#!/usr/bin/env python # # Creates the properties.config file in the EZFIO directory. This is # done by reading all the properties written in the src/PROPERTIES # directory. # import os, sys root = os.environ['QMCCHEM_PATH'] os.chdir(root+'/src/') sys.path.insert(0,'./') from properties import properties # Write file if file has changed # ============================== def write_if_modified(filename,tmp_filename): try: file = open(filename,'r') except IOError: f1 = "" else: f1 = file.read() file.close() file = open(tmp_filename,'r') f2 = file.read() file.close() if f1 != f2: os.rename(tmp_filename,filename) else: os.remove(tmp_filename) # Create the EZFIO file for properties # ==================================== filename = root+'/ezfio_config/properties.config' tmp_filename = filename + '.new' # Write temporary file # -------------------- file = open(tmp_filename,'w') print >>file, 'properties' for p in properties: print >>file, ' %30s logical'%(p[1].ljust(30)) file.close() write_if_modified(filename,tmp_filename) # Create the ${QMCCHEM_PATH}/ocaml/Property.ml file # ================================================= filename = root+'/ocaml/Property.ml' tmp_filename = filename + '.new' properties_qmcvar = properties + map(lambda x: (x[0], x[1]+"_qmcvar", x[2]), properties) file = open(tmp_filename,'w') # type # ---- print >>file, """ (* File generated by ${QMCCHEM_PATH}/scripts/create_properties.py. Do not modify here *) type t = | Cpu | Wall | Accep""" for p in properties_qmcvar: print >>file, "| %s"%(p[1].capitalize()) # calc function # ------------- print >>file, """;; let calc = function | Cpu | Wall | Accep -> true""" for p in properties: if p[1] == "e_loc": tf = "true" else: tf = "false" print >>file, """| %(P)s | %(P)s_qmcvar -> begin if (Ezfio.has_properties_%(p)s ()) then Ezfio.get_properties_%(p)s () else %(true_false)s end """%{'P':p[1].capitalize(), 'p':p[1], 'true_false': tf} # set_calc # -------- print >>file, """;; let u _ = ();; let set_calc = function | Cpu | Wall | Accep -> u""" for p in properties: print >>file, """| %(P)s | %(P)s_qmcvar -> Ezfio.set_properties_%(p)s """%{'P':p[1].capitalize(), 'p':p[1]} # of_string # --------- print >>file, """;; let of_string s = match (String.lowercase_ascii s) with | "cpu" -> Cpu | "wall" -> Wall | "accep" -> Accep""" for p in properties_qmcvar: print >>file, """ | "%(p)s" -> %(P)s"""%{'P':p[1].capitalize(), 'p':p[1]} print >>file, """ | p -> failwith ("unknown property "^p) ;; """ # to_string # --------- print >>file, """ let to_string = function | Cpu -> "Cpu" | Wall -> "Wall" | Accep -> "Accep" """ for p in properties_qmcvar: print >>file, """| %(P)s -> "%(P)s" """%{'P':p[1].capitalize(), 'p':p[1]} print >>file, """;; """ # is_scalar # --------- print >>file, """ let is_scalar = function | Cpu -> true | Wall -> true | Accep -> true """ for p in properties: if p[2] == "": print >>file, """| %(P)s | %(P)s_qmcvar -> true """%{'P':p[1].capitalize()} else: print >>file, """| %(P)s | %(P)s_qmcvar -> false """%{'P':p[1].capitalize()} print >>file, """;; """ # all properties # -------------- print >>file, """ let all = [ Cpu ; Wall ; Accep ; """ for p in properties: print >>file, " %s ;"%(p[1].capitalize()), print >>file, "];;" file.close() write_if_modified(filename,tmp_filename)