#!/usr/bin/python # IRPF90 is a Fortran90 preprocessor written in Python for programming using # the Implicit Reference to Parameters (IRP) method. # Copyright (C) 2009 Anthony SCEMAMA # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along # with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., # 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA. # # Anthony Scemama # LCPQ - IRSAMC - CNRS # Universite Paul Sabatier # 118, route de Narbonne # 31062 Toulouse Cedex 4 # scemama@irsamc.ups-tlse.fr from util import * from irpf90_t import * from variables import variables from preprocessed_text import preprocessed_text from subroutines import subroutines import regexps import error vtuple = map(lambda v: (v, variables[v].same_as, variables[v].regexp), variables.keys()) stuple = map(lambda s: (s, subroutines[s].regexp), subroutines.keys()) stuple = filter(lambda s: subroutines[s[0]].is_function, stuple) re_string_sub = regexps.re_string.sub def find_variables_in_line(line): assert isinstance(line,Line) result = [] sub_done = False buffer = line.text_lower for v,same_as,regexp in vtuple: if v in buffer: if not sub_done: buffer = re_string_sub('',buffer) sub_done = True if regexp.search(buffer) is not None: result.append(same_as) return result def find_funcs_in_line(line): assert isinstance(line,Line) result = [] sub_done = False buffer = line.text_lower for s,regexp in stuple: if s in buffer: if regexp.search(buffer) is not None: result.append(s) return result def find_subroutine_in_line(line): assert isinstance(line,Call) buffer = line.text.split('(')[0] buffer = buffer.split()[1] return buffer def check_touch(line,vars,main_vars): def fun(main_var): if main_var not in variables: error.fail(line,"Variable %s unknown"%(main_var,)) x = variables[main_var] return [main_var]+x.others all_others = make_single(flatten( map(fun,main_vars) )) all_others.sort() if len(all_others) == len(vars): vars.sort() for x,y in zip(vars,all_others): if x != y: message = "The following entities should be touched:\n" message = "\n".join([message]+map(lambda x: "- %s"%(x,),all_others)) error.fail(line,message) def get_parsed_text(): main_result = [] varlist = [] for filename, text in preprocessed_text: result = [] for line in filter( lambda x: type(x) not in [ Doc, Begin_doc, End_doc ], text): if type(line) in [ \ Empty_line, Continue, Return, Begin_shell, End_shell, Openmp, Use, Enddo, End_select, Endif, Implicit, Program, Subroutine, Function, End, ]: result.append( ([],line) ) elif isinstance(line,End_provider): varlist = [] result.append( ([],line) ) elif isinstance(line,Provide): l = line.text_lower.split()[1:] l = filter(lambda x: x not in varlist, l) for v in l: if v not in variables.keys(): error.fail(line,"Variable %s is unknown"%(v)) result.append( (l,Simple_line(line.i,"!%s"%(line.text),line.filename)) ) elif isinstance(line,Call): l = find_variables_in_line(line) l = filter(lambda x: x not in varlist, l) sub = find_subroutine_in_line(line) if sub not in subroutines: t = Simple_line result.append( (l,Simple_line(line.i,line.text,line.filename)) ) else: result.append( (l,line) ) if subroutines[sub].touches != []: result.append( ([],Provide_all(line.i,"",line.filename)) ) elif isinstance(line,Free): vars = line.text_lower.split() if len(vars) < 2: error.fail(line,"Syntax error") vars = vars[1:] for v in vars: variables[v].is_freed = True result.append( ([],Simple_line(line.i,"!%s"%(line.text),line.filename)) ) use = map(lambda x: " use %s"%(variables[x].fmodule),vars) for var in vars: result += map(lambda x: ([],Use(line.i,x,line.filename)), make_single(use)) result += map(lambda x: ([],Simple_line(line.i,x,line.filename)), variables[var].free) elif isinstance(line,Irp_read): variables[line.filename]._is_read = True result.append( ([],Simple_line(line.i,"!%s"%(line.text),line.filename)) ) elif isinstance(line,Irp_write): variables[line.filename]._is_written = True result.append( ([],Simple_line(line.i,"!%s"%(line.text),line.filename)) ) elif isinstance(line,Touch): vars = line.text_lower.split() if len(vars) < 2: error.fail(line,"Syntax error") vars = vars[1:] for v in vars: if v not in variables: error.fail(line,"Variable %s unknown"%(v,)) variables[v]._is_touched = True def fun(x): main = variables[x].same_as return main main_vars = make_single( map(fun, vars) ) check_touch(line,vars,main_vars) txt = " ".join(vars) result += [ (vars,Simple_line(line.i,"!",line.filename)), ([],Simple_line(line.i,"! >>> TOUCH %s"%(txt,),line.filename)) ] def fun(x): if x not in variables: error.fail(line,"Variable %s unknown"%(x,)) return [ ([],Simple_line(line.i," call touch_%s"%(x,),line.filename)), ([],Use(line.i," use %s"%(variables[x].fmodule), line.filename)) ] result += flatten(map( fun, main_vars )) def fun(x): if x not in variables: error.fail(line,"Variable %s unknown"%(x,)) return ([],Simple_line(line.i," %s_is_built = .True."%(x,),line.filename)) result += map( fun, main_vars[:-1] ) if isinstance(line,SoftTouch): result += [ ([],Simple_line(line.i,"! <<< END TOUCH (Soft)",line.filename)) ] else: result += [ ([],Provide_all(line.i,"! <<< END TOUCH",line.filename)) ] elif type(line) in [ Begin_provider, Cont_provider ]: if isinstance(line,Begin_provider): varlist = [] buffer = map(strip,line.text_lower.replace(']','').split(',')) assert len(buffer) > 1 v = buffer[1] varlist.append(v) variable_list = find_variables_in_line(line) try: variable_list.remove(variables[v].same_as) except ValueError: print v, variables[v].same_as raise result.append( (variable_list,line) ) else: l = find_variables_in_line(line) l = filter(lambda x: x not in varlist, l) result.append( (l,line) ) main_result.append( (filename, result) ) return main_result parsed_text = get_parsed_text() ###################################################################### def move_to_top(text,t): assert isinstance(text,list) assert t in [ Declaration, Implicit, Use, Cont_provider ] inside = False for i in range(len(text)): vars, line = text[i] if type(line) in [ Begin_provider, Subroutine, Function ]: begin = i inside = True elif type(line) in [ End_provider, End ]: inside = False elif isinstance(line,t): if inside: text.pop(i) begin += 1 text.insert(begin,(vars,line)) return text result = [] for filename,text in parsed_text: text = move_to_top(text,Declaration) text = move_to_top(text,Implicit) text = move_to_top(text,Use) text = move_to_top(text,Cont_provider) result.append ( (filename,text) ) parsed_text = result ###################################################################### def move_variables(): main_result = [] for filename, text in parsed_text: result = [] # 1st pass varlist = [] ifvars = [] elsevars = [] old_varlist = [] old_ifvars = [] old_elsevars = [] revtext = list(text) revtext.reverse() for vars,line in revtext: if type(line) in [ End_provider,End ]: varlist = [] result.append( ([],line) ) elif type(line) in [ Endif, End_select ]: old_ifvars.append( list(ifvars) ) old_elsevars.append( list(elsevars) ) old_varlist.append( list(varlist) ) varlist = [] result.append( ([],line) ) elif type(line) == Else: elsevars += list(varlist) result.append( (varlist,line) ) varlist = [] elif type(line) in [ Elseif, Case ]: ifvars += list(varlist) result.append( (varlist,line) ) if vars != []: varlist = old_varlist.pop() varlist += vars old_varlist.append( list(varlist) ) varlist = [] elif type(line) in [ If, Select ]: ifvars += list(varlist) result.append( (varlist,line) ) vars += filter(lambda x: x in elsevars, ifvars) ifvars = old_ifvars.pop() elsevars = old_elsevars.pop() varlist = old_varlist.pop() + vars elif type(line) in [ Begin_provider, Subroutine, Function ]: varlist += vars result.append( (varlist,line) ) if old_varlist != [] \ or old_ifvars != [] \ or old_elsevars != []: error.fail(line,"End if missing") varlist = [] elif isinstance(line,Provide_all): result.append( (vars,line) ) else: varlist += vars result.append( ([],line) ) result.reverse() # 2nd pass text = result result = [] old_varlist = [] varlist = [] for vars,line in text: if vars != []: vars = make_single(vars) if type(line) in [ Begin_provider, Subroutine, Function ]: varlist = list(vars) elif type(line) in [ If, Select ]: old_varlist.append(varlist) vars = filter(lambda x: x not in varlist,vars) varlist = make_single(varlist + vars) assert old_varlist is not varlist elif type(line) in [ Elseif, Else, Case ]: varlist = old_varlist.pop() old_varlist.append(varlist) vars = filter(lambda x: x not in varlist,vars) varlist = make_single(varlist + vars) assert old_varlist is not varlist elif type(line) in [ Endif, End_select ]: varlist = old_varlist.pop() elif type(line) == Provide_all: vars += varlist elif type(line) in [ End_provider, End ]: assert old_varlist == [] varlist = [] result.append( (vars,line) ) main_result.append( (filename, result) ) return main_result parsed_text = move_variables() ###################################################################### def build_sub_needs(): # Needs for filename, text in parsed_text: sub = None for vars,line in text: if type(line) in [ Subroutine, Function ]: subname = find_subname(line) sub = subroutines[subname] sub.needs = [] sub.to_provide = vars elif isinstance(line,End): sub.needs = make_single(sub.needs) sub = None if sub is not None: sub.needs += vars build_sub_needs() ##################################################################### def add_subroutine_needs(): main_result = [] for filename, text in parsed_text: result = [] for vars,line in text: if isinstance(line,Call): subname = find_subname(line) vars = subroutines[subname].to_provide result.append( (vars,line) ) main_result.append( (filename, result) ) return main_result parsed_text = add_subroutine_needs() ###################################################################### def build_needs(): # Needs for filename, text in parsed_text: var = None for vars,line in text: if isinstance(line,Begin_provider): buffer = map(strip,line.text_lower.replace(']',',').split(',')) var = variables[buffer[1]] var.needs = [] var.to_provide = vars elif isinstance(line,End_provider): var.needs = make_single(var.needs) var.to_provide = make_single(var.to_provide) var = None if var is not None: var.needs += vars if isinstance(line,Call): subname = find_subname(line) var.needs += subroutines[subname].needs elif type(line) in [ \ Simple_line, Assert, Do , If, Elseif , Select, ]: funcs = find_funcs_in_line(line) for f in funcs: var.needs += subroutines[f].needs for v in variables.keys(): main = variables[v].same_as if main != v: variables[v].needs = variables[main].needs variables[v].to_provide = variables[main].to_provide # Needed_by for v in variables.keys(): variables[v].needed_by = [] for v in variables.keys(): main = variables[v].same_as if main != v: variables[v].needed_by = variables[main].needed_by for v in variables.keys(): var = variables[v] if var.is_main: for x in var.needs: variables[x].needed_by.append(var.same_as) for v in variables.keys(): var = variables[v] var.needed_by = make_single(var.needed_by) build_needs() result = [] for filename,text in parsed_text: text = move_to_top(text,Declaration) text = move_to_top(text,Implicit) text = move_to_top(text,Use) text = move_to_top(text,Cont_provider) result.append ( (filename,text) ) parsed_text = result ###################################################################### from command_line import command_line def check_opt(): if not command_line.do_checkopt: return for filename, text in parsed_text: do_level = 0 for vars,line in text: if not isinstance(line,Provide_all): if do_level > 0 and vars != []: print "Optimization: %s line %d"%(line.filename,line.i) for v in vars: print " PROVIDE ",v if isinstance(line,Do): do_level += 1 elif isinstance(line,Enddo): do_level -= 1 check_opt() ###################################################################### if __name__ == '__main__': for i in range(len(parsed_text)): if parsed_text[i][0] == 'intmul.irp.f': print '!-------- %s -----------'%(parsed_text[i][0]) for line in parsed_text[i][1]: print line[1] print line[0], line[1].filename