open Core.Std let run ?c ?d ~l ezfio_filename = Ezfio.set_file ezfio_filename; let input_directory = Lazy.force Md5.input_directory in let handle_options () = let current_md5 = Md5.hash () in let filename_of_key key = Filename.concat input_directory key in let key_is_valid key = let filename = filename_of_key key in Sys.file_exists_exn filename in let () = match c with | None -> () | Some new_md5 -> if (key_is_valid new_md5) then ~c:false ~input:(filename_of_key new_md5) ezfio_filename else failwith ("Error: " ^ new_md5 ^ " does not exist") in let () = match l with | false -> () | true -> Sys.ls_dir input_directory |> List.iter ~f:(fun md5 -> let filename = Filename.concat input_directory md5 in let this = if (md5 = current_md5) then "<-" else "" in let date = (Unix.stat filename).Unix.st_mtime in let date = Unix.strftime (Unix.localtime date) "%a, %d %b %Y %T %z" in Printf.printf "%s : %s %s\n" md5 date this) in let () = match d with | None -> () | Some other_key -> if (key_is_valid other_key) then let command = String.concat ~sep:" " [ "diff" ; "-u" ; "-w" ; (filename_of_key current_md5) ; (filename_of_key other_key) ] in match (Unix.system command) with | _ -> () else failwith ("Error: " ^ other_key ^ " does not exist") in () in match (c,d,l) with | (None,None,false) -> Printf.printf "Current key :\n%s\n" (Md5.hash ()) | _ -> handle_options () let spec = let open Command.Spec in empty +> flag "c" (optional string) ~doc:(" Change to input to ") +> flag "d" (optional string) ~doc:(" Show input differences with ") +> flag "l" no_arg ~doc:(" List all the saved MD5 keys.") +> anon ("ezfio_file" %: string) let command = Command.basic ~summary: "Manipulate input MD5 keys" ~readme:(fun () -> " Manipulate input MD5 keys ") spec (fun c d l ezfio_file () -> run ?c ?d ~l ezfio_file )