open Core.Std;; let bind_socket ~socket_type ~socket ~address = try ZMQ.Socket.bind socket address with | Unix.Unix_error (_, message, f) -> failwith @@ Printf.sprintf "\n%s\nUnable to bind the forwarder's %s socket :\n %s\n%s" f socket_type address message | other_exception -> raise other_exception let run ezfio_filename dataserver = let dataserver_address, dataserver_port = Substring.create ~pos:6 dataserver |> Substring.to_string |> String.lsplit2_exn ~on:':' and qmc = Lazy.force Qmcchem_config.qmc in (* Go into /dev/shm *) Unix.chdir Qmcchem_config.dev_shm; let tmpdir = ezfio_filename ^ "_" ^ dataserver_port in (* Port of the data server *) let port = (Int.of_string dataserver_port)+10 in (* Build qmc executable command *) let prog, args = qmc, [ qmc ; ezfio_filename ; Printf.sprintf "ipc://%s:%d" Qmcchem_config.dev_shm port ]; in (* Create the temporary directory. If it is possible, then the process is a * master and the forwarder will start. Otherwise, only start a qmc process. *) let () = try Unix.mkdir tmpdir with | Unix.Unix_error _ -> (* TODO : wait until the forwarder has started *) begin Unix.chdir tmpdir; ignore @@ Unix.exec ~prog ~args () end in Unix.chdir tmpdir; (* Now, only one forwarder will execute the following code *) (* Fork a qmc *) ignore @@ Watchdog.fork_exec ~prog ~args (); (* If there are MICs, use them here (TODO) *) (* Fetch input *) let zmq_context = ZMQ.Context.create () in let terminate () = (* Clean up the temp directory *) Unix.chdir Qmcchem_config.dev_shm; let command = Printf.sprintf "rm -rf -- \"%s\" " tmpdir in match Unix.system command with | Ok _ -> () | _ -> print_endline "Unable to remove temporary directory" ; ZMQ.Context.terminate zmq_context ; for i=port to port+4 do let filename = Filename.concat Qmcchem_config.dev_shm (Printf.sprintf ":%d" i) in try Unix.unlink filename with | _ -> () ; done in (* Signal handler to Kill properly all the processes *) let handler s = Printf.printf "Forwarder received the %s signal... killing\n" (Signal.to_string s); terminate (); Watchdog.kill (); in List.iter [ Signal.term ; Signal.quit ; ] ~f:(fun x -> Signal.Expert.handle x handler) ; (* Fetch walkers *) let walk_num = ref 0 and walkers = ref [] in (* Status thread *) let status = ref Status.Running in let start_status_thread = let f () = let pub_socket = ZMQ.Socket.create zmq_context and address = Printf.sprintf "ipc://%s:%d" Qmcchem_config.dev_shm (port+1); in bind_socket "PUB" pub_socket address; let sub_socket = ZMQ.Socket.create zmq_context ZMQ.Socket.sub and address = Printf.sprintf "tcp://%s:%d" dataserver_address (port+1-10) in ZMQ.Socket.connect sub_socket address; ZMQ.Socket.subscribe sub_socket ""; let pollitem = ZMQ.Poll.mask_of [| (sub_socket, ZMQ.Poll.In) ; |] in while (!status <> Status.Stopped) do let polling = ZMQ.Poll.poll ~timeout:1000 pollitem in if (polling.(0) = Some ZMQ.Poll.In) then begin let msg = ZMQ.Socket.recv ~block:false sub_socket in ZMQ.Socket.send pub_socket msg; status := Status.of_string msg; end; done; List.iter ~f:(fun socket -> ZMQ.Socket.set_linger_period socket 1000 ; ZMQ.Socket.close socket) [ sub_socket ; pub_socket ] in Thread.create f in let start_log_thread = let f () = let sub_socket = ZMQ.Socket.create zmq_context ZMQ.Socket.xsub and address = Printf.sprintf "ipc://%s:%d" Qmcchem_config.dev_shm (port+3); in bind_socket "XSUB" sub_socket address; let pub_socket = ZMQ.Socket.create zmq_context ZMQ.Socket.xpub and address = Printf.sprintf "tcp://%s:%d" dataserver_address (port+3-10) in ZMQ.Socket.connect pub_socket address; let pollitem = ZMQ.Poll.mask_of [| (sub_socket, ZMQ.Poll.In) ; (pub_socket, ZMQ.Poll.In) ; |] in (* Main loop *) while (!status <> Status.Stopped) do let polling = ZMQ.Poll.poll ~timeout:1000 pollitem in if (polling.(0) = Some ZMQ.Poll.In) then begin ZMQ.Socket.recv ~block:false sub_socket |> ZMQ.Socket.send pub_socket ; end else if (polling.(1) = Some ZMQ.Poll.In) then begin Printf.printf "Forwarder subscribe\n%!"; ZMQ.Socket.recv ~block:false pub_socket |> ZMQ.Socket.send sub_socket ; end done; List.iter ~f:(fun socket -> ZMQ.Socket.set_linger_period socket 1000 ; ZMQ.Socket.close socket) [ sub_socket ; pub_socket ] in Thread.create f in (* Proxy thread *) let start_proxy_thread = let f () = let req_socket = ZMQ.Socket.create zmq_context ZMQ.Socket.req in ZMQ.Socket.connect req_socket dataserver; ZMQ.Socket.set_receive_timeout req_socket 600_000; let dealer_socket = ZMQ.Socket.create zmq_context in bind_socket "PROXY" dealer_socket "inproc://dealer"; ZMQ.Socket.set_receive_high_water_mark dealer_socket 100_000; ZMQ.Socket.set_send_high_water_mark dealer_socket 100_000; ZMQ.Socket.set_immediate dealer_socket true; ZMQ.Socket.set_linger_period dealer_socket 600_000; let fetch_walkers () = ZMQ.Socket.send_all req_socket ["get_walkers" ; Int.to_string !walk_num ]; ZMQ.Socket.recv_all req_socket in let pollitem = ZMQ.Poll.mask_of [| (dealer_socket, ZMQ.Poll.In) ; |] in (* EZFIO Cache *) let ezfio_cache = String.Table.create () in let handle_ezfio msg = match Hashtbl.find ezfio_cache msg with | Some result -> result | None -> begin ZMQ.Socket.send_all req_socket ["Ezfio" ; msg]; let result = ZMQ.Socket.recv_all req_socket in match (Hashtbl.add ezfio_cache ~key:msg ~data:result) with | `Ok -> result | `Duplicate -> result end in (* Main loop *) while (!status <> Status.Stopped) do let polling = ZMQ.Poll.poll ~timeout:1000 pollitem in if (polling.(0) = Some ZMQ.Poll.In) then begin let raw_msg = ZMQ.Socket.recv_all ~block:false dealer_socket in let header, msg = let rec aux header = function | "" :: msg -> List.rev ("" :: header), Message.create msg | head :: tail -> aux (head::header) tail | _ -> failwith "Too many routers in the middle" in aux [] ( ~f:String.strip raw_msg) in let handle message = match message with | Message.Ezfio ezfio_msg -> let result = handle_ezfio ezfio_msg in ZMQ.Socket.send_all dealer_socket (header @ result) | Message.GetWalkers n_walks -> begin if (!walk_num = 0) then begin walk_num := Qptypes.Strictly_positive_int.to_int n_walks; walkers := fetch_walkers (); end; ZMQ.Socket.send_all dealer_socket (header @ !walkers); walkers := fetch_walkers (); end | Message.Test -> ZMQ.Socket.send_all dealer_socket (header @ [ "OK" ]) | Message.Error _ -> () | Message.Register _ | Message.Unregister _ | Message.Walkers _ | Message.Property _ -> failwith "Bad message" in handle msg end; done; ZMQ.Socket.set_linger_period dealer_socket 1000 ; ZMQ.Socket.set_linger_period req_socket 1000 ; ZMQ.Socket.close dealer_socket; ZMQ.Socket.close req_socket; in Thread.create f in (* Main thread *) let start_main_thread = let f () = let dealer_socket = ZMQ.Socket.create zmq_context in ZMQ.Socket.connect dealer_socket dataserver; ZMQ.Socket.set_linger_period dealer_socket 600_000; let proxy_socket = ZMQ.Socket.create zmq_context in ZMQ.Socket.connect proxy_socket "inproc://dealer"; let router_socket = ZMQ.Socket.create zmq_context ZMQ.Socket.router and address = Printf.sprintf "ipc://%s:%d" Qmcchem_config.dev_shm (port); in bind_socket "ROUTER" router_socket address; ZMQ.Socket.set_receive_high_water_mark router_socket 100000; ZMQ.Socket.set_send_high_water_mark router_socket 100000; ZMQ.Socket.set_immediate router_socket true; ZMQ.Socket.set_linger_period router_socket 600_000; (* Pull socket for computed data *) let push_socket = ZMQ.Socket.create zmq_context ZMQ.Socket.push and address = Printf.sprintf "tcp://%s:%d" dataserver_address (port+2-10) in ZMQ.Socket.connect push_socket address; ZMQ.Socket.set_linger_period push_socket 600_000; let pull_socket = ZMQ.Socket.create zmq_context ZMQ.Socket.pull and address = Printf.sprintf "ipc://%s:%d" Qmcchem_config.dev_shm (port+2); in bind_socket "PULL" pull_socket address; (* Handles messages coming into the ROUTER socket. *) let handle_router () = let raw_msg = ZMQ.Socket.recv_all ~block:false router_socket in let header, msg = let rec aux header = function | "" :: msg -> List.rev ("" :: header), Message.create msg | head :: tail -> aux (head::header) tail | _ -> failwith "Too many routers in the middle" in aux [] ( ~f:String.strip raw_msg) in let handle message = match message with | Message.GetWalkers _ | Message.Ezfio _ | Message.Test -> ZMQ.Socket.send_all proxy_socket raw_msg | Message.Register _ | Message.Unregister _ -> ZMQ.Socket.send_all dealer_socket raw_msg | Message.Walkers (_, _, _) | Message.Property _ -> failwith "Bad message" | Message.Error _ -> () in handle msg in let handle_dealer () = ZMQ.Socket.recv_all ~block:false dealer_socket |> ZMQ.Socket.send_all router_socket in let handle_proxy () = ZMQ.Socket.recv_all ~block:false proxy_socket |> ZMQ.Socket.send_all router_socket in (* Handles messages coming into the PULL socket. *) let handle_pull () = ZMQ.Socket.recv_all ~block:false pull_socket |> ZMQ.Socket.send_all push_socket in (* Polling item to poll ROUTER and PULL sockets. *) let pollitem = ZMQ.Poll.mask_of [| (router_socket , ZMQ.Poll.In) ; (pull_socket , ZMQ.Poll.In) ; (dealer_socket, ZMQ.Poll.In) ; (proxy_socket , ZMQ.Poll.In) |] in (* Main loop *) while (!status <> Status.Stopped) do let polling = ZMQ.Poll.poll ~timeout:1000 pollitem in if (polling.(0) = Some ZMQ.Poll.In) then handle_router (); if (polling.(1) = Some ZMQ.Poll.In) then handle_pull (); if (polling.(2) = Some ZMQ.Poll.In) then handle_dealer (); if (polling.(3) = Some ZMQ.Poll.In) then handle_proxy (); done; List.iter ~f:(fun socket -> ZMQ.Socket.set_linger_period socket 1000 ; ZMQ.Socket.close socket) [ router_socket ; dealer_socket ; push_socket ; pull_socket ; proxy_socket ] in Thread.create f in (* Start the status thread and the main thread *) begin try (List.iter ~f:Thread.join [ start_status_thread (); start_log_thread (); start_proxy_thread (); start_main_thread (); ]) with | err -> begin print_endline "Trapped error. Waiting 10 seconds..."; status := Status.Stopping; Time.Span.of_sec 10. |> Time.pause; raise err end end; (* Wait for the qmc process to complete *) try ignore (Watchdog.join ()); terminate () with | error -> begin terminate (); raise error end