#!/usr/bin/python from math import * import input_wrapper InputFile = input_wrapper.InputFile rw_data = list(input_wrapper.rw_data) rw_data.sort() ro_data = list(input_wrapper.rw_data) ro_data.sort() import sys, os import tempfile editor = os.getenv("EDITOR",default="vi") ## Data cleaning ################## class Cleaner(object): def __init__(self,inp,name): self.dir = inp.name self.name = name.lower() self.inp = inp def action(self): raise TypeError def clean(self): print "Removing "+self.name self.action() class GridDataCleaner(Cleaner): def action(self): os.system("rm -f %s/grid_data/%s.gz"%(self.dir,self.name) ) class AllCleaner(Cleaner): def action(self): os.system("rm -rf %s/grid"%(self.dir) ) os.system("rm -rf %s/grid_data"%(self.dir) ) def clear(x,inp): d = { "all": AllCleaner, } if x in d.keys(): type = d[x] else: type = GridDataCleaner type(inp,x.replace("_"," ")).clean() ## Data editing ############### class Editor(object): def __init__(self,inp,name): self.dir = inp.name self.name = name self.inp = inp def action(self): raise TypeError def edit(self): print "Editing "+self.name self.action() class GeometryEditor(Editor): def action(self): self.charge = self.inp.nucl_charge self.coord = self.inp.nucl_coord edit_temp_file(self.inp,self.write_geom_file,self.read_geom_file) def write_geom_file(self,file,inp): print >>file, "###########################" print >>file, "# Geometry : %s"%(inp.name) print >>file, "###########################" print >>file, "" fields = "Charge X Y Z" format = "%10.1f "+"%10.6f "*3 fields = fields.split() print >>file, " ".join(["#"]+map(lambda x: x.center(10),fields)) print >>file, "# "+"-"*11*len(fields)+"\n" charge = self.charge coord = self.coord for i in xrange(len(charge)): buffer = [ charge[i], coord[0][i], coord[1][i], coord[2][i] ] print >>file, " "+format%tuple(buffer) def read_geom_file(self,file,inp): lines = file.readlines() lines = filter(lambda x: len(x.strip())>0,lines) lines = filter(lambda x: not x.startswith("#"),lines) lines = map(lambda x: x.split(),lines) coord = [ [], [], [] ] charge = [] for line in lines: charge.append(float(line[-4])) coord[0].append(float(line[-3])) coord[1].append(float(line[-2])) coord[2].append(float(line[-1])) inp.coord = coord class GridEditor(Editor): def action(self): self.origin= self.inp.origin self.opposite = self.inp.opposite self.step_size = self.inp.step_size self.point_num = self.inp.point_num edit_temp_file(self.inp,self.write_grid_file,self.read_grid_file) def write_grid_file(self,file,inp): print >>file, "###########################" print >>file, "# Grid : %s"%(inp.name) print >>file, "###########################" print >>file, "" print >>file, "# Number of points along x, y, z" if self.point_num is None: print >>file, "Default" else: print >>file, "%d %d %d"%tuple(self.point_num) print >>file, "" print >>file, "# Coordinates of the origin (x,y,z)" if self.origin is None: print >>file, "Default" else: print >>file, "%f %f %f"%tuple(self.origin) print >>file, "" print >>file, "# Coordinates of the opposite point (x,y,z)" if self.opposite is None: print >>file, "Default" else: print >>file, "%f %f %f"%tuple(self.opposite) print >>file, "" print >>file, "# Step sizes (x,y,z)" if self.step_size is None: print >>file, "Default" else: print >>file, "%f %f %f"%tuple(self.step_size) def read_grid_file(self,file,inp): lines = file.readlines() lines = filter(lambda x: len(x.strip())>0,lines) lines = filter(lambda x: not x.startswith("#"),lines) buffer = lines.pop(0).lower().split() if buffer[0] != "default": self.inp.point_num = map(int,buffer) else: try: os.remove("%s/grid/point_num.gz"%self.inp.name) except: pass buffer = lines.pop(0).lower().split() if buffer[0] != "default": self.inp.origin = map(float,buffer) else: try: os.remove("%s/grid/origin.gz"%self.inp.name) except: pass buffer = lines.pop(0).lower().split() if buffer[0] != "default": self.inp.opposite = map(float,buffer) else: try: os.remove("%s/grid/opposite.gz"%self.inp.name) except: pass buffer = lines.pop(0).lower().split() if buffer[0] != "default": self.inp.step_size = self.step_size else: try: os.remove("%s/grid/step_size.gz"%self.inp.name) except: pass def edit(x,inp): d = { "geometry": GeometryEditor, "grid_parameters": GridEditor, } d[x](inp,x.replace("_"," ")).edit() ## Write temporary input file ############################# def write_main_file(file,inp): print >>file, "####################" print >>file, "# %s"%(inp.name) print >>file, "####################" print >>file, "" compute = filter(lambda x: x.startswith("compute"),rw_data) print >>file, "# Clear" print >>file, "# --------------------\n" print >>file, '# clear(all)' for p in compute: print >>file, '# clear(%s)'%(p[8:]) print >>file, "" print >>file, "# Computation" print >>file, "# --------------------\n" print >>file, "nproc = %d"%(inp.nproc) print >>file, "" for p in compute: x = ' ' exec "if inp.%s: x = 'X'"%(p) print >>file, "(%s) %s"%(x,p[8:]) print >>file, "" print >>file, "# Edit" print >>file, "# --------------------\n" print >>file, '# edit(geometry)' print >>file, '# edit(grid_parameters)' print >>file, "" ## Execute temporary input file ############################### def read_main_file(file,inp): lines = file.readlines() for line in lines: line = line.lstrip() if line == "" or line[0] == "#": pass elif line[0] == "(": line = line.replace("( ) ","=False inp.compute_") line = line.replace("(X) ","=True inp.compute_") line = line.replace("(x) ","=True inp.compute_") buffer = line.split() line = ' '.join([buffer[1].lower(),buffer[0]]) elif line.startswith("edit") \ or line.startswith("clear"): line = line.replace("(","('").replace(")","',inp)").lower() else: line = "inp."+line exec line def edit_temp_file(input_file,write_file,read_file,saved_file=None): if saved_file is None: file,filename = tempfile.mkstemp() file = open(filename,"w") write_file(file,input_file) file.close() os.system("%s %s"%(editor,filename)) else: file = open(saved_file,'r') buffer = file.read() file.close() file,filename = tempfile.mkstemp() file = open(filename,"w") file.write(buffer) file.close() file = open(filename,"r") read_file(file,input_file) file.close() os.remove(filename) def build_script(inp): run_script = "run_"+inp.name file = open(run_script,'w') buffer = """ #!/bin/bash source ${HOME}/.eplfrc $RUNCOMMAND """.lstrip() command = "${EPLF_PATH}/bin/eplf %s"%(inp.name) if inp.has_mpi: command = "${EPLF_MPIRUN} -np %d "%(inp.nproc)+command buffer = buffer.replace("$RUNCOMMAND",command) print >>file, buffer file.close() os.chmod(run_script,0744) def main(): if len(sys.argv) not in [2,3]: print "Syntax : %s [input_file]"%(sys.argv[0]) sys.exit(1) inp = InputFile(sys.argv[1]) if len(sys.argv) == 3: saved_file = sys.argv[2] else: saved_file = None edit_temp_file(inp,write_main_file,read_main_file,saved_file) build_script(inp) main()