BEGIN_PROVIDER [ integer, mo_closed_num ] implicit none BEGIN_DOC ! Number of closed shell Molecular orbitals END_DOC mo_closed_num = -1 call get_mo_basis_mo_closed_num(mo_closed_num) if (mo_closed_num < 0) then call abrt(irp_here,'Number of closed-shell MOs should be >=0') endif if (mo_closed_num > elec_alpha_num) then call abrt(irp_here,'Number of closed-should MOs should be <= Number of alpha electrons') endif if (mo_closed_num > elec_beta_num) then call abrt(irp_here,'Number of closed-should MOs should be <= Number of beta electrons') endif END_PROVIDER BEGIN_PROVIDER [ integer, mo_active_num ] implicit none BEGIN_DOC ! Number of active Molecular orbitals END_DOC mo_active_num = -1 call get_mo_basis_mo_active_num(mo_active_num) if (mo_active_num < 0) then call abrt(irp_here,'Number of active MOs should be >=0') endif END_PROVIDER BEGIN_PROVIDER [ integer, mo_num ] implicit none BEGIN_DOC ! Number of Molecular orbitals END_DOC mo_num = mo_closed_num + mo_active_num ASSERT(mo_num > 0) END_PROVIDER BEGIN_PROVIDER [ real, mo_coef, (ao_num,mo_num) ] implicit none BEGIN_DOC ! Molecular orbital coefficients END_DOC integer :: i, j real :: buffer(ao_num,mo_tot_num) buffer = 0. call get_mo_basis_mo_coef(buffer) do i=1,mo_num do j=1,ao_num mo_coef(j,i) = buffer(j,i) enddo enddo END_PROVIDER BEGIN_PROVIDER [ real, mo_coef_transp, (mo_num,ao_num) ] implicit none BEGIN_DOC ! Transposed array of mo coefficients END_DOC integer :: i, j, k do j=1,ao_num do k=1,mo_num mo_coef_transp(k,j) = mo_coef(j,k) enddo enddo END_PROVIDER BEGIN_PROVIDER [ logical, mo_is_closed, (mo_num) ] &BEGIN_PROVIDER [ logical, mo_is_active, (mo_num) ] implicit none BEGIN_DOC ! mo_is_closed : True if mo(i) is a closed-shell ! mo_is_active : True if mo(i) is an active orbital END_DOC character :: buffer(mo_tot_num) integer :: i do i=1,mo_num if ( buffer(i) == 'c' ) then mo_is_closed(i) = .True. mo_is_active(i) = .False. else if ( buffer(i) == 'a' ) then mo_is_closed(i) = .False. mo_is_active(i) = .True. else mo_is_closed(i) = .False. mo_is_active(i) = .False. endif enddo END_PROVIDER BEGIN_PROVIDER [ integer, mo_tot_num ] BEGIN_DOC ! Total number of MOs in the EZFIO file END_DOC mo_tot_num = -1 call get_mo_basis_mo_tot_num(mo_tot_num) if (mo_tot_num <= 0) then call abrt(irp_here,'Tota number of MOs can''t be <0') endif END_PROVIDER