let of_sec s = Unix.gmtime s let to_sec t = let sec = t.Unix.tm_sec and min = t.Unix.tm_min and hour = t.Unix.tm_hour and mday = t.Unix.tm_mday in sec + min * 60 + hour * 60 * 60 + mday * 60 * 60 * 24 let string_of_t t = let mday = t.Unix.tm_mday in let sec = t.Unix.tm_sec and min = t.Unix.tm_min and hour = t.Unix.tm_hour + 24*mday in Printf.sprintf "%2d:%2d:%2d" hour min sec let string_of_date t = let year = 1900 + t.Unix.tm_year in let mon = t.Unix.tm_mon in let mday = t.Unix.tm_mday in let sec = t.Unix.tm_sec and min = t.Unix.tm_min and hour = t.Unix.tm_hour in let month = match mon with | 0 -> "Jan" | 1 -> "Feb" | 2 -> "Mar" | 3 -> "Apr" | 4 -> "May" | 5 -> "Jun" | 6 -> "Jul" | 7 -> "Aug" | 8 -> "Sep" | 9 -> "Oct" | 10 -> "Nov" | 11 -> "Dec" | _ -> assert false in Printf.sprintf "%2d %3s %4d - %2.2d:%2.2d:%2.2d" mday month year hour min sec let string_of_now () = Unix.time () |> Unix.localtime |> string_of_date let string_of_sec s = of_sec s |> string_of_t