let full_run ?(start_dataserver=true) ezfio_filename = (* Identify the job scheduler *) let launcher = Launcher.find () and scheduler = Scheduler.find () in Printf.printf "Scheduler : %s\n%!" (Scheduler.to_string scheduler); Printf.printf "Launcher : %s\n%!" (Launcher.to_string launcher ); (* Create the node file *) (* let () = let server_file = Filename.concat ezfio_filename "nodefile" in Out_channel.with_file server_file ~f:(fun out_channel -> Launcher.create_nodefile () |> Out_channel.output_string out_channel ) *) (* Get the configuration of executables *) let qmcchem = Lazy.force Qmcchem_config.qmcchem and qmc = [ Lazy.force Qmcchem_config.qmcchem ; "run" ; "-q" ] in if (start_dataserver) then begin (* Reset socket address in EZFIO *) Ezfio.set_simulation_http_server "tcp://"; (* Start the data server *) let prog, args = qmcchem, [| qmcchem; "run" ; "-d" ; ezfio_filename |] in let pid_dataserver = Watchdog.fork_exec ~prog ~args () in Printf.printf "%7d : %s\n%!" pid_dataserver (String.concat " " (Array.to_list args)) end; (* (* Check if the Zmq Rep socket is open *) let test_open_rep_socket () = let zmq_context = Zmq.Context.create () in let socket = Zmq.Socket.create zmq_context Zmq.Socket.req and address = Ezfio.get_simulation_http_server () in Zmq.Socket.set_receive_timeout socket 100; let reply = try ( Zmq.Socket.connect socket address; Zmq.Socket.send socket (Message.(to_string Test)); Zmq.Socket.recv socket ) with | Unix.Unix_error _ -> begin "Failed" end in Zmq.Socket.set_linger_period socket 1 ; Zmq.Socket.close socket; Zmq.Context.terminate zmq_context; reply = "OK" in (* Wait until the rep socket is open *) let rec count = function | 0 -> false | -1 -> true | n -> if (not (test_open_rep_socket ())) then begin Unix.sleepf 0.5; count (n-1); end else count (-1); in if (not (count 300)) then Watchdog.kill (); *) Unix.sleep 3; (* Start the qmc processes *) let prog, args_list = let launcher = Launcher.(find () |> to_string) in match launcher |> String.split_on_char ' ' |> List.map String.trim |> List.filter (fun x -> x <> "") with | launcher_exe::launcher_flags -> launcher_exe, launcher_exe :: launcher_flags @ qmc @ [ Ezfio.get_simulation_http_server () ; ezfio_filename ] | _ -> failwith "Error in launcher" in let args = Array.of_list args_list in let pid_qmc = try Watchdog.fork_exec ~prog ~args () with | Unix.Unix_error _ -> begin let command = String.concat " " args_list in Printf.printf " ============================================================ Error: Unable to run the following command %s ============================================================ \n%!" command ; Watchdog.kill () end in Printf.printf "%7d : %s\n%!" pid_qmc (String.concat " " args_list); (* Wait for processes to finish *) Watchdog.join () let data_run ezfio_filename = Qmcchem_dataserver.run ezfio_filename ~daemon:false let qmc_run dataserver ezfio_filename = Qmcchem_forwarder.run ezfio_filename dataserver let ssh_run host dataserver ezfio_filename = print_endline ("ssh "^host^" "^ezfio_filename^" "^dataserver) let run a d ?q ?s ezfio_filename = Qputils.set_ezfio_filename ezfio_filename; (* Signal handler to Kill properly all the processes *) let handler s = Printf.printf "QMC=Chem received signal %d... killing\n%!" s; Watchdog.kill (); in List.iter (fun s -> ignore @@ Sys.signal s (Sys.Signal_handle handler)) [ Sys.sigint ; Sys.sigterm ; Sys.sigquit ; ] ; (* Validate input *) Input.validate (); (* Printf.printf "MD5 : %s\n" (Lazy.force Md5.hash) ; *) let runtype = match (a,d,q,s) with | (false,false, None, None) -> `Run | (false,true, None, None) -> `Data | (true,false, None, None) -> `Add | (false,false, Some dataserver, None) -> `Qmc dataserver | (false,false, Some dataserver, Some host) -> `Ssh (host, dataserver) | _ -> failwith "Options (-a|-d|-q [-s]) are mutually exclusive" in let run = match runtype with | `Run -> full_run ~start_dataserver:true | `Data -> data_run | `Add -> full_run ~start_dataserver:false | `Qmc dataserver -> qmc_run dataserver | `Ssh (host,dataserver) -> ssh_run host dataserver in run ezfio_filename let command () = let open Command_line in begin set_header_doc (Sys.argv.(0) ^ " - QMC=Chem command"); set_description_doc "Run a calculation"; [ { short='a' ; long="add" ; opt=Optional ; doc="Add more resources to a running calculation" ; arg=Without_arg ; }; { short='d' ; long="data-server" ; opt=Optional ; doc="Start a dataserver process on the local host" ; arg=Without_arg ; }; { short='q' ; long="local-qmc" ; opt=Optional ; doc="Start a qmc process on the local host attached to the addres given as an argument" ; arg=With_arg "" ; }; { short='s' ; long="remote-qmc" ; opt=Optional ; doc="Start a qmc process on the remote host as an argument" ; arg=With_arg "" ; }; anonymous "EZFIO_DIR" Mandatory "EZFIO directory"; ] |> set_specs end; let a = Command_line.get_bool "add" in let d = Command_line.get_bool "data-server" in let q = Command_line.get "local-qmc" in let s = Command_line.get "remote-qmc" in let ezfio_file = match Command_line.anon_args () with | ezfio_file :: [] -> ezfio_file | _ -> (Command_line.help () ; failwith "Inconsistent command line") in run a d ?q ?s ezfio_file