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# IRPF90 is a Fortran90 preprocessor written in Python for programming using
# the Implicit Reference to Parameters (IRP) method.
# Copyright (C) 2009 Anthony SCEMAMA
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
# with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
# 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
# Anthony Scemama
# Universite Paul Sabatier
# 118, route de Narbonne
# 31062 Toulouse Cedex 4
# scemama@irsamc.ups-tlse.fr
import getopt, sys
from version import version
import re
description = "IRPF90 Fortran preprocessor."
options = {}
options['d'] = [ 'debug' , 'Activate debug', 0 ]
options['v'] = [ 'version' , 'Print version of irpf90', 0 ]
options['a'] = [ 'assert' , 'Activate assertions', 0 ]
options['h'] = [ 'help' , 'Print this help', 0 ]
options['i'] = [ 'init' , 'Initialize current directory', 0 ]
options['D'] = [ 'define' , 'Define variable', 1 ]
options['o'] = [ 'checkopt' , 'Show where optimization may be required', 0 ]
options['p'] = [ 'preprocess' , 'Preprocess file', 1 ]
options['g'] = [ 'profile' , 'Generate profile code', 0 ]
options['t'] = [ 'touch' , 'Display which entities are touched', 1 ]
options['m'] = [ 'memory' , 'Debug memory info', 0 ]
options['z'] = [ 'openmp' , 'Automatic openMP tasks (may not work)', 0 ]
options['l'] = [ 'align' , 'Align arrays using compiler directives. Sets the $IRP_ALIGN variable', 1 ]
options['s'] = [ 'substitute' , 'Substitute values for loop max values', 1 ]
options['r'] = [ 'no_directives', 'Ignore compiler directives !DEC$ and !DIR$', 0 ]
options['n'] = [ 'inline' , 'all|providers|builders : Force inlining of providers or builders', 1 ]
options['u'] = [ 'unused' , 'Print unused providers', 0 ]
class CommandLine(object):
def __init__(self):
global options
self._opts = None
self.argv = list(sys.argv)
self.executable_name = self.argv[0]
def defined(self):
if '_defined' not in self.__dict__:
self._defined = []
for o,a in self.opts:
if o in [ "-D", '--'+options['D'][0] ]:
return self._defined
defined = property(fget=defined)
def inline(self):
if '_inline' not in self.__dict__:
self._inline = ""
for o,a in self.opts:
if o in [ "-n", '--'+options['n'][0] ]:
self._inline = a
return self._inline
inline = property(fget=inline)
def substituted(self):
if '_substituted' not in self.__dict__:
self._substituted = {}
for o,a in self.opts:
if o in [ "-s", '--'+options['s'][0] ]:
k, v = a.split(':')
v_re = re.compile(r"(\W)(%s)(\W.*$|$)"%k.strip())
self._substituted[k] = [v, v_re]
return self._substituted
substituted = property(fget=substituted)
def preprocessed(self):
if '_preprocessed' not in self.__dict__:
self._preprocessed = []
for o,a in self.opts:
if o in [ "-p", '--'+options['p'][0] ]:
return self._preprocessed
preprocessed = property(fget=preprocessed)
def touched(self):
if '_touched' not in self.__dict__:
self._touched = []
for o,a in self.opts:
if o in [ "-t", '--'+options['t'][0] ]:
return self._touched
touched = property(fget=touched)
def align(self):
if '_align' not in self.__dict__:
self._align = '1'
for o,a in self.opts:
if o in [ "-l", '--'+options['l'][0] ]:
self._align = a
return self._align
align = property(fget=align)
def directives(self):
if '_directives' not in self.__dict__:
self._directives = True
for o,a in self.opts:
if o in [ "-r", '--'+options['r'][0] ]:
self._directives = False
return self._directives
directives = property(fget=directives)
def usage(self):
t = """
t = t.replace("$EXE",self.executable_name)
t = t.replace("$DESCR",description)
print t
sorted = options.keys()
for o in sorted:
print " -%s , --%15s : %s"%(o,options[o][0].ljust(15),options[o][1])
if options[o][2] == 1:
print " Requires an argument"
print ""
print "Version : ", version
print ""
def opts(self):
if self._opts is None:
optlist = ["",[]]
for o in options:
b = [o]+options[o]
if b[3] == 1:
b[0] = b[0]+":"
b[1] = b[1]+"="
optlist[0] += b[0]
optlist[1] += [b[1]]
self._opts, args = getopt.getopt(self.argv[1:], optlist[0], optlist[1])
except getopt.GetoptError, err:
# print help information and exit:
print str(err) # will print something like "option -a not recognized"
return self._opts
opts = property(fget=opts)
t = """
def do_$LONG(self):
if '_do_$LONG' not in self.__dict__:
self._do_$LONG = False
for o,a in self.opts:
if o in ("-$SHORT", "--$LONG"):
self._do_$LONG = True
return self._do_$LONG
do_$LONG = property(fget=do_$LONG)
for short in options:
long = options[short][0]
exec t.replace("$LONG",long).replace("$SHORT",short) #in locals()
def do_run(self):
if '_do_run' not in self.__dict__:
self._do_run = not ( \
self.do_version or \
self.do_help or \
self.do_preprocess or \
self.do_touch or \
self.do_init )
return self._do_run
do_run = property(fget=do_run)
command_line = CommandLine()