty +> flag "t" no_arg ~doc:"Measure the throughput" +> anon ("ezfio_file" %: string) let command = Command.basic_spec ~summary: "Debug ZeroMQ communications" ~readme:(fun () -> "Gets debug information from the Zmq debug sockets.") spec (fun t ezfio_file () -> run t ezfio_file)