BEGIN_PROVIDER [ integer, det_num ] implicit none BEGIN_DOC ! Number of determinants END_DOC det_num = 1 call get_determinants_det_num(det_num) if (det_num < 1) then call abrt(irp_here,'det_num should be > 0') endif END_PROVIDER BEGIN_PROVIDER [ integer, det, (elec_alpha_num-mo_closed_num,det_num,2) ] &BEGIN_PROVIDER [ real, det_coef, (det_num) ] implicit none BEGIN_DOC ! det : Description of the active orbitals of the determinants ! det_coef : Determinant coefficients END_DOC if (elec_alpha_num > mo_closed_num) then det = 0 call get_determinants_det_occ(det) endif det_coef = 0. det_coef(1) = 1. call get_determinants_det_coef(det_coef) END_PROVIDER