BEGIN_PROVIDER [ integer, i_state ] implicit none BEGIN_DOC ! Current state END_DOC i_state = 1 END_PROVIDER BEGIN_PROVIDER [ integer, N_int ] implicit none BEGIN_DOC ! Number of 64-bit integers needed to represent determinants as binary strings END_DOC call get_spindeterminants_n_int(N_int) END_PROVIDER BEGIN_PROVIDER [ integer, bit_kind ] implicit none BEGIN_DOC ! Number of octets per integer storing determinants END_DOC call get_spindeterminants_bit_kind(bit_kind) ASSERT (bit_kind == 8) END_PROVIDER BEGIN_PROVIDER [ integer, N_states ] implicit none BEGIN_DOC ! Number of states in EZFIO file END_DOC call get_spindeterminants_n_states(N_states) END_PROVIDER BEGIN_PROVIDER [ integer, det_num_input ] implicit none BEGIN_DOC ! Number of Det_a x Det_b products in input file END_DOC call get_spindeterminants_n_det(det_num_input) END_PROVIDER BEGIN_PROVIDER [ double precision, det_alpha_norm, (det_alpha_num) ] &BEGIN_PROVIDER [ double precision, det_beta_norm, (det_beta_num) ] implicit none BEGIN_DOC ! Norm of the alpha and beta spin determinants in the wave function: ! ! ||Da||_i \sum_j C_{ij}**2 END_DOC integer :: i,j,k double precision :: f det_alpha_norm = 0.d0 det_beta_norm = 0.d0 do k=1,det_num i = det_coef_matrix_rows(k) j = det_coef_matrix_columns(k) f = det_coef_matrix_values(k)*det_coef_matrix_values(k) det_alpha_norm(i) += f det_beta_norm(j) += f enddo END_PROVIDER BEGIN_PROVIDER [ double precision, det_coef_matrix_values, (det_num_input) ] &BEGIN_PROVIDER [ integer, det_coef_matrix_rows, (det_num_input) ] &BEGIN_PROVIDER [ integer, det_coef_matrix_columns, (det_num_input) ] implicit none BEGIN_DOC ! det_coef_matrix in sparse storage (Coordinate format for sparse BLAS) END_DOC double precision, allocatable :: buffer(:,:) allocate (buffer(det_num_input,N_states)) call get_spindeterminants_psi_coef_matrix_rows(det_coef_matrix_rows) call get_spindeterminants_psi_coef_matrix_columns(det_coef_matrix_columns) call get_spindeterminants_psi_coef_matrix_values(buffer) det_coef_matrix_values(:) = buffer(:,i_state) deallocate(buffer) END_PROVIDER BEGIN_PROVIDER [ double precision, det_coef_matrix_dense, (det_alpha_num, det_beta_num) ] implicit none BEGIN_DOC ! Dense version of det_coef_matrix END_DOC integer :: i,j,k det_coef_matrix_dense = 0.d0 do k=1,det_num i = det_coef_matrix_rows(k) j = det_coef_matrix_columns(k) det_coef_matrix_dense(i,j) = det_coef_matrix_values(k) enddo END_PROVIDER BEGIN_PROVIDER [ integer, det_num ] implicit none BEGIN_DOC ! Number of Det_a x Det_b products. The determinant basis set is reduced with ! the CI threshold END_DOC integer :: i,j,k,l double precision :: f double precision :: d_alpha(det_alpha_num), d_beta (det_beta_num) integer :: i_alpha(det_alpha_num), i_beta(det_beta_num) integer :: iorder(max(det_alpha_num,det_beta_num)) integer*8, allocatable :: psi_det_tmp(:,:) double precision :: t, norm allocate (psi_det_tmp (N_int,max(det_alpha_num,det_beta_num))) if (use_svd) then t = -1.d0 else t = ci_threshold endif ! Compute the norm of the alpha and beta determinants d_alpha = 0.d0 d_beta = 0.d0 do k=1,det_num_input i = det_coef_matrix_rows(k) j = det_coef_matrix_columns(k) f = det_coef_matrix_values(k)*det_coef_matrix_values(k) d_alpha(i) += f d_beta (j) += f enddo t = min(t, maxval(d_alpha)) t = min(t, maxval(d_beta)) ! Reorder alpha determinants do i=1,det_alpha_num iorder(i) = i if (d_alpha(i) < t) then i_alpha(i) = det_alpha_num+i else i_alpha(i) = i endif enddo call isort(i_alpha,iorder,det_alpha_num) i=det_alpha_num do while (i > 0) if (i_alpha(i) <= det_alpha_num) then det_alpha_num = i exit else i = i-1 endif enddo do i=1,det_alpha_num psi_det_tmp(:,i) = psi_det_alpha(:,iorder(i)) i_alpha(iorder(i)) = i enddo do i=1,det_alpha_num psi_det_alpha(:,i) = psi_det_tmp(:,i) enddo ! Reorder beta determinants do i=1,det_beta_num iorder(i) = i if (d_beta(i) < t) then i_beta(i) = det_beta_num+i else i_beta(i) = i endif enddo call isort(i_beta,iorder,det_beta_num) i=det_beta_num do while (i > 0) if (i_beta(i) <= det_beta_num) then det_beta_num = i exit else i = i-1 endif enddo do i=1,det_beta_num psi_det_tmp(:,i) = psi_det_beta(:,iorder(i)) i_beta(iorder(i)) = i enddo do i=1,det_beta_num psi_det_beta(:,i) = psi_det_tmp(:,i) enddo deallocate(psi_det_tmp) ! Apply the threshold to the wave function l = 1 norm = 0.d0 do k=1,det_num_input i = det_coef_matrix_rows(k) j = det_coef_matrix_columns(k) det_coef_matrix_rows(l) = i_alpha(i) det_coef_matrix_columns(l) = i_beta(j) det_coef_matrix_values(l) = det_coef_matrix_values(k) if ( (d_alpha(i) >= t).and.(d_beta(j) >= t) ) then l = l+1 norm += det_coef_matrix_values(k)*det_coef_matrix_values(k) endif enddo det_num = l-1 norm = 1.d0/dsqrt(norm) do k=1,det_num det_coef_matrix_values(k) *= norm enddo SOFT_TOUCH det_alpha_num det_beta_num det_coef_matrix_values det_coef_matrix_rows det_coef_matrix_columns psi_det_beta psi_det_alpha END_PROVIDER BEGIN_PROVIDER [ integer, det_alpha_num ] &BEGIN_PROVIDER [ integer, det_beta_num ] implicit none BEGIN_DOC ! Number of alpha and beta determinants END_DOC call get_spindeterminants_n_det_alpha(det_alpha_num) call get_spindeterminants_n_det_beta(det_beta_num) END_PROVIDER BEGIN_PROVIDER [ integer, det_alpha_num_8 ] &BEGIN_PROVIDER [ integer, det_beta_num_8 ] implicit none BEGIN_DOC ! Number of alpha and beta determinants END_DOC integer :: mod_align det_alpha_num_8 = max(4,mod_align(det_alpha_num)) ! det_beta_num_8 = max(4,mod_align(det_beta_num)) ! Used in 4x unrolling END_PROVIDER BEGIN_PROVIDER [ double precision, ci_threshold ] implicit none BEGIN_DOC ! Threshold on absolute value of the CI coefficients of the wave functioE END_DOC ci_threshold = 0.d0 call get_simulation_ci_threshold(ci_threshold) call dinfo(irp_here,'ci_threshold',ci_threshold) END_PROVIDER BEGIN_PROVIDER [ integer*8, psi_det_alpha, (N_int,det_alpha_num) ] implicit none BEGIN_DOC ! Alpha determinants END_DOC call get_spindeterminants_psi_det_alpha(psi_det_alpha) END_PROVIDER BEGIN_PROVIDER [ integer*8, psi_det_beta, (N_int,det_beta_num) ] implicit none BEGIN_DOC ! Beta determinants END_DOC call get_spindeterminants_psi_det_beta(psi_det_beta) END_PROVIDER BEGIN_PROVIDER [ integer, present_mos, (mo_tot_num) ] &BEGIN_PROVIDER [ integer, num_present_mos ] &BEGIN_PROVIDER [ integer, num_present_mos_8 ] &BEGIN_PROVIDER [ integer, mo_closed_num ] implicit none BEGIN_DOC ! List of used MOs to build the wf in the CI expansion END_DOC integer*8 :: tmp_det(N_int) integer :: i,k integer, external :: mod_align PROVIDE det_num num_present_mos = mo_tot_num do i=1,mo_tot_num present_mos(i) = i enddo !--- present_mos = 0 tmp_det = 0_8 do i=1,det_alpha_num do k=1,N_int tmp_det(k) = ior(tmp_det(k),psi_det_alpha(k,i)) enddo enddo do i=1,det_beta_num do k=1,N_int tmp_det(k) = ior(tmp_det(k),psi_det_beta(k,i)) enddo enddo call bitstring_to_list(tmp_det,present_mos,num_present_mos,N_int) !--- num_present_mos_8 = mod_align(num_present_mos) integer :: list(mo_tot_num), n logical :: good list = present_mos mo_closed_num = elec_beta_num do n=1,elec_beta_num call list_to_bitstring(tmp_det,present_mos,n,N_int) do k=1,N_int if (tmp_det(k) == 0_8) then exit endif good = .True. do i=1,det_alpha_num if (iand(tmp_det(k),psi_det_alpha(k,i)) /= tmp_det(k)) then good = .False. exit endif enddo if (good) then do i=1,det_beta_num if (iand(tmp_det(k),psi_det_beta(k,i)) /= tmp_det(k)) then good = .False. exit endif enddo endif if (.not.good) then exit endif enddo if (.not.good) then mo_closed_num = n-1 exit endif enddo END_PROVIDER subroutine list_to_bitstring( string, list, n_elements, Nint) implicit none BEGIN_DOC ! Returns the physical string "string(N_int,2)" from the array of ! occupations "list(N_int*64,2) END_DOC integer, intent(in) :: Nint integer*8, intent(out) :: string(Nint) integer, intent(in) :: list(Nint*64) integer, intent(in) :: n_elements integer :: i, j integer :: ipos, iint ! ! <== ipos ==> ! | ! v !string :|------------------------|-------------------------|------------------------| ! <==== 64 ====> <==== 64 ====> <==== 64 ====> ! { iint } { iint } { iint } ! string = 0_8 do i=1,n_elements iint = shiftr(list(i)-1,6) + 1 ipos = list(i)-shiftl((iint-1),6)-1 string(iint) = ibset( string(iint), ipos ) enddo end BEGIN_PROVIDER [ integer, det_alpha_order, (det_alpha_num) ] implicit none BEGIN_DOC ! Order in which to compute the alhpa determinants END_DOC integer :: i do i=1,det_alpha_num det_alpha_order(i) = i enddo END_PROVIDER BEGIN_PROVIDER [ integer, det_beta_order, (det_beta_num) ] implicit none BEGIN_DOC ! Order in which to compute the beta determinants END_DOC integer :: i do i=1,det_beta_num det_beta_order(i) = i enddo END_PROVIDER