mirror of https://gitlab.com/scemama/irpf90.git synced 2024-06-02 11:25:19 +02:00

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#!/usr/bin/env python
# IRPF90 is a Fortran90 preprocessor written in Python for programming using
# the Implicit Reference to Parameters (IRP) method.
# Copyright (C) 2009 Anthony SCEMAMA
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
# with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
# 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
# Anthony Scemama
# Universite Paul Sabatier
# 118, route de Narbonne
# 31062 Toulouse Cedex 4
# scemama@irsamc.ups-tlse.fr
from irpf90_t import *
from regexps import *
from command_line import command_line
from util import *
import sys
# Local regular expressions
re_endif = re.compile("end +if")
re_elseif = re.compile("else +if")
re_enddo = re.compile("end +do")
re_endwhere = re.compile("end +where")
re_endtype = re.compile("end +type.*")
re_endmodule = re.compile("end +module",re.I)
re_endselect = re.compile("end +select")
re_endinterface = re.compile("end +interface")
# Local variables
Free_form = 0
Fixed_form = 1
# Dictionary of simple statements
simple_dict = {
"program": Program,
"subroutine": Subroutine,
"begin_shell": Begin_shell,
"end_shell": End_shell,
"begin_template": Begin_template,
"end_template": End_template,
"subst": Subst,
"end_doc": End_doc,
"begin_provider": Begin_provider,
"&begin_provider": Cont_provider,
"end_provider": End_provider,
"assert": Assert,
"touch": Touch,
"soft_touch": SoftTouch,
"provide": Provide,
"no_dep": NoDep,
"free": Free,
"irp_if": Irp_If,
"irp_else": Irp_Else,
"irp_endif": Irp_Endif,
"irp_read": Irp_read,
"irp_write": Irp_write,
"use": Use,
"do": Do,
"if": If,
"case": Case,
"elseif": Elseif,
"else": Else,
"enddo": Enddo,
"endif": Endif,
"endselect": End_select,
"end": End,
"include": Include,
"call": Call,
"continue": Continue,
"return": Return,
"implicit": Implicit,
"save": Declaration,
"function": Function,
"recursive": Function,
"select": Select,
"selectcase": Select,
"module": Module,
"endmodule": End_module,
"interface": Interface,
"endinterface": End_interface,
"where": Where,
"elsewhere": Elsewhere,
"endwhere": Endwhere,
def get_canonized_text(text_lower):
text_canonized = text_lower
text_canonized = re_elseif.sub("elseif", text_canonized)
text_canonized = re_enddo.sub("enddo", text_canonized)
text_canonized = re_endtype.sub("endtype", text_canonized)
text_canonized = re_endmodule.sub("endmodule", text_canonized)
text_canonized = re_endif.sub("endif", text_canonized)
text_canonized = re_endselect.sub("endselect", text_canonized)
text_canonized = re_endinterface.sub("endinterface", text_canonized)
text_canonized = re_endwhere.sub('endwhere',text_canonized)
for c in """()'"[]""":
text_canonized = text_canonized.replace(c, " %s " % c)
return text_canonized
def get_type(i, filename, line, line_lower, line_lower_canonized, is_doc):
# ( int,str,str,str,str,bool) -> Irpf90_t
'''Find the type of a text line'''
line = line.rstrip()
l_word = line_lower_canonized.split()
if not l_word:
return [Empty_line(i, line, filename)], is_doc
# Handle archaic do loop of f77
firstword = l_word[0]
if firstword.isdigit():
l_word = l_word[1:]
firstword = l_word[0]
if firstword == "contains":
return [Contains(i, line, filename)], False
if firstword == "end_doc":
return [End_doc(i, line, filename)], False
if firstword == "begin_doc":
return [Begin_doc(i, line, filename)], True
if is_doc:
return [Doc(i, line, filename)], is_doc
if firstword in simple_dict:
type_ = simple_dict[firstword]
return [type_(i, line, filename)], is_doc
#label do-loop (outer: do i=1,sze)
reg_do_lab = ur":\s+do\s+"
if re.search(reg_do_lab,line_lower):
return [Do(i,line,filename)], is_doc
lower_line = line_lower.strip()[1:]
if len(lower_line) <= 3:
return [Simple_line(i, line, filename)], is_doc
#WARNING: The regex shloud match endtype. Don't know why it's not the case
if re_decl.match(line_lower_canonized) or line_lower_canonized == 'endtype':
if "function" in l_word[1:3]:
return [Function(i, line, filename)], is_doc
return [Declaration(i, line, filename)], is_doc
if firstword.startswith('#'):
result = [Simple_line(i, line, filename)]
"irpf90 may not work with preprocessor directives. You can use"
"Irp_if ... Irp_else ... Irp_endif"
"instead of"
"#ifdef ... #else ... #endif"%line)
return result, is_doc
if firstword.startswith("case("):
return [Case(i, line, filename)], is_doc
if lower_line.startswith("$omp"):
return [Openmp(i, line, filename)], is_doc
if lower_line.startswith(("dec$", "dir$")) and command_line.directives:
return [Directive(i, line, filename)], is_doc
if lower_line.startswith("$ "):
return [Openmp(i, line, filename)], is_doc
# Detect errors
if firstword == "dowhile":
logger.error("%s 'do while' should be in 2 words." % Do(i, line, filename))
return [Simple_line(i, line, filename)], is_doc
import os.path
def save_and_execute(irpdir, scriptname, code, interpreter):
# (str, str, List, str) -> List[Line]
''' Save the script in irpdir/scriptname and Execute it
The script are executed in the orginal directory of the .irp.f (aka '..')
and this directory is added to PYTHONPATH.
irpdir_scriptname = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(irpdir, scriptname))
with open(irpdir_scriptname, 'w') as f:
# Execute shell
import util
text = util.check_output('PYTHONPATH=$PYTHONPATH:. %s %s' % (interpreter, irpdir_scriptname), shell=True, bufsize=-1, cwd=os.path.join(irpdir,'..'))
util.logger.error("Something wrong append with embeded '%s' script: %s"% (interpreter, irpdir_scriptname))
import sys
# Create the Line
p = Preprocess_text(scriptname)
p.text = text
return p.lines_overloaded
def execute_shell(text):
# (List[Line]) -> List[Line]
'''Execute the embedded shell scripts'''
l_begin = [i for i,line in enumerate(text) if isinstance(line,Begin_shell)]
l_end = [i for i,line in enumerate(text) if isinstance(line,End_shell)]
l_output= []
# ~=~=~=~
# E x e c u t e S h e l l
# ~=~=~=~
from util import logger
import sys
def fail(l, a, b):
logger.error("%s In Begin_Shell, %s '%s'" % (l,a, b))
for begin,end in zip(l_begin,l_end):
header = text[begin]
header_text = header.text
for bracket in ['[', ']']:
n = header_text.count(bracket)
assert n <= 1, fail(header_text, "Too many", bracket)
assert n >= 1, fail(header_text, "Missing", bracket)
interpreter = header_text[header_text.find('[')+1: header_text.find(']')].strip()
script = ['%s\n' % l.text for l in text[begin+1:end] ]
scriptname="%s_shell_%d" % (header.filename, header.i)
l_output.append(save_and_execute(irpdir, scriptname, script,interpreter))
# ~=~=~=~
# R e p l a c e
# ~=~=~=~
#Deep copy for pure function
text_new = text[:]
# Because we use slicing and we want to include the end line
l_end_include = [i+1 for i in l_end]
padding = 0
for begin,end, out in zip(l_begin,l_end_include,l_output):
text_new[begin+padding:end+padding] = out
padding += len(out) - (end-begin)
return text_new
def execute_templates(text):
'''Execute the templates'''
def fail(l, a, b):
error.fail(l, "In %s, %s" % (a, b))
def get_variables(line):
buffer = line.text.split('[', 1)
if len(buffer) < 2:
fail(line, "Subst", "Syntax error")
buffer = buffer[1].replace(']', '')
buffer = buffer.split(',')
return map(lambda x: '$%s' % (x.strip()), buffer)
inside = 0
result = []
for line in text:
if inside == 0:
if type(line) == Begin_template:
script = []
inside = TEMPLATE
script = "template = \"\"\"\n"
elif inside == TEMPLATE:
if type(line) == Begin_template:
fail(line, "template", "Nested Begin_Template")
elif type(line) == End_template:
fail(line, "template", "Missing Subst")
elif type(line) == Subst:
inside = SUBST
script += "\"\"\"\n"
variables = get_variables(line)
script += "v = []\n"
subst = ""
script += line.text + "\n"
else: # inside == SUBST
if type(line) == Begin_template:
fail(line, "subst", "Nested Begin_template")
elif type(line) == Subst:
fail(line, "subst", "Subst already defined")
elif type(line) == End_template:
inside = 0
subst = subst.rstrip()
if subst[-2:] == ';;':
subst = subst[:-2]
for s in subst.split(';;'):
buffer = map(lambda x: x.strip(), s.split(';'))
if len(buffer) != len(variables):
fail(line, "subst", "%d variables defined, and %d substitutions" %
(len(variables), len(buffer)))
script += "v.append( { \\\n"
for t, v in zip(variables, buffer):
script += ' "%s": """%s""" ,\n' % (t, v)
script += "} )\n"
script += "for d in v:\n t0 = str(template)\n"
for v in variables:
script += " t0 = t0.replace('%s',d['%s'])\n" % (v, v)
script += " print t0\n"
result += save_and_execute(irpdir, scriptname="%s_template_%d" % (line.filename, line.i), code=script,interpreter="python")
subst += line.text + '\n'
return result
def form(text):
'''Find if the text is in fixed form or in free form'''
assert type(text) == list
if len(text) == 0:
return Free_form
assert isinstance(text[0], Line)
re2 = re.compile(r"^\s*[!#]")
re3 = re.compile(r"^\s*[^ 0-9]+")
for line in text:
if type(line) in [Empty_line, Doc, Openmp, Directive]:
if len(line.text) > 5:
test = line.text[0:5]
if test[0] in "Cc#!*":
if re2.match(test) is None and re3.match(test) is not None:
return Free_form
if line.text.rstrip()[-1] == '&':
return Free_form
return Fixed_form
def add_operators(text):
re_incr = re.compile(r"(\s*)(.*)(\+=)(.*$)", re.S)
re_decr = re.compile(r"(\s*)(.*)(-=)(.*$)", re.S)
re_mult = re.compile(r"(\s*)(.*)(\*=)(.*$)", re.S)
'''Change additional operators'''
result = []
for line in text:
buffer = line.text
ls = buffer.strip()
if ls.startswith('print ') or \
ls.startswith('print*') or \
elif "+=" in buffer:
if buffer.lstrip().startswith("if "):
re_incr = re.compile(r"(.*)(\))(\s*)(.*)(\+=)(.*$)", re.S)
line.text = re.sub(re_incr, r'\1\2\4=\4+(\6)', buffer)
line.text = re.sub(re_incr, r'\1\2=\2+(\4)', buffer)
elif "-=" in buffer:
line.text = re.sub(re_decr, r'\1\2=\2-(\4)', buffer)
elif "*=" in buffer:
line.text = re.sub(re_mult, r'\1\2=\2*(\4)', buffer)
return result
def remove_comments(text, form):
# (List[Line], int) -> List[Line]
'''Remove all comments
This function is impure
result = []
def remove_after_bang(str_):
# str -> str
i_bang = str_.find('!')
if i_bang == -1:
return str_
sentinel, inside = None, False
for i,c in enumerate(str_):
if c == '"' or c == "'":
if not inside:
inside = True
sentinel = c
elif sentinel == c:
inside = False
elif c == '!' and not inside:
return str_[:i].strip()
return str_
if form == Free_form:
for line in text:
if type(line) in [Openmp, Doc, Directive]:
elif type(line) == Empty_line:
newline = line.text.lstrip()
if (newline != "" and newline[0] != "!#"):
text = remove_after_bang(line.text)
if text:
line.text = text
return result
for line in text:
if type(line) in [Openmp, Doc, Directive]:
elif type(line) == Empty_line:
newline = line.text.lstrip()
if newline == "" or newline[0] == "!":
line.text = remove_after_bang(line.text)
if line.text[0] in "#123456789 ":
return result
def remove_continuation(text, form):
'''Removes continuation lines'''
result = []
buffer = ""
number = 0
t = None
if form == Free_form:
for line in text:
if line.text[-1] == '&':
buffer = "%s%s\n" % (buffer, line.text)
if number == 0:
t = type(line)
number = line.i
if number != 0:
newline = t(number, \
"%s%s"%(buffer,line.text), \
line = newline
number = 0
buffer = ""
rev_text = list(text)
for line in rev_text:
is_continuation = False
if type(line) == Simple_line:
if len(line.text) >= 6:
if line.text[5] != ' ':
is_continuation = True
if is_continuation:
buffer = "&\n%s %s %s" % (line.text[:5], line.text[6:], buffer)
line.text = line.text + buffer
result.insert(0, line)
buffer = ""
return result
def irp_simple_statements(text):
'''Processes simple statements'''
def process_irp_rw(line, rw, t):
'''Read Write'''
assert type(line) == t
buffer = line.text.split()
if len(buffer) == 2:
dummy, variable = buffer
num = "0"
elif len(buffer) == 3:
dummy, variable, num = buffer
error.fail(line, "Error in IRP_%s statement" % (rw, ))
variable = variable.lower()
i = line.i
f = line.filename
txt = line.text.lstrip()
result = [
Empty_line(i, "!", f),
t(i, "! >>> %s" % txt, variable),
Provide_all(i, " call %ser_%s('%s')" % (rw, variable, num), f),
Empty_line(i, "! >>> END %s " % (txt, ), f),
Empty_line(line.i, "!", f),
return result
def process_irp_read(line):
assert type(line) == Irp_read
return process_irp_rw(line, 'read', Irp_read)
def process_irp_write(line):
assert type(line) == Irp_write
return process_irp_rw(line, 'writ', Irp_write)
def process_return(line):
assert type(line) == Return
if command_line.do_debug:
newline = Simple_line(line.i, " call irp_leave(irp_here)", line.filename)
result = [newline, line]
result = [line]
return result
def debug_conditions(line):
'''Find condition in assert statement for debug'''
assert type(line) == Assert
match = re_test.search(line.text)
result = []
if match is not None:
matches = [match.group(1).strip(), match.group(3).strip()]
for m in matches:
ok = m != "" # not empty
ok = ok and not m.isdigit() # not a digit
ok = ok and "'" not in m # not a string
ok = ok and m.count('(') == m.count(')') # balanced parenthesis
if ok:
Simple_line(line.i, " print *, '%s = ', %s" % (m, m), line.filename))
result.append(Simple_line(line.i, " print *, ''", line.filename))
return result
def process_assert(line):
assert type(line) == Assert
if command_line.do_assert:
if '(' not in line.text or ')' not in line.text:
error.fail(line, "Syntax error in ASSERT statement (parentheses)")
condition = "(%s" % (line.text.split('(', 1)[1])
if condition == "":
error.fail(line, "Error in Assert statement")
condition_str = condition.replace("'", "''")
i = line.i
f = line.filename
txt = line.text.strip()
result = [
Empty_line(i, "!", f),
Empty_line(i, "! >>> %s" % (txt, ), f),
If(i, " if (.not.%s) then" % (condition, ), f),
Simple_line(i, " print *, irp_here//': Assert failed:'", f),
Simple_line(i, " print *, ' file: %s, line: %d'" % (f, i), f),
Simple_line(i, " print *, '%s'" % (condition_str, ), f),
] + debug_conditions(line) + [
Simple_line(i, " stop 1", f), Endif(i, " endif", f), Empty_line(
i, "! <<< END %s" % (txt, ), f), Empty_line(i, "!", f)
result = []
return result
def process_end(line):
'''Add irp_leave if necessary'''
if command_line.do_debug:
i = line.i
f = line.filename
result = [Simple_line(i, " call irp_leave(irp_here)", f), line]
result = [line]
return result
def process_begin_provider(line):
assert type(line) == Begin_provider
import string
trans = string.maketrans("[]"," ")
buffer = line.lower.translate(trans).split(',')
if len(buffer) < 2:
error.fail(line, "Error in Begin_provider statement")
varname = buffer[1].strip()
length = len(varname)
i = line.i
f = line.filename
result = [
Begin_provider(i, line.text, (f, varname)),
Declaration(i, " character*(%d) :: irp_here = '%s'" % (length, varname), f)
if command_line.do_debug:
result += [Simple_line(i, " call irp_enter(irp_here)", f), ]
return result
def process_cont_provider(line):
assert type(line) == Cont_provider
buf = line.lower.replace('[', " ").replace(']', "").split(',')
if len(buf) < 2:
error.fail(line, "Error in Cont_provider statement")
varname = buf[1].strip()
i = line.i
f = line.filename
return [Cont_provider(i, line.text, (f, varname))]
def process_subroutine(line):
assert type(line) == Subroutine
subname = line.subname
length = len(subname)
i = line.i
f = line.filename
result = [ line, Declaration(i, " character*(%d) :: irp_here = '%s'" % (length, subname), f)]
if command_line.do_debug:
result += [Simple_line(i, " call irp_enter_f(irp_here)", f), ]
return result
def process_function(line):
assert type(line) == Function
subname = line.subname
length = len(subname)
i = line.i
f = line.filename
result = [
line, Declaration(i, " character*(%d) :: irp_here = '%s'" % (length, subname), f)
if command_line.do_debug:
result += [Simple_line(i, " call irp_enter_f(irp_here)", f), ]
return result
def process_program(line):
assert type(line) == Program
program_name = line.lower.split()[1]
temp = [Program(0, "program irp_program", program_name)]
if command_line.do_profile:
temp += [Simple_line(0, "call irp_init_timer()", line.filename)]
if command_line.do_openmp:
temp += [Simple_line(0, " call irp_init_locks_%s()" % (irp_id), line.filename)]
temp += [Call(0, " call %s" % (program_name), line.filename)]
if command_line.do_profile:
temp += [Simple_line(0, "call irp_print_timer()", line.filename)]
temp += [Simple_line(0, " call irp_finalize_%s()" % (irp_id), line.filename)]
temp += [End(0, "end program", line.filename)]
result = temp + process_subroutine(
Subroutine(line.i, "subroutine %s" % (program_name, ), line.filename))
return result
d = {
Irp_read: process_irp_read,
Irp_write: process_irp_write,
Return: process_return,
Assert: process_assert,
End: process_end,
Begin_provider: process_begin_provider,
Cont_provider: process_cont_provider,
End_provider: process_end,
Subroutine: process_subroutine,
Function: process_function,
Program: process_program,
result = []
for line in text:
buffer = [line]
for t in d:
if type(line) == t:
buffer = d[t](line)
result += buffer
return result
def change_includes(text):
'''Deals with include files'''
result = []
for line in text:
if type(line) == Include:
txt = line.text.replace('"', "'").split("'")
if len(txt) != 3:
error.fail(line, "Error in include statement")
directory = (("./" + line.filename).rsplit('/', 1)[0] + '/')[2:]
if directory == "":
filename = txt[1].strip()
filename = directory + txt[1].strip()
result.append(Include(line.i, "! include '%s'" % filename, filename))
result += Preprocess_text(filename).preprocessed_text
except IOError:
result.append(Declaration(line.i, line.text, line.filename))
return result
def process_old_style_do(text):
# (List[Line]) -> List[Line]
'''Changes archaic do loops to new style
DO 1 i=1,10'''
def change_matching_enddo(begin, number):
for i,line in enumerate(text[begin+1:]):
if isinstance(line,(Continue,Enddo)) and line.text.split()[0] == number:
text[begin+1+i] = Enddo(line.i, " enddo", line.filename)
from util import logger
logger.error(text[begin], "(%s) Old-style do loops should end with 'continue' or 'end do'" % text[begin])
from util import sys
result = []
for i in range(len(text)):
line = text[i]
if type(line) == Do:
buffer = line.text.split()
if buffer[1].isdigit():
number = buffer.pop(1)
change_matching_enddo(i, number)
line.text = " ".join(buffer)
except IndexError:
return result
def change_single_line_ifs(text):
# List[Line] -> List[Line]
'''Changes: `if (test) result`
`if (test) then
regex = r"\(.*?\)"
result = []
for line in text:
if type(line) == If:
if line.lower.endswith("then"):
buffer = line.text
begin = buffer.find('(')
if begin == -1:
logger.error("No '(' in if statemnt: %s" % line)
level = 0
instring = False
for i, c in enumerate(buffer[begin:]):
if c == "'":
instring = not instring
if instring:
elif c == '(':
level += 1
elif c == ')':
level -= 1
if level == 0:
end = begin + i + 1
if level != 0:
logger.error("If statement not valid: %s (%s)" % (line, line.filename))
test = buffer[:end]
code = buffer[end:]
i = line.i
f = line.filename
result.append(If(i, "%s then" % (test, ), f))
result += get_type(i, f, code, code.lower(),code.lower(), False)[0]
result.append(Endif(i, " endif", f))
return result
def check_begin_end(raw_text):
# List[Line] -> None
'''Checks x...endx consistence
fortran 'ifdef' statement may cause this function to bug.
Indeed we count the numboer of 'x' statement and compare it to the number of 'endx'.
Maybe more of one 'x' statement in defined cause in 'ifdef/else/endif' statement.
d_block = {Enddo: [Do],
Endif: [If],
End_provider: [Begin_provider],
End_doc: [Begin_doc],
End: [Program, Subroutine, Function],
End_module: [Module],
End_interface: [Interface]}
from collections import defaultdict
d_type = defaultdict(list)
for line in raw_text:
for t_end, l_begin in d_block.iteritems():
n_end = len(d_type[t_end])
n_begin = sum(len(d_type[t_begin]) for t_begin in l_begin)
if n_end != n_begin:
if n_end > n_begin:
logger.error("You have more close statement than open statement (%s) (%s)",line.filename,t_end)
logger.error('You have more end statement than open statenemt for (%s) (%s)' % (line.filename, t_end))
for i in zip([l for i in l_begin for l in d_type[i]], d_type[t_end]):
def remove_ifdefs(text):
assert type(text) == list
result = []
do_print = True
for line in text:
if type(line) == Irp_If:
var = line.text.split()[1]
do_print = var in command_line.defined
elif type(line) == Irp_Else:
do_print = not do_print
elif type(line) == Irp_Endif:
do_print = True
elif do_print:
return result
def check_OpenMP(text):
'Not working!'
assert type(text) == list
inside_openmp = False
for line in text:
if type(line) == Openmp:
# Detect OpenMP blocks
buffer = line.lower.split()
if buffer[1] == "parallel":
inside_openmp = True
elif buffer[1] == "end" and buffer[2] == "parallel":
inside_openmp = False
# if inside_openmp and isinstance(line, (Provide_all, Provide, Touch, SoftTouch)):
# logger.error("%s is not allowed in an OpenMP block: %s" % (type(line),line))
return text
class Preprocess_text(object):
def __init__(self, filename):
self.filename = filename
def text(self):
with open(self.filename, 'r') as f:
str_ = f.read()
#Dirty thing. We will replace 'end program' by 'end subroutine'
#because afterward the program will be replaced by a subroutine...
import re
transform = re.compile(re.escape('end program'), re.IGNORECASE)
return transform.sub('end subroutine', str_)
def text_align(self):
from command_line import command_line
return self.text.replace("$IRP_ALIGN", command_line.align)
def text_lower(self):
return self.text_align.lower()
def text_lower_canonized(self):
return get_canonized_text(self.text_lower)
def lines(self):
return self.text_align.split('\n')
def lines_lower(self):
return self.text_lower.split('\n')
def lines_lower_canonized(self):
return self.text_lower_canonized.replace("!", " ! ").split('\n')
def lines_overloaded(self):
'''Labeled lines'''
result = []
is_doc = False
for i, (l, ll, llc) in enumerate(zip(self.lines, self.lines_lower, self.lines_lower_canonized)):
line, is_doc = get_type(i + 1, self.filename, l, ll, llc, is_doc)
result += line
return result
def preprocessed_text(self):
result = self.lines_overloaded
result = execute_templates(result)
result = execute_shell(result)
fortran_form = form(result)
result = remove_ifdefs(result)
result = remove_comments(result, fortran_form)
result = remove_continuation(result, fortran_form)
result = add_operators(result)
result = change_includes(result)
result = change_single_line_ifs(result)
result = process_old_style_do(result)
result = irp_simple_statements(result)
result = check_OpenMP(result)
return result
if __name__ == '__main__':