open Core.Std;; let _list = ref [] ;; let _running = ref false;; let _threads = ref [] ;; (** Kill the current process and all children *) let kill () = let kill pid = Signal.send_i (`Pid pid); Printf.printf "Killed %d\n" (Pid.to_int pid) in List.iter ~f:kill (!_list); exit 1 ;; (** Start watchdog *) let start () = if (!_running) then failwith "Watchdog error: Already running" else begin _running := true; let pause () = Time.Span.of_sec 1. |> Time.pause in let pid_is_running pid = match (Sys.file_exists ("/proc/"^(Pid.to_string pid)^"/stat")) with | `No | `Unknown -> false | `Yes -> true in let f () = while (!_running) do pause () ; (*DEBUG List.iter (!_list) ~f:(fun x -> Printf.printf "%d\n%!" (Pid.to_int x)); *) let continue () = List.fold_left (!_list) ~init:true ~f:( fun accu x -> accu && (pid_is_running x) ) in if ( not (continue ()) ) then kill () done in _threads := ( (Thread.create f) () ) :: (!_threads) end ;; (** Stop watchdog *) let stop () = if (!_running) then _running := false else failwith "Watchdog error: Already stopped" ;; (** Add a PID to tracking *) let add pid = if (not !_running) then start (); _list := pid :: (!_list) ;; (** Remove a PID from tracking *) let del pid = let rec aux accu = function | [] -> accu | a :: rest -> if (a <> pid) then aux (a::accu) rest else aux accu rest in _list := aux [] (!_list); match (!_list) with | [] -> if (!_running) then stop () | _ -> () ;; (** Fork and exec a new process *) let fork_exec ~prog ~args () = let pid = Unix.fork_exec ~prog ~args () in let f () = add pid; let success = match (Unix.waitpid pid) with | Core_kernel.Std.Result.Ok () -> true | Core_kernel.Std.Result.Error (`Exit_non_zero n) -> ( Printf.printf "PID %d exited with code %d\n%!" (Pid.to_int pid) n ; false ) | Core_kernel.Std.Result.Error (`Signal n) -> ( Printf.printf "PID %d killed with signal %d (%s)\n%!" (Pid.to_int pid) (Signal.to_system_int n) (Signal.to_string n) ; false ) in del pid ; if (not success) then kill () in _threads := ( (Thread.create f) () ) :: (!_threads); pid ;; (** Wait for threads to finish *) let join () = (* if (!_running) then stop (); *) List.iter ~f:Thread.join (!_threads); assert (not !_running) ;;