mirror of https://gitlab.com/scemama/irpf90.git synced 2025-02-06 09:50:43 +01:00

Added support for Ninja

This commit is contained in:
Anthony Scemama 2015-05-28 00:28:17 +02:00
parent d2085a7c35
commit 9067b3a494
4 changed files with 369 additions and 3 deletions

View File

@ -1,6 +1,7 @@
IRPF90 = python ../src/irpf90.py -I input -a -d
FC = ifort -profile-functions
IRPF90 = python ../src/irpf90.py -I input -a -d -j
FC = ifort
NINJA = ninja -j 1 -v

View File

@ -39,6 +39,7 @@ options['D'] = [ 'define' , 'Defines a variable identified by the IRP_IF s
options['g'] = [ 'profile' , 'Activates profiling of the code.', 0 ]
options['h'] = [ 'help' , 'Print this help', 0 ]
options['I'] = [ 'include' , 'Include directory', 1 ]
options['j'] = [ 'ninja' , 'Use Ninja instead of make', 0 ]
options['i'] = [ 'init' , 'Initialize current directory. Creates a default Makefile and the temporary working directories.', 0 ]
options['l'] = [ 'align' , 'Align arrays using compiler directives and sets the $IRP_ALIGN variable. For example, --align=32 aligns all arrays on a 32 byte boundary.', 1 ]
options['m'] = [ 'memory' , 'Print memory allocations/deallocations.', 0 ]
@ -169,6 +170,15 @@ or
return self._openmp
do_openmp = property(fget=openmp)
def ninja(self):
if '_ninja' not in self.__dict__:
self._ninja = False
for o,a in self.opts:
if o in [ "-j", '--'+options['j'][0] ]:
self._ninja = True
return self._ninja
do_ninja = property(fget=ninja)
def directives(self):
if '_directives' not in self.__dict__:
self._directives = True

View File

@ -46,6 +46,7 @@ def create():
file = open(FILENAME,"w")
t = """IRPF90 = irpf90 #-a -d
NINJA = ninja
FC = gfortran
FCFLAGS= -O2 -ffree-line-length-none
@ -54,6 +55,7 @@ OBJ=
include %s
%s: $(filter-out %s%%, $(wildcard */*.irp.f)) $(wildcard *.irp.f) $(wildcard *.inc.f) Makefile
@ -77,7 +79,12 @@ def create_gitignore():
def run():
def run_ninja():
import ninja
def run_make():
from modules import modules
mod = []
for m in modules.values():
@ -185,3 +192,11 @@ def run():
print >>file, "\t- rm -rf "+irpdir+" "+mandir+" "+IRPF90_MAKE+" irpf90_entities dist tags\n"
def run():
if command_line.do_ninja:

src/ninja.py Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,340 @@
#!/usr/bin/env python
# IRPF90 is a Fortran90 preprocessor written in Python for programming using
# the Implicit Reference to Parameters (IRP) method.
# Copyright (C) 2009 Anthony SCEMAMA
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
# with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
# 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
# Anthony Scemama
# Universite Paul Sabatier
# 118, route de Narbonne
# 31062 Toulouse Cedex 4
# scemama@irsamc.ups-tlse.fr
import os,sys
import irpf90_t
from command_line import command_line
from modules import modules
irpdir = irpf90_t.irpdir
mandir = irpf90_t.mandir
FILENAME = os.path.join(irpdir,"build.ninja")
cwd = os.getcwd()
def dress(f,in_root=False):
Transfoms the filename f into $PWD/IRPF90_temp/f
if in_root:
result = os.path.join(cwd,f)
result = os.path.join(cwd,irpdir,f)
return os.path.normpath(result)
def create_build_touches(list_of_other_o):
Create the build command for the irp_touches.o file.
name = "irp_touches"
target_o = dress("%s.irp.o"%name)
target_F90 = dress("%s.irp.F90"%name)
needed_modules = [ "%s.irp.module.o"%(modules[x].filename) for x in modules ]
list_of_modules = map(dress, needed_modules) + list_of_other_o
list_of_modules = ' '.join(list_of_modules)
result = '\n\n'.join(
"build {target_o}: compile_touches {target_F90} | {list_of_modules}",
] )
result = result.format(
target_o = target_o ,
target_F90 = target_F90 ,
list_of_modules = list_of_modules
return result
def create_build_target(t,list_of_other_o):
Create the build command for the target module t. t is a Fmodule object.
name = t.filename
target = dress(name,in_root=True)
target_o = dress("%s.irp.o"%name)
target_F90 = dress("%s.irp.F90"%name)
target_module_o = dress("%s.irp.module.o"%name)
target_module_F90 = dress("%s.irp.module.F90"%name)
needed_modules = [ "%s.irp.module.o"%(modules[x].filename) for x in modules \
if modules[x].name in t.needed_modules ] + [ target_module_o ]
list_of_o = [ target_o, target_module_o ] + list_of_other_o
list_of_o = ' '.join(list_of_o)
list_of_modules = map(dress, needed_modules) + list_of_other_o
list_of_modules = ' '.join(list_of_modules)
list_of_includes = ' '.join(map(lambda x: dress(x,in_root=True), t.includes))
result = '\n\n'.join(
[ "build {target}: link {list_of_o}",
"build {target_o}: compile_fortran {target_F90} | {list_of_modules} {list_of_includes}",
"build {target_module_o}: compile_fortran {target_module_F90}"
] )
result = result.format(
target = target ,
target_o = target_o ,
target_F90 = target_F90 ,
target_module_o = target_module_o ,
target_module_F90 = target_module_F90 ,
list_of_o = list_of_o ,
list_of_modules = list_of_modules ,
list_of_includes = list_of_includes
return result
def create_build_non_target(t,list_of_other_o):
Create the build command for the non-target module t. t is a Fmodule object.
name = t.filename
target_o = dress("%s.irp.o"%name)
target_F90 = dress("%s.irp.F90"%name)
target_module_o = dress("%s.irp.module.o"%name)
target_module_F90 = dress("%s.irp.module.F90"%name)
needed_modules = [ "%s.irp.module.o"%(modules[x].filename) for x in modules \
if modules[x].name in t.needed_modules ] + [ target_module_o ]
list_of_modules = map(dress, needed_modules)
list_of_modules = ' '.join(list_of_modules)
list_of_externals = ' '.join([ dress(x,in_root=True) for x in list_of_other_o ])
list_of_includes = ' '.join(map(lambda x: dress(x,in_root=True), t.includes))
result = '\n\n'.join(
"build {target_o}: compile_fortran {target_F90} | {list_of_modules} {list_of_externals}",
"build {target_module_o}: compile_fortran {target_module_F90} | {list_of_externals} {list_of_includes}"
] )
result = result.format(
target_o = target_o ,
target_F90 = target_F90 ,
target_module_o = target_module_o ,
target_module_F90 = target_module_F90 ,
list_of_modules = list_of_modules ,
list_of_externals = list_of_externals ,
list_of_includes = list_of_includes
return result
def create_build_remaining(f):
Create the build command for the remaining file f. f is a file name (str).
t, extension = f.rsplit('.',1)
t1 = dress(t,in_root=True)
t2 = dress(t,in_root=False)
target_i = f
target_o = "%s.o"%t
if not target_o.startswith(os.path.join(cwd,irpdir)):
target_o = target_o.replace(cwd,os.path.join(cwd,irpdir))
if extension.lower() in [ 'f', 'f90' ]:
result = "build {target_o}: compile_fortran {target_i}"
elif extension.lower() in [ 'c' ]:
result = "build {target_o}: compile_c {target_i}"
elif extension.lower() in [ 'cxx', 'cpp' ]:
result = "build {target_o}: compile_cxx {target_i}"
result = result.format(
target_o = target_o,
target_i = target_i
return result
def create_irpf90_make(targets):
targets = ' '.join(targets)
result = """NINJA += -C {0}
.PHONY: all clean veryclean
$(NINJA) $(PWD)/$@
$(NINJA) -t clean
veryclean: clean
rm -rf IRPF90_temp/ IRPF90_man/ irpf90.make irpf90_entities dist tags
""".format(irpdir, targets)
import makefile
with open(makefile.IRPF90_MAKE,'w') as file:
def run():
output = []
# Environment variables
try: FC = os.environ["FC"]
except KeyError: FC="gfortran -ffree-line-length-none"
try: CC = os.environ["CC"]
except KeyError: CC="gcc"
try: CXX = os.environ["CXX"]
except KeyError: CXX="g++"
includes = [ "-I %s "%(irpdir) ]
for i in command_line.include_dir:
includes.append( "-I %s%s "%(irpdir,i) )
FC += " "+' '.join(includes)
CC += " "+' '.join(includes)
CXX += " "+' '.join(includes)
try: SRC = os.environ["SRC"].split()
except KeyError: SRC=[]
try: OBJ = os.environ["OBJ"].split()
except KeyError: OBJ=[]
try: LIB = os.environ["LIB"].split()
except KeyError: LIB=[]
try: FCFLAGS = os.environ["FCFLAGS"].split()
except KeyError: FCFLAGS = [ "-O2" ]
try: CFLAGS = os.environ["CFLAGS"].split()
except KeyError: CFLAGS = [ "-O2" ]
try: CXXFLAGS = os.environ["CXXFLAGS"].split()
except KeyError: CXXFLAGS = [ "-O2" ]
CFLAGS = ' '.join(CFLAGS)
LIB = ' '.join(LIB)
# Rules
t = [ "rule compile_fortran" ,
" command = {FC} {FCFLAGS} -c $in -o $out".format(FC=FC, FCFLAGS=FCFLAGS),
"rule compile_touches" ,
" command = {FC} -c $in -o $out".format(FC=FC, FCFLAGS=FCFLAGS),
"rule compile_c" ,
" command = {CC} {CFLAGS} -c $in -o $out".format(CC=CC, CFLAGS=CFLAGS),
"rule compile_cxx" ,
" command = {CXX} {CXXFLAGS} -c $in -o $out".format(CXX=CXX, CXXFLAGS=CXXFLAGS),
"rule link",
" command = {FC} $in {LIB} -o $out".format(FC=FC, LIB=LIB) ]
output = [ '\n'.join(t) ]
# All modules : list of Fmodule objects
l_mod = list( modules.values() )
# Modules that are not targets
l_non_targets = [ x for x in l_mod if not x.is_main ]
# Common object/source files
l_common_o = [ "irp_touches.irp.o" ] + \
[ "{0}.irp.o".format(x.filename) for x in l_non_targets ] + \
[ "{0}.irp.module.o".format(x.filename) for x in l_non_targets ]
l_common_s = []
if command_line.do_assert:
l_common_o += [ "irp_stack.irp.o" ]
l_common_s += [ "irp_stack.irp.F90" ]
if command_line.do_openmp:
l_common_o += [ "irp_locks.irp.o" ]
l_common_s += [ "irp_locks.irp.F90" ]
if command_line.do_profile:
l_common_o += [ "irp_profile.irp.o", "rdtsc.o" ]
l_common_s += [ "irp_profile.irp.F90", "rdtsc.c" ]
l_common_o = map(dress,l_common_o) + map(lambda x: dress(x,in_root=True), OBJ)
l_common_s = map(dress,l_common_s) + map(lambda x: dress(x,in_root=True), SRC)
# IRP_touches
# All targets : list of Fmodule objects
l_targets = [ x for x in l_mod if x.is_main ]
# Create lines
for i in l_non_targets:
output.append (create_build_non_target(i,OBJ))
for i in l_targets:
output.append(create_build_target(i, l_common_o))
# Remaining files
for i in l_common_s:
with open(FILENAME,'w') as f:
create_irpf90_make([ x.filename for x in l_targets ])