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228 lines
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#!/usr/bin/env python
# IRPF90 is a Fortran90 preprocessor written in Python for programming using
# the Implicit Reference to Parameters (IRP) method.
# Copyright (C) 2009 Anthony SCEMAMA
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
# with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
# 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
# Anthony Scemama
# Universite Paul Sabatier
# 118, route de Narbonne
# 31062 Toulouse Cedex 4
# scemama@irsamc.ups-tlse.fr
from irpf90_t import *
from variable import *
from variables import variables
from command_line import command_line
import preprocessed_text
from util import *
class Fmodule(object):
header = \
[ "! -*- F90 -*-",
"! This file was generated with the irpf90 tool. !",
"! !",
"" ]
def __init__(self,text,filename):
self.text = put_info(text,filename)
self.filename = filename[:-6]
self.name = "%s_mod"%(self.filename).replace('/','__').replace('.','Dot')
def is_main(self):
if '_is_main' not in self.__dict__:
self._is_main = self.prog_name is not None
return self._is_main
is_main = property(is_main)
def prog_name(self):
if '_prog_name' not in self.__dict__:
buffer = filter(lambda x: type(x[1]) == Program,self.text)
if buffer == []:
self._prog_name = None
self._prog_name = buffer[0][1].filename
return self._prog_name
prog_name = property(prog_name)
def variables(self):
if '_variables' not in self.__dict__:
from variables import variables
name = self.name
self._variables = filter(lambda x: variables[x].fmodule == name, variables)
return self._variables
variables = property(variables)
def head(self):
if '_head' not in self.__dict__:
result = [ "module %s"%(self.name) ]
result += self.use
result += self.dec
result += flatten( map(lambda x: variables[x].header,self.variables) )
result.append( "end module %s"%(self.name) )
self._head = result
return self._head
head = property(head)
def needed_vars(self):
if '_needed_vars' not in self.__dict__:
result = map(lambda x: variables[x].needs,self.variables)
result = make_single ( flatten(result) )
self._needed_vars = result
return self._needed_vars
needed_vars = property(needed_vars)
def includes(self):
if '_includes' not in self.__dict__:
buffer = []
for v in self.needed_vars:
buffer += variables[v].includes
self._includes = make_single(buffer)
return self._includes
includes = property(includes)
def generated_text(self):
if '_generated_text' not in self.__dict__:
result = []
for var in self.variables:
var = variables[var]
result += var.provider
result += var.builder
if var.is_read:
result += var.reader
if var.is_written:
result += var.writer
self._generated_text = result
return self._generated_text
generated_text = property(generated_text)
def residual_text(self):
if '_residual_text' not in self.__dict__:
from variables import build_use, call_provides
from parsed_text import move_to_top
def remove_providers(text):
result = []
inside = False
for vars,line in text:
if type(line) == Begin_provider:
inside = True
if not inside:
result.append( (vars,line) )
if type(line) == End_provider:
inside = False
return result
def modify_functions(text):
result = []
variable_list = []
for vars,line in text:
if type(line) in [ Subroutine, Function ]:
variable_list = list(vars)
elif type(line) == End:
result += map(lambda x: ([],Use(line.i,x,line.filename)), build_use(variable_list))
variable_list += vars
result.append( (vars,line) )
return result
def extract_use_dec_text(text):
inside = False
result = []
dec = []
use = []
for vars,line in text:
if type(line) in [ Subroutine, Function, Program]:
inside = True
if inside:
result.append( (vars,line) )
if type(line) == Use:
use.append( (vars,line) )
elif type(line) == Declaration:
dec.append( (vars,line) )
if type(line) == End:
inside = False
return use, dec, result
def provide_variables(text):
result = []
for vars,line in text:
result.append( ([],line) )
result += map(lambda x: ([],Simple_line(line.i,x,line.filename)), call_provides(vars))
return result
result = remove_providers(self.text)
result = modify_functions(result)
use,dec,result = extract_use_dec_text(result)
self._use = make_single(map(lambda x: " "+x[1].text, use))
self._dec = map(lambda x: " "+x[1].text, dec)
# self._dec = make_single(map(lambda x: " "+x[1].text, dec))
result = provide_variables(result)
result = move_to_top(result,Declaration)
result = move_to_top(result,Implicit)
result = move_to_top(result,Use)
result = map(lambda x: x[1], result)
result = map(lambda x: x.text, result)
self._residual_text = result
return self._residual_text
residual_text = property(residual_text)
def use(self):
if '_use' not in self.__dict__:
return self._use
use = property(use)
def dec(self):
if '_dec' not in self.__dict__:
return self._dec
dec = property(dec)
def needed_modules(self):
if '_needed_modules' not in self.__dict__:
buffer = filter(lambda x: x.lstrip().startswith("use "), \
buffer = map(lambda x: x.split()[1], buffer)
buffer = filter(lambda x: x.endswith("_mod"),buffer )
self._needed_modules = make_single(buffer)
if self.name in self._needed_modules:
return self._needed_modules
needed_modules = property(needed_modules)
if __name__ == '__main__':
from parsed_text import parsed_text
for filename, text in parsed_text:
if filename == 'vmc_step.irp.f':
x = Fmodule(text,filename)
for line in x.head:
print line
print x.includes