mirror of https://gitlab.com/scemama/irpf90.git synced 2024-06-02 11:25:19 +02:00
Thomas Applencourt ea5fa02b26 Fix writer
2017-03-17 13:01:12 -05:00

550 lines
17 KiB

#!/usr/bin/env python
# IRPF90 is a Fortran90 preprocessor written in Python for programming using
# the Implicit Reference to Parameters (IRP) method.
# Copyright (C) 2009 Anthony SCEMAMA
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
# with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
# 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
# Anthony Scemama
# Universite Paul Sabatier
# 118, route de Narbonne
# 31062 Toulouse Cedex 4
# scemama@irsamc.ups-tlse.fr
from irpf90_t import *
from util import *
from command_line import command_line
import sys
from lib.manager import irpy
class Entity(object):
'''All lines between BEGIN_PROVIDER and END_PROVIDER included
Note: Those lines can define multiple Provider, one need to pick one.
def __init__(self, text, label, name=None, comm_world=None):
# (list[str], str, int, Irpy_comm_world)
'''Instantiate the object.
text: List of lines between BEGIN_PROVIDER and END_PROVIDER included
int: An unique int id (usefull when profilling)
name: The name of the provider defined after the chosen BEGIN_PROVIDER statement
comm_world: A object to communicate we the external world.
assert type(text) == list
assert len(text) > 0
assert type(text[0]) == Begin_provider
self.label = label
self.text = text
self.same_as = text[0].filename[1]
self.name = name if name else self.same_as
self.comm_world = comm_world
# ~ # ~ # ~
# G l o b a l P r o p e r t y
# ~ # ~ # ~
def d_entity(self):
# () -> Dict[str,Entity]
'''Create an alias to the global dictionary of Entity.
Note: Be aware of the possiblity of Cyclic Dependency.
return self.comm_world.d_entity
def cm_t_filename_parsed_text(self):
# () -> Tuple[str, Parsed_text]
'''Create an alias to the global tuple for parsed text
Note: self.comm_world.t_filename_parsed_text need d_entity.
Be aware of the possibility of Cyclic Dependency
return self.comm_world.t_filename_parsed_text
def d_type_lines(self):
# () -> Dict[Line, Tuple[int,Line] ]
'''Contruct a mapping table between the type of the line and the possition'''
from collections import defaultdict
d = defaultdict(list)
for i, line in enumerate(self.text):
d[type(line)] += [(i, line)]
return d
# ~ # ~ # ~
# M u l t i p l e P r o v i d e r H a n d l e r
# ~ # ~ # ~
def is_main(self):
# () -> bool
'''Check if this Entity is the main one
BEGIN_PROVIDER [pi, double precision] &
BEGIN_PROVIDER [e, double preision]
return True for 'pi' and False for 'e'
return self.name == self.same_as
def prototype(self):
# () -> Line
'''Find the declaration statement associated with the name of the provider
BEGIN_PROVIDER [pi, double precision] &
BEGIN_PROVIDER [e, double preision]
if self.name == e, will return BEGIN_PROVIDER [e, double preision]
d = self.d_type_lines
return next(line for _, line in d[Begin_provider] + d[Cont_provider]
if line.filename[1] == self.name)
def l_name(self):
# () -> List[str]
d = self.d_type_lines
return [line.filename[1] for _, line in d[Begin_provider] + d[Cont_provider]]
def l_others_name(self):
# () -> List[str]
'''Extract the other entity-name defined'''
return [name for name in self.l_name if not name == self.name]
def doc(self):
# () -> List[str]
doc = [line.text.lstrip()[1:] for _, line in self.d_type_lines[Doc]]
if not doc:
logger.warning("Entity '%s' is not documented" % (self.name))
return doc
def documented(self):
#() -> bool
return bool(self.doc)
# ~ # ~ # ~
# T o u c h / R E A D / W R O T E
# ~ # ~ # ~
def is_written(self):
#() -> bool
'''Check if it will be written on disk'''
return any(self.d_entity[i].is_written for i in self.parents)
def io_er(self):
if not self.is_main:
result = []
from util import mangled
from util import ashes_env
name = self.name
d_template = {
'name': name,
'fmodule': self.fmodule,
'same_as': self.same_as,
'do_debug': command_line.do_debug,
'children': mangled(self.needs, self.d_entity),
'group_entity': [{
'name': n,
'dim': build_dim(
self.d_entity[n].dim, colons=True)
} for n in self.l_name]
return ashes_env.render('ioer.f90', d_template).split('!TOKEN_SPLIT')
def reader(self):
return self.io_er[1].split('\n')
def writer(self):
return self.io_er[0].split('\n')
def is_read(self):
'''Check if it will be read from disk'''
return any(self.d_entity[i].is_read for i in self.parents)
def is_source_touch(self):
return (Touch in self.d_type_lines or SoftTouch in self.d_type_lines)
def is_self_touched(self):
'''Cehck if it will be modified (touch)'''
return False
def is_touched(self):
'''If any of the children is touched, the entity is touched'''
if self.is_self_touched or any(self.d_entity[i].is_touched for i in self.children):
return True
return False
# ~ # ~ # ~
# ~ # ~ # ~
def includes(self):
# () -> str
'''Extract the name of include who need be to be include in this Entity'''
return [line.filename for _, line in self.d_type_lines[Include]]
def uses(self):
'''Extract the name of module who are used in this Entity'''
return [line.filename for _, line in self.d_type_lines[Use]]
def calls(self):
'''Extract the name ofthe function called by the entity'''
def extract_name(line):
return line.text.split('(', 1)[0].split()[1].lower()
return [extract_name(line) for _, line in self.d_type_lines[Call]]
# ~ # ~ # ~
# Array Dimension
# ~ # ~ # ~
def dim(self):
# () -> List[str]
'''Extract the dimension of the needed array in a form of list of variable name
BEGIN_PROVIDER [real, ao_num ]
-> []
BEGIN_PROVIDER [ real, ao_oneD_p, (ao_num) ]
-> ['ao_num']
BEGIN_PROVIDER [ real, ao_oneD_prim_p, (ao_num,ao_prim_num_max) ]
-> ['ao_num', 'ao_prim_num_max']
line = self.prototype.text.split('!')[0]
buffer = line.replace(']', '').split(',', 2)
x = buffer[2].strip()
except IndexError:
return []
return map(str.strip, x[1:-1].split(','))
def allocate(self):
# () -> List[Str]
'''Return a list of name of entity who are array and main'''
if not self.is_main:
return []
# We never go here
return [var for var in l_name if self.d_entity[var].dim]
# ~ # ~ # ~
# D e c l a r a t i o n
# ~ # ~ # ~
def is_protected(self):
return self.text[0].lower.startswith('begin_provider_immu')
def type(self):
# () -> str
'''Compute the fortran type code of the entity'''
type_ = self.prototype.text.split(',')[0].split('[')[1].strip()
if not type_:
logger.error("Error in definition of %s." % (self.name))
if self.dim:
return "%s, allocatable" % (type_)
return type_
def d_header(self):
# () -> List[str]
'''Compute all the code needed to inistanticant the entity'''
import util
d_template = {
'name': self.name,
'type': self.type,
'main': self.is_main,
'dim': build_dim(
self.dim, colons=True),
'protected': '\n'.join(self.allocater + self.builder) if self.is_protected else False
return d_template
def fmodule(self):
# () -> str
'''Contruct the name of the module who will contain the entity'''
name = self.prototype.filename[0].replace('/', '__').split('.irp.f')[0]
return '%s_mod' % name
def regexp(self):
# () -> Regex
'''Compile a regex targeted to 'search' the name of this entity'''
import re
return re.compile(r"([^a-z0-9'\"_]|^)%s([^a-z0-9_]|$)" % (self.name), re.I).search
# ~ # ~ # ~
# F o r t r a n 9 0 G e n e r a t i o n
# ~ # ~ # ~
def d_touche_template(self):
# () -> List[str]
'''Fabric the f90 routine who handle the cache invalidation'''
# Only one by EntityColleciton
if not self.is_main:
return {}
from util import mangled
return {
'name': self.name,
[n for n in build_use(
self.parents + [self.name], self.d_entity, use=False)],
'l_ancestor': [n for n in mangled(self.parents, self.d_entity)]
def free(self):
# () -> List[ str ]
'''Compute an part of a subroutine used to free a variable'''
name = self.name
result = ["!", "! >>> FREE %s" % (name), " %s_is_built = .False." % (self.same_as)]
if self.dim:
result += [" if (allocated(%s)) then" % (name), " deallocate (%s)" % (name)]
if command_line.do_memory:
result += " print *, 'Deallocating %s'" % (name)
result += [" endif"]
result.append("! <<< END FREE")
return result
def provider(self):
# () -> List[str]
'''Create the fortran90 code for the EntityCollection'''
if not self.is_main:
return []
from util import mangled
import util
name = self.name
l_module = [x for x in build_use([self.name] + self.to_provide, self.d_entity, use=False)]
l_children = [x for x in mangled(self.to_provide, self.d_entity)]
l_entity = [self.d_entity[n] for n in self.l_name]
l = ashes_env.render('provider.f90', {
'name': name,
'l_module': l_module,
'l_children_static': l_children,
'do_debug': command_line.do_debug,
'do_openmp': command_line.do_openmp,
'do_task': command_line.do_Task,
'do_corray': command_line.do_coarray,
'dim': ','.join(self.dim),
'l_entity': [{
'name': i.name,
'dim': ','.join(i.dim)
} for i in l_entity]
return [i for i in l.split('\n') if i.strip()]
def allocater(self):
from util import mangled
import util
name = self.name
l_module = [x for x in build_use([self.name] + self.to_provide, self.d_entity, use=False)]
if self.is_protected:
l_dim = [{'name': name, 'rank': i + 1, 'value': dimsize(k)} for i, k in enumerate(self.dim)]
l = ashes_env.render('allocater.f90', {
'name': name,
'l_module': l_module,
'do_debug': command_line.do_debug,
'do_corray': command_line.do_coarray,
'do_memory': command_line.do_memory,
'dim': ','.join(self.dim),
'l_dim': l_dim
return [i for i in l.split('\n') if i.strip()]
def builder(self):
if not self.is_main:
return []
# ~#~#~#~#~#
# Get the raw text for the builder
# ~#~#~#~#~#
#Next return the first element of the iterator
ps_text = next(text for filename, text in self.cm_t_filename_parsed_text
if self.prototype.filename[0].startswith(filename))
begin = next(i for i, (_, line) in enumerate(ps_text)
if isinstance(line, Begin_provider) if line.filename[1] == self.same_as)
end = next(begin + i for i, (_, line) in enumerate(ps_text[begin:])
if isinstance(line, End_provider))
# Now we now that the text is betern ps_text[begin:end]
_, line_prototype = ps_text[begin]
# ~#~#~#~#~#
# Aded the call to the provider
# ~#~#~#~#~#
text = []
if command_line.do_profile:
text.append(([], Declaration(line_prototype.i,
" double precision :: irp_rdtsc, irp_rdtsc1, irp_rdtsc2",
text.append(([], Simple_line(line_prototype.i, " irp_rdtsc1 = irp_rdtsc()",
for vars, line in ps_text[begin + 1:end]:
text.append((vars, line))
text += map(lambda x: ([], Simple_line(line.i, x, line.filename)),
build_call_provide(vars, self.d_entity))
# ~#~#~#~#~#
# Create the subroutine.
# ~#~#~#~#~#
result = []
if command_line.directives and command_line.inline in ["all", "builders"]:
result += ["!DEC$ ATTRIBUTES INLINE :: bld_%s" % (same_as)]
# Add the use statement
result += ["subroutine bld_%s" % (self.name)]
l_use = build_use([self.name] + self.needs, self.d_entity, use=False)
if self.is_protected:
result += ['USE %s' % n for n in l_use]
import parsed_text
# Move the variable to top, and add the text
parsed_text.move_to_top_list(text, [Declaration, Implicit, Use])
result.extend(line.text for _, line in text
if not isinstance(line, (Begin_doc, End_doc, Doc, Cont_provider)))
if command_line.do_profile:
result += [
" irp_rdtsc2 = irp_rdtsc()",
" call irp_set_timer(%d,(irp_rdtsc2-irp_rdtsc1))" % self.label
result.append("end subroutine bld_%s" % (self.name))
return result
def needs(self):
#Set by parsed_text.build_needs(...)
raise AttributeError
def needed_by(self):
#Set by parsed_text.build_needs(...)
return []
def children(self):
result = []
for x in self.needs:
result += self.d_entity[x].children
except RuntimeError:
pass # Exception will be checked after
result = OrderedUniqueList(result)
if self.name in result:
error.fail(self.prototype, "Cyclic dependencies:\n%s" % (str(result)))
return result
def parents(self):
result = []
for x in self.needed_by:
result += self.d_entity[x].parents
result = OrderedUniqueList(result)
if self.name in result:
error.fail(self.prototype, "Cyclic dependencies:\n%s" % (str(self._parents)))
return result