#!/usr/bin/python # IRPF90 is a Fortran90 preprocessor written in Python for programming using # the Implicit Reference to Parameters (IRP) method. # Copyright (C) 2009 Anthony SCEMAMA # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along # with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., # 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA. # # Anthony Scemama # LCPQ - IRSAMC - CNRS # Universite Paul Sabatier # 118, route de Narbonne # 31062 Toulouse Cedex 4 # scemama@irsamc.ups-tlse.fr from irpf90_t import * from util import * import error from command_line import command_line class Variable(object): ############################################################ def __init__(self,text,name = None): assert isinstance(text,list) assert len(text) > 0 assert isinstance(text[0],Begin_provider) self.text = text if name is not None: self._name = name ############################################################ def is_touched(self): if '_is_touched' not in self.__dict__: from variables import variables result = self.is_read for i in self.children: if variables[i].is_touched: result = True break self._is_touched = result return self._is_touched is_touched = property(is_touched) ############################################################ def is_written(self): if '_is_written' not in self.__dict__: from variables import variables result = False for i in self.parents: if variables[i].is_written: result = True break self._is_written = result return self._is_written is_written = property(is_written) ############################################################ def is_read(self): if '_is_read' not in self.__dict__: from variables import variables result = False for i in self.parents: if variables[i].is_read: result = True break self._is_read = result return self._is_read is_read = property(is_read) ############################################################ def is_main(self): if '_is_main' not in self.__dict__: self._is_main = (self.name == self.same_as) return self._is_main is_main = property(is_main) ############################################################ def name(self): '''Name is lowercase''' if '_name' not in self.__dict__: buffer = None for line in self.text: if isinstance(line,Begin_provider): self._name = line.filename[1] break return self._name name = property(name) ############################################################ def doc(self): if '_doc' not in self.__dict__: def f(l): return buffer = filter(lambda l:isinstance(l,Doc), self.text) self._doc = map(lambda l: l.text[1:], buffer) if buffer == []: error.warn(None,"Variable %s is not documented"%(self.name)) return self._doc doc = property(doc) ############################################################ def documented(self): if '_documented' not in self.__dict__: self._documented = (self.doc != []) return self._documented documented = property(documented) ############################################################ def others(self): if '_others' not in self.__dict__: result = [] append = result.append f = lambda l: type(l) in [Begin_provider, Cont_provider] lines = filter(f, self.text) for line in lines: append(line.filename[1]) result.remove(self.name) self._others = result return self._others others = property(others) ############################################################ def same_as(self): if '_same_as' not in self.__dict__: if isinstance(self.line,Begin_provider): result = self.name else: result = self.text[0].filename[1] self._same_as = result return self._same_as same_as = property(same_as) ############################################################ def allocate(self): if '_allocate' not in self.__dict__: if not self.is_main: self._allocate = [] else: from variables import variables def f(var): return variables[var].dim != [] self._allocate = filter ( f, self.others + [self.name] ) return self._allocate allocate = property(allocate) ############################################################ def dim(self): if '_dim' not in self.__dict__: line = self.line.text.split('!')[0] buffer = line.replace(']','').split(',',2) if len(buffer) == 2: self._dim = [] else: buffer = buffer[2].strip()[1:-1].split(',') self._dim = map(strip,buffer) return self._dim dim = property(dim) ############################################################ def type(self): if '_type' not in self.__dict__: line = self.line.text buffer = line.split(',')[0] buffer = buffer.split('[')[1].strip() if self.dim != []: buffer = "%s, allocatable"%(buffer) self._type = buffer return self._type type = property(type) ############################################################ def fmodule(self): if '_fmodule' not in self.__dict__: self._fmodule = self.line.filename[0].split('.irp.f')[0]+'_mod' return self._fmodule fmodule = property(fmodule) ############################################################ def regexp(self): if '_regexp' not in self.__dict__: import re self._regexp = re.compile( \ r"([^a-z0-9'\"_]|^)%s([^a-z0-9_]|$)"%(self.name),re.I) return self._regexp regexp = property(regexp) ############################################################ def line(self): if '_line' not in self.__dict__: f = lambda l: type(l) in [Begin_provider, Cont_provider] lines = filter(f, self.text) for line in lines: buffer = line.filename[1] if self._name == buffer: self._line = line break assert '_line' in self.__dict__ return self._line line = property(line) ############################################################ def header(self): if '_header' not in self.__dict__: name = self.name self._header = [ " %s :: %s %s"%(self.type, name, build_dim_colons(self) ) ] if self.is_main: self._header += [ " logical :: %s_is_built = .False."%(name) ] return self._header header = property(header) ############################################################ def toucher(self): if '_toucher' not in self.__dict__: if not self.is_main: self._toucher = [] else: from modules import modules from variables import variables if '_needed_by' not in self.__dict__: import parsed_text parents = self.parents parents.sort() mods = map(lambda x: variables[x].fmodule, parents) mods = make_single(mods)+[self.fmodule] name = self.name result = [ "subroutine touch_%s"%(name) ] result += map(lambda x: " Use %s"%(x),mods) result.append(" implicit none") if command_line.do_debug: length = str(len("touch_%s"%(name))) result += [ " character*(%s) :: irp_here = 'touch_%s'"%(length,name), " call irp_enter(irp_here)" ] result += map( lambda x: " %s_is_built = .False."%(x), parents) result.append(" %s_is_built = .True."%(name)) if command_line.do_debug: result.append(" call irp_leave(irp_here)") result.append("end subroutine touch_%s"%(name)) result.append("") self._toucher = result return self._toucher toucher = property(toucher) ########################################################## def reader(self): if '_reader' not in self.__dict__: if not self.is_main: self._reader = [] else: if '_needs' not in self.__dict__: import parsed_text from variables import variables name = self.name result = [ \ "subroutine reader_%s(irp_num)"%(name), " use %s"%(self.fmodule), " implicit none", " character*(*), intent(in) :: irp_num", " logical :: irp_is_open", " integer :: irp_iunit" ] if command_line.do_debug: length = len("reader_%s"%(self.name)) result += [\ " character*(%d) :: irp_here = 'reader_%s'"%(length,name), " call irp_enter(irp_here)" ] result += map(lambda x: " call reader_%s(irp_num)"%(x),self.needs) result += [ \ " irp_is_open = .True.", " irp_iunit = 9", " do while (irp_is_open)", " irp_iunit = irp_iunit+1", " inquire(unit=irp_iunit,opened=irp_is_open)", " enddo"] for n in [ name ]+self.others: result += [\ " open(unit=irp_iunit,file='irpf90_%s_'//trim(irp_num),form='FORMATTED',status='OLD',action='READ')"%(n), " read(irp_iunit,*) %s%s"%(n,build_dim_colons(variables[n])), " close(irp_iunit)" ] result += [ \ " call touch_%s"%(name), " %s_is_built = .True."%(name) ] if command_line.do_debug: result.append(" call irp_leave(irp_here)") result.append("end subroutine reader_%s"%(name)) result.append("") self._reader = result return self._reader reader = property(reader) ########################################################## def writer(self): if '_writer' not in self.__dict__: if not self.is_main: self._writer = [] else: from variables import variables if '_needs' not in self.__dict__: import parsed_text name = self.name result = [ \ "subroutine writer_%s(irp_num)"%(name), " use %s"%(self.fmodule), " implicit none", " character*(*), intent(in) :: irp_num", " logical :: irp_is_open", " integer :: irp_iunit" ] if command_line.do_debug: length = len("writer_%s"%(self.name)) result += [\ " character*(%d) :: irp_here = 'writer_%s'"%(length,name), " call irp_enter(irp_here)" ] result += [ \ " if (.not.%s_is_built) then"%(self.same_as), " call provide_%s"%(self.same_as), " endif" ] result += map(lambda x: " call writer_%s(irp_num)"%(x),self.needs) result += [ \ " irp_is_open = .True.", " irp_iunit = 9", " do while (irp_is_open)", " irp_iunit = irp_iunit+1", " inquire(unit=irp_iunit,opened=irp_is_open)", " enddo" ] for n in [ name ] + self.others: result += [\ " open(unit=irp_iunit,file='irpf90_%s_'//trim(irp_num),form='FORMATTED',status='UNKNOWN',action='WRITE')"%(n), " write(irp_iunit,*) %s%s"%(n,build_dim_colons(variables[n])), " close(irp_iunit)" ] if command_line.do_debug: result.append(" call irp_leave(irp_here)") result.append("end subroutine writer_%s"%(name)) result.append("") self._writer = result return self._writer writer = property(writer) ########################################################## def free(self): if '_free' not in self.__dict__: name = self.name result = [ "!","! >>> FREE %s"%(self.name), " %s_is_built = .False."%(self.same_as) ] if self.dim != []: if command_line.do_memory: result += [ \ " if (allocated(%s)) then"%(name), " deallocate (%s)"%(name), " print *, 'Deallocating %s'"%(name), " endif" ] else: result += [ \ " if (allocated(%s)) then"%(name), " deallocate (%s)"%(name), " endif" ] result.append("! <<< END FREE") self._free = result return self._free free = property(free) ########################################################## def provider(self): if '_provider' not in self.__dict__: if not self.is_main: self._provider = [] else: if '_to_provide' not in self.__dict__: import parsed_text from variables import variables, build_use, call_provides name = self.name same_as = self.same_as def build_alloc(name): self = variables[name] if self.dim == []: return [] def do_size(): result = " print *, ' size: (" result += ','.join(self.dim) return result+")'" def check_dimensions(): result = map(lambda x: "(%s>0)"%(dimsize(x)), self.dim) result = ".and.".join(result) result = " if (%s) then"%(result) return result def dimensions_OK(): result = [ " irp_dimensions_OK = .True." ] for i,k in enumerate(self.dim): result.append(" irp_dimensions_OK = irp_dimensions_OK.AND.(SIZE(%s,%d)==(%s))"%(name,i+1,dimsize(k))) return result def do_allocate(): result = " allocate(%s(%s),stat=irp_err)" result = result%(name,','.join(self.dim)) if command_line.do_memory: tmp = "\n print *, 'Allocating %s(%s), (',%s,')'" d = ','.join(self.dim) if ":" in d: result += tmp%(name,d,"''") else: result += tmp%(name,d,d) return result result = [ " if (allocated (%s) ) then"%(name) ] result += dimensions_OK() result += [\ " if (.not.irp_dimensions_OK) then", " deallocate(%s,stat=irp_err)"%(name), " if (irp_err /= 0) then", " print *, irp_here//': Deallocation failed: %s'"%(name), do_size(), " endif"] if command_line.do_memory: result += [\ " print *, 'Deallocating %s'"%(name) ] result.append(check_dimensions()) result.append(do_allocate()) result += [\ " if (irp_err /= 0) then", " print *, irp_here//': Allocation failed: %s'"%(name), do_size(), " endif", " endif", " endif", " else" ] result.append(check_dimensions()) result.append(do_allocate()) result += [\ " if (irp_err /= 0) then", " print *, irp_here//': Allocation failed: %s'"%(name), do_size(), " endif", " endif", " endif" ] return result result = [ "subroutine provide_%s"%(name) ] result += build_use( [same_as]+self.to_provide ) result.append(" implicit none") length = len("provide_%s"%(name)) result += [\ " character*(%d) :: irp_here = 'provide_%s'"%(length,name), " integer :: irp_err ", " logical :: irp_dimensions_OK" ] if command_line.do_assert or command_line.do_debug: result.append(" call irp_enter(irp_here)") result += call_provides(self.to_provide) result += flatten( map(build_alloc,[self.same_as]+self.others) ) if command_line.do_openmp: result += [ "!$OMP CRITICAL (%s_critical)"%(same_as) ] result += [ " if (.not.%s_is_built) then"%(same_as) ] result += [ " call bld_%s"%(same_as) ] result += [ " %s_is_built = .True."%(same_as), "" ] if command_line.do_openmp: result += [ " endif" ] result += [ "!$OMP END CRITICAL (%s_critical)"%(same_as) ] if command_line.do_assert or command_line.do_debug: result.append(" call irp_leave(irp_here)") result.append("end subroutine provide_%s"%(name) ) result.append("") self._provider = result return self._provider provider = property(provider) ########################################################## def builder(self): if '_builder' not in self.__dict__: if not self.is_main: self._builder = [] else: import parsed_text from variables import build_use, call_provides for filename,buffer in parsed_text.parsed_text: if self.line.filename[0].startswith(filename): break text = [] same_as = self.same_as inside = False for vars,line in buffer: if isinstance(line,Begin_provider): if line.filename[1] == same_as: inside = True vars = [] if inside: text.append( (vars,line) ) text += map( lambda x: ([],Simple_line(line.i,x,line.filename)), call_provides(vars) ) if isinstance(line,End_provider): if inside: break name = self.name text = parsed_text.move_to_top(text,Declaration) text = parsed_text.move_to_top(text,Implicit) text = parsed_text.move_to_top(text,Use) text = map(lambda x: x[1], text) for line in filter(lambda x: type(x) not in [ Begin_doc, End_doc, Doc], text): if type(line) == Begin_provider: result = [ "subroutine bld_%s"%(name) ] result += build_use([name]+self.needs) elif type(line) == Cont_provider: pass elif type(line) == End_provider: result.append( "end subroutine bld_%s"%(name) ) break else: result.append(line.text) self._builder = result return self._builder builder = property(builder) ########################################################## def children(self): if '_children' not in self.__dict__: if not self.is_main: self._children = [] from variables import variables if '_needs' not in self.__dict__: import parsed_text result = [] for x in self.needs: result.append(x) try: result += variables[x].children except RuntimeError: pass # Exception will be checked after self._children = make_single(result) if self.name in result: error.fail(self.line,"Cyclic dependencies:\n%s"%(str(self._children))) return self._children children = property(children) ########################################################## def parents(self): if '_parents' not in self.__dict__: if not self.is_main: self._parents = [] else: from variables import variables if '_needed_by' not in self.__dict__: import parsed_text result = [] for x in self.needed_by: result.append(x) try: result += variables[x].parents except RuntimeError: pass # Exception will be checked after self._parents = make_single(result) if self.name in result: error.fail(self.line,"Cyclic dependencies:\n%s"%(str(self._parents))) return self._parents parents = property(parents) ###################################################################### if __name__ == '__main__': from preprocessed_text import preprocessed_text from variables import variables #for v in variables.keys(): # print v for line in variables['e_loc'].parents: print line