#!/usr/bin/env python # IRPF90 is a Fortran90 preprocessor written in Python for programming using # the Implicit Reference to Parameters (IRP) method. # Copyright (C) 2009 Anthony SCEMAMA # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along # with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., # 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA. # # Anthony Scemama # LCPQ - IRSAMC - CNRS # Universite Paul Sabatier # 118, route de Narbonne # 31062 Toulouse Cedex 4 # scemama@irsamc.ups-tlse.fr import os,sys import irpf90_t from command_line import command_line from modules import modules irpdir = irpf90_t.irpdir mandir = irpf90_t.mandir FILENAME = os.path.join(irpdir,"build.ninja") cwd = os.getcwd() def dress(f,in_root=False): """ Transfoms the filename f into $PWD/IRPF90_temp/f """ if in_root: result = os.path.join(cwd,f) else: result = os.path.join(cwd,irpdir,f) return os.path.normpath(result) def create_build_touches(list_of_other_o): """ Create the build command for the irp_touches.o file. """ name = "irp_touches" target_o = dress("%s.irp.o"%name) target_F90 = dress("%s.irp.F90"%name) needed_modules = [ "%s.irp.module.o"%(modules[x].filename) for x in modules ] list_of_modules = map(dress, needed_modules) + list_of_other_o list_of_modules = ' '.join(list_of_modules) result = '\n\n'.join( [ "build {target_o}: compile_touches {target_F90} | {list_of_modules}", ] ) result = result.format( target_o = target_o , target_F90 = target_F90 , list_of_modules = list_of_modules ) return result def create_build_target(t,list_of_other_o): """ Create the build command for the target module t. t is a Fmodule object. """ name = t.filename target = dress(name,in_root=True) target_o = dress("%s.irp.o"%name) target_F90 = dress("%s.irp.F90"%name) target_module_o = dress("%s.irp.module.o"%name) target_module_F90 = dress("%s.irp.module.F90"%name) needed_modules = [ "%s.irp.module.o"%(modules[x].filename) for x in modules \ if modules[x].name in t.needed_modules ] + [ target_module_o ] list_of_o = [ target_o, target_module_o ] + list_of_other_o list_of_o = ' '.join(list_of_o) list_of_modules = map(dress, needed_modules) + list_of_other_o list_of_modules = ' '.join(list_of_modules) list_of_includes = ' '.join(map(lambda x: dress(x,in_root=True), t.includes)) result = '\n\n'.join( [ "build {target}: link {list_of_o}", "build {target_o}: compile_fortran {target_F90} | {list_of_modules} {list_of_includes}", "build {target_module_o}: compile_fortran {target_module_F90}" ] ) result = result.format( target = target , target_o = target_o , target_F90 = target_F90 , target_module_o = target_module_o , target_module_F90 = target_module_F90 , list_of_o = list_of_o , list_of_modules = list_of_modules , list_of_includes = list_of_includes ) return result def create_build_non_target(t,list_of_other_o): """ Create the build command for the non-target module t. t is a Fmodule object. """ name = t.filename target_o = dress("%s.irp.o"%name) target_F90 = dress("%s.irp.F90"%name) target_module_o = dress("%s.irp.module.o"%name) target_module_F90 = dress("%s.irp.module.F90"%name) needed_modules = [ "%s.irp.module.o"%(modules[x].filename) for x in modules \ if modules[x].name in t.needed_modules ] + [ target_module_o ] list_of_modules = map(dress, needed_modules) list_of_modules = ' '.join(list_of_modules) list_of_externals = ' '.join([ dress(x,in_root=True) for x in list_of_other_o ]) list_of_includes = ' '.join(map(lambda x: dress(x,in_root=True), t.includes)) result = '\n\n'.join( [ "build {target_o}: compile_fortran {target_F90} | {list_of_modules} {list_of_externals}", "build {target_module_o}: compile_fortran {target_module_F90} | {list_of_externals} {list_of_includes}" ] ) result = result.format( target_o = target_o , target_F90 = target_F90 , target_module_o = target_module_o , target_module_F90 = target_module_F90 , list_of_modules = list_of_modules , list_of_externals = list_of_externals , list_of_includes = list_of_includes ) return result def create_build_remaining(f): """ Create the build command for the remaining file f. f is a file name (str). """ t, extension = f.rsplit('.',1) t1 = dress(t,in_root=True) t2 = dress(t,in_root=False) target_i = f target_o = "%s.o"%t if not target_o.startswith(os.path.join(cwd,irpdir)): target_o = target_o.replace(cwd,os.path.join(cwd,irpdir)) if extension.lower() in [ 'f', 'f90' ]: result = "build {target_o}: compile_fortran {target_i}" elif extension.lower() in [ 'c' ]: result = "build {target_o}: compile_c {target_i}" elif extension.lower() in [ 'cxx', 'cpp' ]: result = "build {target_o}: compile_cxx {target_i}" result = result.format( target_o = target_o, target_i = target_i ) return result def create_irpf90_make(targets): targets = ' '.join(targets) result = """NINJA += -C {0} TARGETS={1} .PHONY: all clean veryclean all: $(NINJA) $(TARGETS): $(NINJA) $(PWD)/$@ clean: $(NINJA) -t clean veryclean: clean rm -rf IRPF90_temp/ IRPF90_man/ irpf90.make irpf90_entities dist tags """.format(irpdir, targets) import makefile with open(makefile.IRPF90_MAKE,'w') as file: file.write(result) def run(): output = [] # Environment variables try: FC = os.environ["FC"] except KeyError: FC="gfortran -ffree-line-length-none -I ." try: CC = os.environ["CC"] except KeyError: CC="gcc -I ." try: CXX = os.environ["CXX"] except KeyError: CXX="g++ -I ." includes = [ "-I %s "%(irpdir) ] for i in command_line.include_dir: includes.append( "-I %s%s "%(irpdir,i) ) FC += " "+' '.join(includes) CC += " "+' '.join(includes) CXX += " "+' '.join(includes) try: SRC = os.environ["SRC"].split() except KeyError: SRC=[] try: OBJ = os.environ["OBJ"].split() except KeyError: OBJ=[] try: LIB = os.environ["LIB"].split() except KeyError: LIB=[] try: FCFLAGS = os.environ["FCFLAGS"].split() except KeyError: FCFLAGS = [ "-O2" ] try: CFLAGS = os.environ["CFLAGS"].split() except KeyError: CFLAGS = [ "-O2" ] try: CXXFLAGS = os.environ["CXXFLAGS"].split() except KeyError: CXXFLAGS = [ "-O2" ] FCFLAGS = ' '.join(FCFLAGS) CFLAGS = ' '.join(CFLAGS) CXXFLAGS = ' '.join(CXXFLAGS) LIB = ' '.join(LIB) # Rules t = [ "rule compile_fortran" , " command = {FC} {FCFLAGS} -c $in -o $out".format(FC=FC, FCFLAGS=FCFLAGS), "", "rule compile_touches" , " command = {FC} -c $in -o $out".format(FC=FC, FCFLAGS=FCFLAGS), "", "rule compile_c" , " command = {CC} {CFLAGS} -c $in -o $out".format(CC=CC, CFLAGS=CFLAGS), "", "rule compile_cxx" , " command = {CXX} {CXXFLAGS} -c $in -o $out".format(CXX=CXX, CXXFLAGS=CXXFLAGS), "", "rule link", " command = {FC} $in {LIB} -o $out".format(FC=FC, LIB=LIB) ] output = [ '\n'.join(t) ] # All modules : list of Fmodule objects l_mod = list( modules.values() ) # Modules that are not targets l_non_targets = [ x for x in l_mod if not x.is_main ] # Common object/source files l_common_o = [ "irp_touches.irp.o" ] + \ [ "{0}.irp.o".format(x.filename) for x in l_non_targets ] + \ [ "{0}.irp.module.o".format(x.filename) for x in l_non_targets ] l_common_s = [] if command_line.do_assert: l_common_o += [ "irp_stack.irp.o" ] l_common_s += [ "irp_stack.irp.F90" ] if command_line.do_openmp: l_common_o += [ "irp_locks.irp.o" ] l_common_s += [ "irp_locks.irp.F90" ] if command_line.do_profile: l_common_o += [ "irp_profile.irp.o", "rdtsc.o" ] l_common_s += [ "irp_profile.irp.F90", "rdtsc.c" ] l_common_o = map(dress,l_common_o) + map(lambda x: dress(x,in_root=True), OBJ) l_common_s = map(dress,l_common_s) + map(lambda x: dress(x,in_root=True), SRC) # IRP_touches output.append(create_build_touches(l_common_o[1:])) # All targets : list of Fmodule objects l_targets = [ x for x in l_mod if x.is_main ] # Create lines for i in l_non_targets: output.append (create_build_non_target(i,OBJ)) for i in l_targets: output.append(create_build_target(i, l_common_o)) # Remaining files for i in l_common_s: output.append(create_build_remaining(i)) with open(FILENAME,'w') as f: f.write('\n\n'.join(output)) f.write('\n') create_irpf90_make([ x.filename for x in l_targets ]) return