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2017-03-17 11:20:18 -05:00

622 lines
21 KiB

#!/usr/bin/env python
# IRPF90 is a Fortran90 preprocessor written in Python for programming using
# the Implicit Reference to Parameters (IRP) method.
# Copyright (C) 2009 Anthony SCEMAMA
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
# with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
# 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
# Anthony Scemama
# Universite Paul Sabatier
# 118, route de Narbonne
# 31062 Toulouse Cedex 4
# scemama@irsamc.ups-tlse.fr
from util import *
from irpf90_t import *
import regexps, re
re_string_sub = regexps.re_string.sub
regexps_re_string_sub = regexps.re_string.sub
def find_variables_in_line(line, vtuple):
line_lower = regexps_re_string_sub('', line.lower)
#return [same_as for v,same_as, regexp in vtuple if v in line_lower and regexp(line_lower)]
return [v for v, same_as, regexp in vtuple if v in line_lower and regexp(line_lower)]
def find_funcs_in_line(line, stuple):
assert isinstance(line, Line)
line_lower = line.lower
result = [s for s, regexp in stuple if s in line_lower and regexp.search(line_lower)]
return result
def find_subroutine_in_line(line):
assert type(line) == Call
buffer = line.text.split('(')[0]
buffer = buffer.split()[1].lower()
return buffer
def check_touch(variables, line, vars, main_vars):
def fun(main_var):
if main_var not in variables:
error.fail(line, "Variable %s unknown" % (main_var, ))
x = variables[main_var]
return [main_var] + x.l_others_name
all_others = uniquify(flatten(map(fun, main_vars)))
for x, y in zip(vars, all_others):
if x != y:
message = "The following entities should be touched:"
message = "\n".join([message] + map(lambda x: "- %s" % (x, ), all_others))
from util import logger
logger.error("%s (%s)" % (message, line))
import sys
from collections import namedtuple
Parsed_text = namedtuple('Parsed_text', ['varlist', 'line'])
def get_parsed_text(filename, text, variables, subroutines, vtuple):
varlist = []
result = []
append = result.append
for i, line in enumerate(text):
tmp_result = []
if isinstance(line,
(Empty_line, Continue, Return, Begin_shell, End_shell, Openmp, Directive, Use,
Enddo, End_select, Endif, End, Implicit, Program, Subroutine, Function)):
append(Parsed_text([], line))
elif isinstance(line, (Begin_provider, Cont_provider)):
if isinstance(line, (Begin_provider)):
varlist = []
v = line.lower.replace(']', '').split(',')[1].strip()
variable_list = find_variables_in_line(line, vtuple)
# variable_list.remove(variables[v].same_as)
append(Parsed_text(variable_list, line))
elif type(line) == End_provider:
varlist = []
append(Parsed_text([], line))
elif type(line) == Provide:
l = line.lower.split()[1:]
l = filter(lambda x: x not in varlist, l)
for v in l:
if v not in variables:
logger.error("Variable %s is unknown (%s)" % (v, line))
import sys
append(Parsed_text(l, Provide(line.i, "", line.filename)))
append(Parsed_text(l, Simple_line(line.i, "!%s" % (line.text), line.filename)))
elif type(line) == NoDep:
l = line.lower.split()[1:]
for v in l:
if v not in variables:
error.fail(line, "Variable %s is unknown" % (v))
l = map(lambda x: "-%s" % (x), l)
append(Parsed_text(l, Simple_line(line.i, "!%s" % (line.text), line.filename)))
elif type(line) in [Touch, SoftTouch]:
vars = line.lower.split()
if len(vars) < 2:
error.fail(line, "Syntax error")
vars = vars[1:]
main_vars = uniquify([variables[x].same_as for x in vars])
check_touch(variables, line, vars, main_vars)
txt = " ".join(vars)
append(Parsed_text(vars, Simple_line(line.i, "!", line.filename)))
append(Parsed_text([], Simple_line(line.i, "! >>> TOUCH %s" % (txt, ), line.filename)))
def fun(x):
if x not in variables:
error.fail(line, "Variable %s unknown" % (x, ))
return [
Parsed_text([], Simple_line(line.i, " call touch_%s" % (x, ), line.filename)),
Parsed_text([], Use(line.i, " use %s" % (variables[x].fmodule), line.filename))
result += flatten(map(fun, main_vars))
def fun(x):
if x not in variables:
error.fail(line, "Variable %s unknown" % (x, ))
return Parsed_text([],
Simple_line(line.i, " %s_is_built = .True." %
(x, ), line.filename))
result += map(fun, main_vars[:-1])
if type(line) == SoftTouch:
Parsed_text([], Simple_line(line.i, "! <<< END TOUCH (Soft)", line.filename)))
append(Parsed_text([], Provide_all(line.i, "! <<< END TOUCH", line.filename)))
elif type(line) == Call:
l = find_variables_in_line(line, vtuple)
l = filter(lambda x: x not in varlist, l)
sub = find_subroutine_in_line(line)
if sub not in subroutines:
t = Simple_line
append(Parsed_text(l, Simple_line(line.i, line.text, line.filename)))
append((l, line))
if subroutines[sub].touches != []:
append(Parsed_text([], Provide_all(line.i, "", line.filename)))
elif type(line) == Free:
vars = line.lower.split()
vars = vars[1:]
append(Parsed_text([], Simple_line(line.i, "!%s" % (line.text), line.filename)))
use = map(lambda x: " use %s" % (variables[x].fmodule), vars)
for var in vars:
result += map(lambda x: Parsed_text([], Use(line.i, x, line.filename)),
result += map(lambda x: Parsed_text([], Simple_line(line.i, x, line.filename)),
elif type(line) == Irp_read:
append(Parsed_text([], Simple_line(line.i, "!%s" % (line.text), line.filename)))
elif type(line) == Irp_write:
append(Parsed_text([], Simple_line(line.i, "!%s" % (line.text), line.filename)))
elif type(line) in [Begin_doc, End_doc, Doc]:
l = find_variables_in_line(line, vtuple)
l = filter(lambda x: x not in varlist, l)
append(Parsed_text(l, line))
return (filename, result)
def move_to_top_list(text, it):
# ( List[ List[Entity], Line], Iterator)
'''Move the all the element of List[ List[Entity], Line] of Line's Type containt in IT are the top of text.
- The permutation neeed to be done following `it` order
- We can have `nested` subroutine / Function. (Because of interface)
- This function is called way to much. Is need to be efficient
- This function is Unpure
- One pass over `text`
- I am not really proud of the Sentinel value for the deleted,
but I waste already so much time on more cleaver but not working solution...
assert set(it).issubset([NoDep, Declaration, Implicit, Use, Cont_provider])
# ~ # ~ # ~
# G e t P e r m u t a t i o n
# ~ # ~ # ~
from collections import defaultdict
d_permutation = defaultdict(list)
# Type:List(begin, Line)
# We will insert the Line at begin position later on
l_begin = []
for i, (l_var, line) in enumerate(text):
t = type(line)
if t in [Begin_provider, Module, Program, Subroutine, Function]:
elif t in [End_provider, End]:
elif l_begin and t in it:
d_permutation[t].append((l_begin[-1], [l_var, line]))
# Put the sentinel, will be deleted after the insertion
text[i] = None
# ~ # ~ # ~
# O r d e r t h e m
# ~ # ~ # ~
# We need to do the permutation in the correct order
d_insert = defaultdict(list)
for t in reversed(it):
for begin, tline in d_permutation[t]:
# ~ # ~ # ~
# D o t h e m
# ~ # ~ # ~
# Because idx are sorted, it's easy to do the insert part of the move
# Just pad each insert by the number of precedent insert
padding = 0
for idx in sorted(d_insert.keys()):
for tline in d_insert[idx]:
text.insert(idx + padding + 1, tline)
padding += 1
# Now do the Delete part of the move. Fortunatly we put a sentinel to know the line to delete
for i in reversed(xrange(len(text))):
if text[i] is None:
del text[i]
def move_interface(parsed_text, s_type=(Use, Implicit, Declaration, Subroutine, Function, Module)):
# ( List[ List[Entity], Line], Iterator)
'''Move everything containt into 'interface' below the first instance of s_type who preced it
= This function is unpur
# Get the born of the interface
i_begin = [i for i, (_, line) in enumerate(parsed_text) if isinstance(line, Interface)]
i_end = [i + 1 for i, (_, line) in enumerate(parsed_text) if isinstance(line, End_interface)]
# Get the begin of the insert
i_insert = []
for begin in i_begin:
next(i + 1 for i in range(begin, -1, -1) if isinstance(parsed_text[i][1], s_type)))
# Do the insert and the delete in one passe
for insert, begin, end in zip(i_insert, i_begin, i_end):
parsed_text[insert:insert] = parsed_text[begin:end]
padding = end - begin
parsed_text[begin + padding:end + padding] = []
def build_sub_needs(parsed_text, d_subroutine):
#(List[ Tuple[List[Entity], Tuple[int,List[Line]] ]], Dict[str:Sub]) -> None
'''Set the needs, and provides arguements of Routine present in parsed_text
This function is unpure
l_buffer = []
for _, text in parsed_text:
l_begin = [
i for i, (_, line) in enumerate(text)
if isinstance(line, (Subroutine, Function, Program))
l_end = [i for i, (_, line) in enumerate(text) if isinstance(line, End)]
l_buffer += [(d_subroutine[text[b].line.subname], text[b + 1:e])
for b, e in zip(l_begin, l_end) if not isinstance(text[b].line, Program)]
for sub, text in l_buffer:
sub.needs = set(v for vs, _ in text for v in vs)
sub.to_provide = set(v for vs, line in text for v in vs if isinstance(line, Declaration))
def add_subroutine_needs(parsed_text, subroutines):
main_result = []
for filename, text in parsed_text:
result = []
append = result.append
for vars, line in text:
if type(line) == Call:
vars += subroutines[line.subname].to_provide
append((vars, line))
main_result.append((filename, result))
return main_result
def raise_entity(text):
#(List[ Tuple[List[Entity], Tuple[int,List[Line]] ]]
'''Working progress'''
l_token = []
d_level_var = dict()
d_level_var[0] = []
skip_interface = False
lvl = 0
for i, (e, line) in enumerate(text):
type_ = type(line)
if type_ in [Interface, End_interface]:
skip_interface = not skip_interface
if skip_interface:
if type_ in [Begin_provider, Program, Subroutine, Function, If]:
lvl += 1
d_level_var[lvl] = e[:]
elif type_ in [End_provider, End, Endif]:
i = l_token.pop()
text[i] = (d_level_var[lvl], text[i][1])
lvl += -1
elif type_ in [Else, Elseif]:
i = l_token.pop()
text[i] = (d_level_var[lvl], text[i][1])
assert (type(text[i][1]) == If)
d_level_var[lvl] = e[:]
d_level_var[lvl] += e[:]
text[i] = ([], line)
assert (lvl == 0)
def move_variables(parsed_text):
#(List[ Tuple[List[Entity], Tuple[int,List[Line]] ]]
'''Move variables into the top of the declaraiton.
This need to be optimised to handle the fact that we can have multi-provider
def func(filename, text):
result = []
append = result.append
# 1st pass
varlist = []
ifvars = []
elsevars = []
old_varlist = []
old_ifvars = []
old_elsevars = []
revtext = list(text)
skip_interface = False
for vars, line in revtext:
if type(line) in [Interface, End_interface]:
skip_interface = not skip_interface
if skip_interface:
append(([], line))
if type(line) in [End_provider, End]:
varlist = []
append(([], line))
elif type(line) in [Endif, End_select]:
varlist = []
append(([], line))
elif type(line) == Else:
elsevars += list(varlist)
append((varlist, line))
varlist = []
elif type(line) in [Elseif, Case]:
ifvars += list(varlist)
append((varlist, line))
if vars != []:
varlist = old_varlist.pop()
varlist += vars
varlist = []
elif type(line) in [If, Select]:
ifvars += list(varlist)
append((varlist, line))
vars += filter(lambda x: x in elsevars, ifvars)
ifvars = old_ifvars.pop()
elsevars = old_elsevars.pop()
varlist = old_varlist.pop() + vars
elif type(line) in [Begin_provider, Program, Subroutine, Function]:
varlist += vars
append((varlist, line))
if old_varlist != [] \
or old_ifvars != [] \
or old_elsevars != []:
error.fail(line, "End if missing")
varlist = []
elif type(line) in (Provide, Provide_all):
append((vars, line))
varlist += vars
append(([], line))
from util import logger
logger.error("Unable to parse file %s", line)
import sys
#print '@@@@@@@@@@@@@'
#for i in text:
# print i
# 2nd pass
text = result
result = []
append = result.append
old_varlist = []
varlist = []
for vars, line in text:
if vars:
vars = uniquify(vars)
if type(line) in [Begin_provider, Program, Subroutine, Function]:
varlist = list(vars)
elif type(line) in [If, Select]:
vars = filter(lambda x: x not in varlist, vars)
varlist = uniquify(varlist + vars)
assert old_varlist is not varlist
elif type(line) in [Elseif, Else, Case]:
varlist = old_varlist.pop()
vars = filter(lambda x: x not in varlist, vars)
varlist = uniquify(varlist + vars)
assert old_varlist is not varlist
elif type(line) in [Endif, End_select]:
varlist = old_varlist.pop()
elif type(line) == Provide_all:
vars += varlist
elif type(line) in [End_provider, End]:
assert old_varlist == []
varlist = []
for v in vars[:]:
if v[0] == '-':
result.append((vars, line))
error.fail(line, "Unable to parse file")
return result
main_result = []
for filename, text in parsed_text:
#for i in text:
# print i
main_result.append((filename, func(filename, text)))
#print '==========='
#for i in main_result[-1][1]:
# print i
return main_result
def build_needs(parsed_text, subroutines, stuple, variables):
'out: variable'
# ~#~#~#~#~#
# Needs and to_provide
# ~#~#~#~#~#
# Loop of the main Entity
for filename, text in parsed_text:
l_begin = [i for i, (_, line) in enumerate(text) if isinstance(line, Begin_provider)]
l_end = [i for i, (_, line) in enumerate(text) if isinstance(line, End_provider)]
for start, end in zip(l_begin, l_end):
l_vars_start, line_start = text[start]
name = map(str.strip, line_start.lower.replace(']', ',').split(','))[1]
entity = variables[name]
entity.to_provide = uniquify(l_vars_start)
l_needs = []
for vars, line in text[start:end]:
l_needs += vars
if type(line) == Call:
l_needs += subroutines[line.subname].needs
elif type(line) in [Simple_line, Assert, Do, If, Elseif, Select]:
funcs = find_funcs_in_line(line, stuple)
for f in funcs:
l_needs += subroutines[f].needs
entity.needs = uniquify(l_needs)
# Now do the Other entity
for v in variables:
main = variables[v].same_as
if main != v:
variables[v].needs = variables[main].needs
variables[v].to_provide = variables[main].to_provide
# ~#~#~#~#~#
# Needs_by
# ~#~#~#~#~#
from collections import defaultdict
d_needed_by = defaultdict(list)
for var in variables.values():
for x in var.needs:
for v in d_needed_by:
variables[v].needed_by = uniquify(d_needed_by[v])
from command_line import command_line
def check_opt(parsed_text):
if not command_line.do_checkopt:
for filename, text in parsed_text:
do_level = 0
for vars, line in text:
if not type(line) == Provide_all:
if do_level > 0 and vars != []:
print "Optimization: %s line %d" % (line.filename, line.i)
for v in vars:
print " PROVIDE ", v
if type(line) == Do:
do_level += 1
elif type(line) == Enddo:
do_level -= 1
def perform_loop_substitutions(parsed_text):
main_result = []
for filename, text in parsed_text:
result = []
append = result.append
for vars, line in text:
if type(line) in [Do, If, Elseif]:
for k, v in command_line.substituted.items():
reg = v[1]
while reg.search(line.text) is not None:
line.text = re.sub(reg, r'\1%s\3', line.text, count=1) % v[0]
append((vars, line))
main_result.append((filename, result))
return main_result