open Qptypes type t = | Property of Block.t | Walkers of Compute_node.t * int * (float array) array | Register of Compute_node.t * int | Unregister of Compute_node.t * int | Test | GetWalkers of Strictly_positive_int.t | Ezfio of string | Error of string let of_string_list m = try match m with | [ "cpu" ; c ; pid ; b ; "1" ; v ] -> let open Block in Property { property = Property.Cpu; value = Sample.of_float (float_of_string v) ; weight = Weight.of_float 1.; compute_node = Compute_node.of_string c; pid = int_of_string pid; block_id = Block_id.of_int (int_of_string b); } | [ "accep" ; c ; pid ; b ; "1" ; v ] -> let open Block in Property { property = Property.Accep; value = Sample.of_float (float_of_string v) ; weight = Weight.of_float 1.; compute_node = Compute_node.of_string c; pid = int_of_string pid; block_id = Block_id.of_int (int_of_string b); } | [ prop ; c ; pid ; b ; w ; v ] -> let open Block in Property { property = Property.of_string prop; value = Sample.of_float (float_of_string v); weight = Weight.of_float (float_of_string w); compute_node = Compute_node.of_string c; pid = int_of_string pid; block_id = Block_id.of_int (int_of_string b); } | "elec_coord" :: c :: pid :: _ :: n ::walkers -> begin let elec_num = Lazy.force Qputils.elec_num and n = int_of_string n in assert (n = List.length walkers); let rec build_walker accu = function | (0,tail) -> let result = List.rev accu |> List.rev_map float_of_string |> List.rev |> Array.of_list in (result, tail) | (n,head::tail) -> build_walker (head::accu) (n-1, tail) | _ -> failwith "Bad walkers" in let rec build accu = function | [] -> Array.of_list accu | w -> let (result, tail) = build_walker [] (3*elec_num+3, w) in build (result::accu) tail in Walkers (Compute_node.of_string c, int_of_string pid, build [] walkers) end | [ "get_walkers" ; n ] -> GetWalkers (n |> int_of_string |> Strictly_positive_int.of_int) | [ "register" ; c ; pid ] -> Register (Compute_node.of_string c, int_of_string pid) | [ "unregister" ; c ; pid ] -> Unregister (Compute_node.of_string c, int_of_string pid) | [ "Test" ] -> Test | [ "Ezfio" ; ezfio_msg ] -> Ezfio ezfio_msg | prop :: c :: pid :: b :: d :: w :: "bin" :: block :: [] -> (* Block in binary format *) let property = Property.of_string prop in begin assert (not (Property.is_scalar property)); match Block.of_bytes ~idx:8 (Bytes.unsafe_of_string block) with | Some block -> Property block | None -> failwith "Invalid block" end | prop :: c :: pid :: b :: d :: w :: l -> (* Bock in text format *) let property = Property.of_string prop in begin assert (not (Property.is_scalar property)); let a = Array.of_list l |> float_of_string and dim = int_of_string d in assert (Array.length a = dim); let open Block in Property { property = property ; value = Sample.of_float_array ~dim a; weight = Weight.of_float (float_of_string w); compute_node = Compute_node.of_string c; pid = int_of_string pid; block_id = Block_id.of_int (int_of_string b); } end | l -> Error (String.concat ":" l) with | Assert_failure (l,_,_) -> Error l | _ -> Error "Unknown error" let to_string = function | Property b -> "Property : "^(Block.to_string b) | Walkers (h,p,w) -> Printf.sprintf "Walkers : %s %d : %d walkers" (Compute_node.to_string h) p (Array.length w) | GetWalkers n -> Printf.sprintf "GetWalkers %d" (Strictly_positive_int.to_int n) | Register (h,p) -> Printf.sprintf "Register : %s %d" (Compute_node.to_string h) p | Unregister (h,p) -> Printf.sprintf "Unregister : %s %d" (Compute_node.to_string h) p | Test -> "Test" | Ezfio msg -> "Ezfio "^msg | Error msg -> "Error "^msg let create m = of_string_list m