#!/usr/bin/python # IRPF90 is a Fortran90 preprocessor written in Python for programming using # the Implicit Reference to Parameters (IRP) method. # Copyright (C) 2009 Anthony SCEMAMA # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along # with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., # 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA. # # Anthony Scemama # LCPQ - IRSAMC - CNRS # Universite Paul Sabatier # 118, route de Narbonne # 31062 Toulouse Cedex 4 # scemama@irsamc.ups-tlse.fr import os,sys import irpf90_t irpdir = irpf90_t.irpdir mandir = irpf90_t.mandir FILENAME = "Makefile" ###################################################################### def create(): has_makefile = True try: file = open(FILENAME,"r") except IOError: has_makefile = False if has_makefile: return file = open(FILENAME,"w") t = """IRPF90 = irpf90 #-a -d FC = gfortran FCFLAGS= -O2 SRC= OBJ= LIB= include irpf90.make irpf90.make: $(wildcard *.irp.f) \t$(IRPF90) """ file.write(t) file.close() ###################################################################### def run(): from modules import modules if os.fork() == 0: mod = [] for m in modules.keys(): mod.append(modules[m]) file = open('irpf90.make','w') result = "SRC += %sirp_stack.irp.F90"%(irpdir) result += " %sirp_touches.irp.F90"%(irpdir) for m in mod: result += " %s%s.irp.F90"%(irpdir,m.name[:-4]) result += " %s%s.irp.module.F90"%(irpdir,m.name[:-4]) print >>file, result result = "OBJ += %sirp_stack.irp.o"%(irpdir) for m in mod: if not m.is_main: result += " %s%s.irp.o"%(irpdir,m.name[:-4]) result += " %s%s.irp.module.o"%(irpdir,m.name[:-4]) print >>file, result print >>file, "OBJ1 = $(patsubst %%, %s%%,$(notdir $(OBJ))) %sirp_touches.irp.o"%(irpdir,irpdir) all = filter(lambda x: modules[x].is_main, modules) all = map(lambda x: x[:-6], all) all_o = map(lambda x: "%s.irp.module.o %s.irp.o"%(x,x), all) print >>file, "ALL = %s"%(" ".join(all)) print >>file, "ALL_OBJ = %s"%(" ".join(all_o)) print >>file, "ALL_OBJ1 = $(patsubst %%, %s%%,$(notdir $(ALL_OBJ)))"%(irpdir) print >>file, "all:$(ALL)" print >>file, "\t@$(MAKE) -s move" for m in mod: if m.is_main: exe = m.name[:-4] print >>file, "%s: %s%s.irp.o %s%s.irp.module.o $(OBJ1)"%(exe,irpdir,exe,irpdir,exe) print >>file, "\t$(FC) -o $@ %s$@.irp.o %s$@.irp.module.o $(OBJ1) $(LIB)"%(irpdir,irpdir) print >>file, "\t@$(MAKE) -s move" buffer = "" for m in mod: filename = "%s%s.irp.o: %s%s.irp.module.o"%(irpdir,m.name[:-4],irpdir,m.name[:-4]) mds = map (lambda x: " %s%s.irp.module.o"%(irpdir,x[:-4]),m.needed_modules) print >>file, filename+" ".join(mds) if not m.is_main: buffer += "\t - @echo '"+filename+" ".join(mds)+"' >> %sdist_Makefile\n"%(irpdir) print >>file, "%sirp_touches.irp.o:"%(irpdir), mds = filter(lambda x: not x.is_main,mod) mds = map(lambda x: " %s%s.irp.o %s%s.irp.o"%(irpdir,x.name[:-4],irpdir,x.name[:-4]),mds) print >>file," ".join(mds) print >>file, "%sdist_Makefile:"%(irpdir) print >>file, "\t- @echo FC=$(FC) > %sdist_Makefile"%(irpdir) print >>file, "\t- @echo FCFLAGS=$(FCFLAGS) >> %sdist_Makefile"%(irpdir) print >>file, "\t- @echo LIB=$(LIB) >> %sdist_Makefile"%(irpdir) print >>file, "\t- @echo .DEFAULT_GOAL: exe >> %sdist_Makefile"%(irpdir) print >>file, "\t- @echo 'exe: $$(EXE).irp.F90 $(OBJ) irp_touches.irp.o' >> %sdist_Makefile"%(irpdir) print >>file, "\t- @echo '\t$$(FC) -o $$(EXE) $$(EXE).irp.F90 $(OBJ) irp_touches.irp.o $$(LIB)' >> %sdist_Makefile"%(irpdir) print >>file, "\t- @echo '%%.o: %%.F90' >> %sdist_Makefile"%(irpdir) print >>file, "\t- @echo '\t$$(FC) $$(FCFLAGS) -c $$*.F90 -o $$*.o' >> %sdist_Makefile"%(irpdir) print >>file, "\t- @echo 'clean:' >> %sdist_Makefile"%(irpdir) print >>file, "\t- @echo '\trm *.o *.mod $$(EXE) 2>/dev/null' >> %sdist_Makefile"%(irpdir) print >>file, buffer print >>file, "\t- @echo '\tirp_touches.irp.o: irp_touches.irp.F90 $(OBJ) >> %sdist_Makefile"%(irpdir) print >>file, "%%.dist: %sdist_Makefile"%(irpdir) print >>file, "\t- @mkdir -p dist/$*| DO_NOTHING=" print >>file, "\t- @cp %s* dist/$*/| DO_NOTHING="%(irpdir) print >>file, "\t- @for i in $(ALL) $(OBJ) irp_touches.irp.o $(ALL_OBJ); do rm dist/$*/$$i ; done| DO_NOTHING=" print >>file, "\t- @for i in $(ALL) ; do rm dist/$*/$$i.irp.F90 ; done| DO_NOTHING=" print >>file, "\t- @rm dist/$*/{*.irp.f,*.mod,irpf90_entities}| DO_NOTHING=" print >>file, "\t- @rm dist/$*/*.mod 2>/dev/null| DO_NOTHING=" print >>file, "\t- @echo 'EXE = $*' > dist/$*/Makefile| DO_NOTHING=" print >>file, "\t- @cat dist/$*/dist_Makefile >> dist/$*/Makefile| DO_NOTHING=" print >>file, "\t- @rm dist/$*/dist_Makefile| DO_NOTHING=" print >>file, "\t- @cp %s$*.irp.F90 dist/$*/| DO_NOTHING="%(irpdir) print >>file, "\t- cd dist ; tar -zcvf ../$*.tar.gz $*\n" print >>file, irpdir+"%.irp.module.o: "+irpdir+"%.irp.module.F90" print >>file, "\t$(FC) $(FCFLAGS) -c "+irpdir+"$*.irp.module.F90 -o "+irpdir+"$*.irp.module.o" print >>file, irpdir+"%.irp.o: "+irpdir+"%.irp.module.o "+irpdir+"%.irp.F90" print >>file, "\t$(FC) $(FCFLAGS) -c "+irpdir+"$*.irp.F90 -o "+irpdir+"$*.irp.o" print >>file, irpdir+"%.irp.o: "+irpdir+"%.irp.F90" print >>file, "\t$(FC) $(FCFLAGS) -c "+irpdir+"$*.irp.F90 -o "+irpdir+"$*.irp.o" print >>file, irpdir+"%.o: %.F90" print >>file, "\t$(FC) $(FCFLAGS) -c $*.F90 -o "+irpdir+"$*.o" print >>file, irpdir+"%.o: %.f90\n\t$(FC) $(FCFLAGS) -c $*.f90 -o "+irpdir+"$*.o" print >>file, irpdir+"%.o: %.f\n\t$(FC) $(FCFLAGS) -c $*.f -o "+irpdir+"$*.o" print >>file, irpdir+"%.o: %.F\n\t$(FC) $(FCFLAGS) -c $*.F -o "+irpdir+"$*.o" print >>file, irpdir+"%.irp.F90: irpf90.make\n" print >>file, "move:\n\t@mv -f *.mod IRPF90_temp/ 2> /dev/null | DO_NOTHING=\n" print >>file, "clean:\n\trm -rf $(EXE) $(OBJ1) $(ALL_OBJ1) $(ALL)\n" print >>file, "veryclean:\n\t- $(MAKE) clean\n" print >>file, "\t- rm -rf "+irpdir+" "+mandir+" irpf90.make irpf90_variables dist\n" file.close() sys.exit(0)