open Core open Qptypes type t = { property : Property.t ; value : Sample.t ; weight : Weight.t ; compute_node : Compute_node.t ; pid : Pid.t ; block_id : Block_id.t ; } let re = Str.regexp "[ |#|\n]+" let of_string s = try let lst = Str.split re s |> List.rev in match lst with | b :: pid :: c:: p :: w :: v :: [] -> Some { property = Property.of_string p ; value = Sample.of_float (Float.of_string v) ; weight = Weight.of_float (Float.of_string w) ; compute_node = Compute_node.of_string c; pid = Pid.of_string pid; block_id = Block_id.of_int (Int.of_string b) ; } | b :: pid :: c:: p :: w :: v -> let v = List.rev v |> Array.of_list |> ~f:Float.of_string in let dim = Array.length v in Some { property = Property.of_string p ; value = Sample.of_float_array ~dim v ; weight = Weight.of_float (Float.of_string w) ; compute_node = Compute_node.of_string c; pid = Pid.of_string pid; block_id = Block_id.of_int (Int.of_string b) ; } | _ -> None with | _ -> None let to_string b = Printf.sprintf "%s %s # %s %s %s %d" (Sample.to_string b.value ) (Weight.to_float b.weight |> Float.to_string) (Property.to_string (Compute_node.to_string b.compute_node) (Pid.to_string (Block_id.to_int b.block_id) let dir_name = lazy( let ezfio_filename = Lazy.force Qputils.ezfio_filename in let md5 = Md5.hash () in List.fold_right ~init:"" ~f:Filename.concat [ ezfio_filename ; "blocks" ; md5 ; Filename.dir_sep ] ) (* Fetch raw data from the EZFIO file *) let _raw_data = ref None let update_raw_data ?(locked=true) () = (* Create array of files to read *) let dir_name = Lazy.force dir_name in let files = let result = match Sys.is_directory dir_name with | `Yes -> begin Sys.readdir dir_name |> ~f:(fun x -> dir_name^x) |> Array.to_list end | _ -> [] in if locked then result else List.filter result ~f:(fun x -> match String.substr_index ~pattern:"locked" x with | Some x -> false | None -> true ) in let rec transform new_list = function | [] -> new_list | head :: tail -> let head = String.strip head in let item = of_string head in match item with | None -> transform new_list tail | Some x -> transform (x::new_list) tail in let result = files ~f:(fun filename -> In_channel.with_file filename ~f:(fun in_channel -> In_channel.input_all in_channel) ) |> String.concat |> String.split_lines |> List.rev |> transform [] in result let raw_data ?(locked=true) () = match !_raw_data with | Some x -> x | None -> let result = update_raw_data ~locked () in _raw_data := Some result; result let properties = lazy ( let set = Set.empty ~comparator:Comparator.Poly.comparator in List.fold (raw_data ()) ~init:set ~f:(fun s x -> Set.add s |> Set.to_list )