open Core type t = | Srun | MPI | Bash let to_string = function | Srun -> "srun" | Bash -> "env" | MPI -> Lazy.force Qmcchem_config.mpirun (** Find the launcher for the current job scheduler *) let find () = let result = match Scheduler.find () with | Scheduler.SLURM -> Srun | Scheduler.Batch | Scheduler.PBS | Scheduler.SGE -> if Lazy.force Qmcchem_config.has_mpirun then MPI else Bash in result (** Create a file contaning the list of nodes and the number of available CPUs *) let create_nodefile () = let launcher = find () in let launcher_command = to_string launcher in let h = Hashtbl.create ~hashable:String.hashable ~size:1000 () in let in_channel = Unix.open_process_in (launcher_command^" hostname -s") in In_channel.input_lines in_channel |> ~f:String.strip |> List.iter ~f:( fun host -> Hashtbl.change h host (function | Some x -> Some (x+1) | None -> Some 1 ) ); match Unix.close_process_in in_channel with | _ -> (); let f = match launcher with | MPI -> fun (node, n) -> Printf.sprintf "%s slots=%d\n" node n | Srun | Bash -> fun (node, n) -> Printf.sprintf "%s %d\n" node n in Hashtbl.to_alist h |> ~f |> String.concat