rule compile_ezfio command = ./scripts/ description = Compiling the EZFIO library pool = console rule build_properties_config command = bash -c "source qmcchemrc ; exec python2 ./scripts/" pool = console rule compile_irpf90 command = ./scripts/ description = Compiling IRPF90 pool = console rule compile_src command = ./scripts/ description = Compiling src pool = console rule create_archive command = git archive --format tar.gz HEAD --prefix "QmcChem/" -7 -o qmcchem.tar.gz description = Creating archive pool = console rule compile_ocaml_dep command = scripts/ description = Finding dependencies in OCaml files pool = console rule compile_ocaml command = cd ocaml ; make $target description = Compiling OCaml tools pool = console rule copy_to_bin command = bash -c "cp $in $out ; touch $out" description = Copying $in into bin/ pool = console rule clean command = ./scripts/ pool = console # put all files of PROPERTIES here # -------------------------------- build ezfio_config/properties.config ocaml/ build_properties_config | scripts/ src/PROPERTIES/properties.irp.f src/PROPERTIES/properties_energy.irp.f src/PROPERTIES/properties_general.irp.f || src/IRPF90_temp/ # EZFIO # ----- build lib/libezfio.a lib/libezfio_irp.a EZFIO/lib/libezfio.a EZFIO/lib/libezfio_irp.a EZFIO/Ocaml/ EZFIO/Python/ compile_ezfio | ezfio_config/qmc.config ezfio_config/properties.config make.config scripts/ || src/tags src/irpf90_entities src/irpf90.make src/IRPF90_temp/ # Fortran executables # ------------------- build always: phony build src/tags src/irpf90_entities src/irpf90.make src/IRPF90_temp/ compile_irpf90 | make.config always build src/MAIN/qmc src/MAIN/qmc_create_walkers src/MAIN/qmcchem_info: compile_src | lib/libezfio.a lib/libezfio_irp.a src/tags || src/irpf90_entities src/irpf90.make src/IRPF90_temp/ # Archive # ------- build qmcchem.tar.gz: create_archive # Ocaml # ----- build ocaml/qmcchem : compile_ocaml | EZFIO/Ocaml/ ocaml/ # Copy binaries in bin # -------------------- build bin/qmc: copy_to_bin src/MAIN/qmc build bin/qmcchem_info: copy_to_bin src/MAIN/qmcchem_info build bin/qmc_create_walkers: copy_to_bin src/MAIN/qmc_create_walkers build bin/qmcchem: copy_to_bin ocaml/qmcchem default bin/qmc bin/qmcchem_info bin/qmc_create_walkers bin/qmcchem # Clean # ----- build clean: clean