#!/usr/bin/env python3 # IRPF90 is a Fortran90 preprocessor written in Python for programming using # the Implicit Reference to Parameters (IRP) method. # Copyright (C) 2009 Anthony SCEMAMA # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along # with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., # 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA. # # Anthony Scemama # LCPQ - IRSAMC - CNRS # Universite Paul Sabatier # 118, route de Narbonne # 31062 Toulouse Cedex 4 # scemama@irsamc.ups-tlse.fr from .variable import Variable from .variables import variables from .subroutine import Sub from .subroutines import subroutines from .irpf90_t import * from .util import * def do_print_short(file,var): """Makes a short print, as in irpf90_entities""" assert type(var) == Variable print("%s : %s :: %s %s"%( \ var.line.filename[0].ljust(35), var.type.ljust(30), var.name.ljust(25), build_dim(var.dim) ), file=file) ###################################################################### def process_doc(file,line): assert type(line) == str line = line.strip() if line == "": line = ".br" print(line, file=file) ###################################################################### def process_deps(file,l): assert type(l) == list for v in l: print("%s\n.br"%(v,), file=file) ###################################################################### def process_types(file,var): assert type(var) == Variable vars = [var.name] + var.others for var in vars: name = var var = variables[var] Type = var.type dim = build_dim(var.dim) print("%s\t:: %s\t%s"%(Type,name,dim), file=file) ###################################################################### def do_print(var): assert type(var) == Variable filename = var.line.filename[0] name = var.name file = open("%s%s.l"%(mandir,var.name), "w") print('.TH "IRPF90 entities" l %s "IRPF90 entities" %s'%(name,name), file=file) if var.same_as != var.name: var = variables[var.same_as] print(".SH Declaration", file=file) print(".nf", file=file) process_types(file,var) print(".ni", file=file) if var.doc != []: print(".SH Description", file=file) for l in var.doc: process_doc(file,l) print(".SH File\n.P", file=file) print(filename, file=file) if var.needs != []: var.needs.sort() print(".SH Needs", file=file) process_deps(file,var.needs) if var.needed_by != []: var.needed_by.sort() print(".SH Needed by", file=file) process_deps(file,var.needed_by) print(".SH Instability factor", file=file) fo = len(var.children) fi = len(var.parents) print("%5.1f %%"%(100.* (fi / (fi+fo+.000001) )), file=file) print(".br", file=file) file.close() ###################################################################### def do_print_rst(var): """Print providers in a format suitable for sphinx""" assert type(var) == Variable filename = var.line.filename[0] name = var.name file = open("%s%s.rst"%(mandir,var.name), "w") print(".. c:var:: %s\n"%(var.name.lower()), file=file) print("", file=file) print(" File : :file:`"+filename+"`", file=file) print("", file=file) print(" .. code:: fortran", file=file) print("", file=file) if var.same_as != var.name: var = variables[var.same_as] for v in [var.name] + var.others: name = v v = variables[v] Type = v.type dim = build_dim(v.dim) print(" %s\t:: %s\t%s"%(Type,name,dim), file=file) print("", file=file) print("", file=file) if var.doc != []: d = [] for text in var.doc: text_old = None while text_old != text: text_old = text text = text.replace("$",":math:`",1).replace("$","` ",1) d.append(text) loop = True while loop: maxlen=0 for l in d: ll = len(l) maxlen = max(ll,maxlen) if ll > 0 and l[0] != ' ': loop = False break loop = loop and maxlen > 0 if loop: d = [ l[1:] for l in d ] for line in d: print(" "+line, file=file) print("", file=file) if var.needs != []: var.needs.sort() print(" Needs:", file=file) print("", file=file) print(" .. hlist::", file=file) print(" :columns: 3", file=file) print("", file=file) for v in var.needs: print(" * :c:data:`%s`"%(variables[v].same_as.lower(),), file=file) print("", file=file) if var.needed_by != []: var.needed_by.sort() print(" Needed by:", file=file) print("", file=file) print(" .. hlist::", file=file) print(" :columns: 3", file=file) print("", file=file) for v in var.needed_by: print(" * :c:data:`%s`"%(variables[v].same_as.lower(),), file=file) print("", file=file) file.close() ###################################################################### def process_declaration_subroutine(file, sub): print(sub.line.text.split('!')[0].strip(), file=file) # for line in sub.text: ###################################################################### def do_print_subroutines(sub): assert type(sub) == Sub filename = sub.line.filename name = sub.name file = open("%s%s.l"%(mandir,sub.name), "w") print('.TH "IRPF90 entities" l %s "IRPF90 entities" %s'%(name,name), file=file) print(".SH Declaration", file=file) print(".nf", file=file) process_declaration_subroutine(file,sub) print(".ni", file=file) if sub.doc != []: print(".SH Description", file=file) for l in sub.doc: process_doc(file,l) print(".SH File\n.P", file=file) print(filename, file=file) if sub.needs != []: sub.needs.sort() print(".SH Needs", file=file) process_deps(file,sub.needs) if sub.called_by != []: sub.called_by.sort() print(".SH Called by", file=file) process_deps(file,sub.called_by) if sub.calls != []: sub.calls.sort() print(".SH Calls", file=file) process_deps(file,sub.calls) if sub.touches != []: sub.touches.sort() print(".SH Touches", file=file) process_deps(file,sub.touches) print(".SH Instability factor", file=file) fo = len(sub.needs)+len(sub.calls)+len(sub.touches) fi = len(sub.called_by) print("%5.1f %%"%(100.* (fi / (fi+fo+.000001) )), file=file) print(".br", file=file) file.close() ###################################################################### def do_print_subroutines_rst(sub): """Print subroutines in a format suitable for sphinx""" assert type(sub) == Sub filename = sub.line.filename name = sub.name file = open("%s%s.rst"%(mandir,sub.name), "w") print(".. c:function:: %s:\n"%(sub.name.lower()), file=file) print("", file=file) print(" File : :file:`"+filename+"`", file=file) print("", file=file) print(" .. code:: fortran", file=file) print("", file=file) print(" "+sub.line.text.split('!')[0].strip(), file=file) print("", file=file) print("", file=file) if sub.doc != []: d = list(sub.doc) loop = True while loop: maxlen=0 for l in d: ll = len(l) maxlen = max(ll,maxlen) if ll > 0 and l[0] != ' ': loop = False break loop = loop and maxlen > 0 if loop: d = [ l[1:] for l in d ] for l in d: print(" "+l, file=file) print("", file=file) if sub.needs != []: sub.needs.sort() print(" Needs:", file=file) print("", file=file) print(" .. hlist::", file=file) print(" :columns: 3", file=file) print("", file=file) for v in sub.needs: print(" * :c:data:`%s`"%(variables[v].same_as.lower(),), file=file) print("", file=file) if sub.called_by != []: sub.called_by.sort() print(" Called by:", file=file) print("", file=file) print(" .. hlist::", file=file) print(" :columns: 3", file=file) print("", file=file) for v in sub.called_by: if v in subroutines: print(" * :c:func:`%s`"%(v.lower(),), file=file) elif v in variables: print(" * :c:data:`%s`"%(variables[v.lower()].same_as.lower(),), file=file) print("", file=file) if sub.calls != []: sub.calls.sort() print(" Calls:", file=file) print("", file=file) print(" .. hlist::", file=file) print(" :columns: 3", file=file) print("", file=file) for v in sub.calls: print(" * :c:func:`%s`"%(v.lower(),), file=file) print("", file=file) if sub.touches != []: sub.touches.sort() print(" Touches:", file=file) print("", file=file) print(" .. hlist::", file=file) print(" :columns: 3", file=file) print("", file=file) for v in sub.touches: print(" * :c:data:`%s`"%(variables[v.lower()].same_as.lower(),), file=file) print("", file=file) file.close() ###################################################################### def run(): from . import parsed_text import os,sys pid1 = os.fork() if pid1 == 0: for v in list(variables.values()): do_print(v) do_print_rst(v) for s in list(subroutines.values()): do_print_subroutines(s) do_print_subroutines_rst(s) sys.exit(0) pid2 = os.fork() if pid2 == 0: tags = [] l = list(variables.keys()) file = open("irpf90_entities","w") l.sort() for v in l: do_print_short(file,variables[v]) line = variables[v].line tags.append( '%s\t%s\t%d\n'%(v,line.filename[0],line.i) ) file.close() l = list(subroutines.keys()) for v in l: line = subroutines[v].line tags.append('%s\t%s\t%d\n'%(v,line.filename,line.i)) tags.sort() file = open("tags","w") for line in tags: file.write(line) file.close() sys.exit(0) os.waitpid(pid1,0) os.waitpid(pid2,0) ###################################################################### if __name__ == '__main__': run()