open Core type t = | SGE | PBS | SLURM | Batch let to_string = function | SGE -> "SGE" | PBS -> "PBS" | SLURM -> "SLURM" | Batch -> "Batch" let find () = let scheduler = [ "SLURM_NODELIST" ; "PE_HOSTFILE" ; "PBS_NODEFILE" ] |> ~f:(function x -> match (Sys.getenv x) with | Some _ -> x | None -> "" ) |> List.filter ~f:(function x -> x <> "") |> List.hd in let result = match scheduler with | Some "SLURM_NODELIST" -> SLURM | Some "PE_HOSTFILE" -> SGE | Some "PBS_NODEFILE" -> PBS | None -> Batch | Some x -> failwith (Printf.sprintf "Scheduler %s not found" x) in result