BEGIN_PROVIDER [ integer, det_num ] implicit none BEGIN_DOC ! Number of determinants END_DOC det_num = 1 call get_determinants_det_num(det_num) if (det_num < 1) then call abrt(irp_here,'det_num should be > 0') endif END_PROVIDER BEGIN_PROVIDER [ integer, det, (elec_alpha_num-mo_closed_num,det_num,2) ] &BEGIN_PROVIDER [ real, det_coef, (det_num) ] implicit none BEGIN_DOC ! det : Description of the active orbitals of the determinants ! det_coef : Determinant coefficients END_DOC if (elec_alpha_num > mo_closed_num) then det = 0 call get_determinants_det_occ(det) endif det_coef = 0. det_coef(1) = 1. call get_determinants_det_coef(det_coef) END_PROVIDER BEGIN_PROVIDER [ real, mo_occ, (mo_tot_num) ] implicit none BEGIN_DOC ! Occupation numbers of molecular orbitals END_DOC call get_mo_basis_mo_occ(mo_occ) END_PROVIDER integer function det_exc(k,l,p) implicit none ! Degree of excitation+1 between two determinants. Indices are alpha, beta ! The sign is the phase factor integer :: k,l,p integer :: i, j, jmax jmax = elec_num_2(p)-mo_closed_num det_exc = 0 integer :: dl(mo_closed_num), dk(mo_closed_num), buffer(0:mo_closed_num) do i=1,jmax dk(i) = det(i,k,p) dl(i) = det(i,l,p) buffer(i) = dk(i) enddo integer :: kmax logical :: notfound do i=1,jmax notfound = .True. do j=1,jmax notfound = notfound .and. (dl(j) /= dk(i)) enddo if (notfound) then det_exc += 1 endif enddo ! Phase integer :: nperm nperm = 0 do i=1,jmax if (buffer(i) /= dl(i)) then integer :: m m=jmax do j=i+1,jmax if (buffer(i) == dl(j)) then ! found m=j exit endif enddo buffer(0) = buffer(i) buffer(i) = dl(m) buffer(m) = buffer(0) nperm += m-i endif enddo det_exc += 1 det_exc *= (1-2*mod( nperm, 2 )) end subroutine get_single_excitation(k,l,m,n,p) implicit none integer, intent(in) :: k, l ! determinant indices integer, intent(out) :: m, n ! m->n excitation integer, intent(in) :: p ! spin logical :: notfound integer :: i,j m=0 n=0 integer :: dl(elec_alpha_num-mo_closed_num), dk(elec_alpha_num-mo_closed_num), buffer(0:elec_alpha_num-mo_closed_num) integer :: jmax jmax = elec_num_2(p)-mo_closed_num do i=1,jmax dk(i) = det(i,k,p) dl(i) = det(i,l,p) enddo do j=1,jmax notfound = .True. do i=1,jmax notfound = notfound .and. (dk(j) /= dl(i)) enddo if (notfound) then m = dk(j) exit endif enddo do i=1,jmax notfound = .True. do j=1,jmax notfound = notfound .and. (dk(j) /= dl(i)) enddo if (notfound) then n = det(i,l,p) exit endif enddo end subroutine get_double_excitation(k,l,m,n,r,s,p) implicit none integer, intent(in) :: k, l ! determinant indices integer, intent(out) :: m, n ! m->n excitation integer, intent(out) :: r, s ! r->s excitation integer, intent(in) :: p ! spin logical :: notfound integer :: i,j m=0 n=0 r=0 s=0 integer :: dl(elec_alpha_num-mo_closed_num), dk(elec_alpha_num-mo_closed_num), buffer(0:elec_alpha_num-mo_closed_num) integer :: jmax jmax = elec_num_2(p)-mo_closed_num do i=1,jmax dk(i) = det(i,k,p) dl(i) = det(i,l,p) enddo do j=1,jmax notfound = .True. do i=1,jmax notfound = notfound .and. (dk(j) /= dl(i)) enddo if (notfound) then if (m == 0) then m = dk(j) else r = dk(j) exit endif endif enddo do j=1,jmax notfound = .True. do i=1,jmax notfound = notfound .and. (dk(j) /= dl(i)) enddo if (notfound) then if (n == 0) then n = dl(j) else s = dl(j) exit endif endif enddo end BEGIN_PROVIDER [ integer, two_e_density_num_max ] implicit none BEGIN_DOC ! Number of factors containing the Slater rules END_DOC two_e_density_num_max = 0 call get_density_matrix_two_num(two_e_density_num_max) if (two_e_density_num_max /= 0) then return endif two_e_density_num_max = 2*mo_num integer :: k,l integer :: exc(3), nact, p, p2 integer :: det_exc do k=1,det_num if (abs(det_coef(k) < 1.e-5)) then cycle endif do l=k,det_num if ( (k /= l).and.(abs(det_coef(k)*det_coef(l)) < 1.e-5) ) then cycle endif exc(1) = abs(det_exc(k,l,1))-1 exc(2) = abs(det_exc(k,l,2))-1 exc(3) = exc(1)+exc(2) do p=1,2 p2 = 1+mod(p,2) nact = elec_num_2(p) -mo_closed_num if ( exc(3) == 0 ) then two_e_density_num_max += 2*mo_num else if ( (exc(3) == 1).and.(exc(p) == 1) ) then two_e_density_num_max += 2*mo_num else if ( (exc(3) == 2).and.(exc(p) == 2) ) then two_e_density_num_max += 2 else if ( (exc(3) == 2).and.(exc(p) == 1) ) then two_e_density_num_max += 1 endif enddo enddo enddo call set_density_matrix_two_num(two_e_density_num_max) END_PROVIDER BEGIN_PROVIDER [ integer, two_e_density_indice, (4,two_e_density_num_max) ] &BEGIN_PROVIDER [ real, two_e_density_value, (2,two_e_density_num_max) ] &BEGIN_PROVIDER [ integer, two_e_density_num ] implicit none BEGIN_DOC ! Compact representation of eplf factors END_DOC two_e_density_indice(1,1) = -1 call get_density_matrix_two_indice(two_e_density_indice) call get_density_matrix_two_value(two_e_density_value) call get_density_matrix_two_num(two_e_density_num) if (two_e_density_indice(1,1) /= -1) then return endif integer :: i,j,k,l,m integer :: n,p,p2,q integer :: ik,il,jk,jl, idx(4) real :: phase integer :: exc(4), nact, nact2 real :: det_kl, det_k integer :: det_exc two_e_density_num = 0 PROVIDE det elec_alpha_num do k=1,det_num det_k = det_coef(k) if ( abs(det_k) < 1.e-5) then cycle endif do l=k,det_num det_kl = det_k*det_coef(l) if ( (k /= l).or.(abs(det_kl) < 1.e-5) ) then cycle endif exc(1) = det_exc(k,l,1) exc(2) = det_exc(k,l,2) exc(4) = exc(1)*exc(2) exc(1) = abs(exc(1))-1 exc(2) = abs(exc(2))-1 exc(3) = exc(1)+exc(2) exc(4) = exc(4)/abs(exc(4)) phase = dble(exc(4)) det_kl *= phase if (k /= l) then det_kl += det_kl endif logical :: notfound BEGIN_SHELL [ /usr/bin/python ] code = """ notfound = .True. idx(1) = min(%(I)s,%(J)s) idx(2) = max(%(I)s,%(J)s) idx(3) = min(%(K)s,%(L)s) idx(4) = max(%(K)s,%(L)s) do q=1,two_e_density_num if ( (two_e_density_indice(1,q)==idx(1)) .and. & (two_e_density_indice(2,q)==idx(2)) .and. & (two_e_density_indice(3,q)==idx(3)) .and. & (two_e_density_indice(4,q)==idx(4)) ) then two_e_density_value(1,q) += det_kl two_e_density_value(2,q) += det_kl notfound = .False. exit endif enddo if (notfound) then two_e_density_num += 1 two_e_density_indice(1,two_e_density_num)=idx(1) two_e_density_indice(2,two_e_density_num)=idx(2) two_e_density_indice(3,two_e_density_num)=idx(3) two_e_density_indice(4,two_e_density_num)=idx(4) two_e_density_value(1,two_e_density_num) = det_kl two_e_density_value(2,two_e_density_num) = det_kl endif notfound = .True. idx(1) = min(%(I)s,%(K)s) idx(2) = max(%(I)s,%(K)s) idx(3) = min(%(J)s,%(L)s) idx(4) = max(%(J)s,%(L)s) do q=1,two_e_density_num if ( (two_e_density_indice(1,q)==idx(1)) .and. & (two_e_density_indice(2,q)==idx(2)) .and. & (two_e_density_indice(3,q)==idx(3)) .and. & (two_e_density_indice(4,q)==idx(4)) ) then two_e_density_value(1,q) -= det_kl notfound = .False. exit endif enddo if (notfound) then two_e_density_num += 1 two_e_density_indice(1,two_e_density_num)=idx(1) two_e_density_indice(2,two_e_density_num)=idx(2) two_e_density_indice(3,two_e_density_num)=idx(3) two_e_density_indice(4,two_e_density_num)=idx(4) two_e_density_value(1,two_e_density_num) = -det_kl two_e_density_value(2,two_e_density_num) = 0. endif """ code1 = """ idx(1) = min(%(I)s,%(J)s) idx(2) = max(%(I)s,%(J)s) idx(3) = min(%(K)s,%(L)s) idx(4) = max(%(K)s,%(L)s) notfound = .True. do q=1,two_e_density_num if ( (two_e_density_indice(1,q)==idx(1)) .and. & (two_e_density_indice(2,q)==idx(2)) .and. & (two_e_density_indice(3,q)==idx(3)) .and. & (two_e_density_indice(4,q)==idx(4)) ) then two_e_density_value(1,q) += det_kl notfound = .False. exit endif enddo if (notfound) then two_e_density_num += 1 two_e_density_indice(1,two_e_density_num)=idx(1) two_e_density_indice(2,two_e_density_num)=idx(2) two_e_density_indice(3,two_e_density_num)=idx(3) two_e_density_indice(4,two_e_density_num)=idx(4) two_e_density_value(1,two_e_density_num) = det_kl two_e_density_value(2,two_e_density_num) = 0. endif notfound = .True. idx(1) = min(%(I)s,%(K)s) idx(2) = max(%(I)s,%(K)s) idx(3) = min(%(J)s,%(L)s) idx(4) = max(%(J)s,%(L)s) do q=1,two_e_density_num if ( (two_e_density_indice(1,q)==idx(1)) .and. & (two_e_density_indice(2,q)==idx(2)) .and. & (two_e_density_indice(3,q)==idx(3)) .and. & (two_e_density_indice(4,q)==idx(4)) ) then two_e_density_value(1,q) -= det_kl notfound = .False. exit endif enddo if (notfound) then two_e_density_num += 1 two_e_density_indice(1,two_e_density_num)=idx(1) two_e_density_indice(2,two_e_density_num)=idx(2) two_e_density_indice(3,two_e_density_num)=idx(3) two_e_density_indice(4,two_e_density_num)=idx(4) two_e_density_value(1,two_e_density_num) = -det_kl two_e_density_value(2,two_e_density_num) = 0. endif """ code2 = """ notfound = .True. idx(1) = min(%(I)s,%(J)s) idx(2) = max(%(I)s,%(J)s) idx(3) = min(%(K)s,%(L)s) idx(4) = max(%(K)s,%(L)s) do q=1,two_e_density_num if ( (two_e_density_indice(1,q)==idx(1)) .and. & (two_e_density_indice(2,q)==idx(2)) .and. & (two_e_density_indice(3,q)==idx(3)) .and. & (two_e_density_indice(4,q)==idx(4)) ) then two_e_density_value(2,q) += det_kl notfound = .False. exit endif enddo if (notfound) then two_e_density_num += 1 two_e_density_indice(1,two_e_density_num)=idx(1) two_e_density_indice(2,two_e_density_num)=idx(2) two_e_density_indice(3,two_e_density_num)=idx(3) two_e_density_indice(4,two_e_density_num)=idx(4) two_e_density_value(1,two_e_density_num) = 0. two_e_density_value(2,two_e_density_num) = det_kl endif """ rep = { \ 'CLOSED' : code%{ 'I':'ik', 'J':'il', 'K':'j', 'L':'j' }, 'OPEN_CLOSED' : code%{ 'I':'j', 'J':'j', 'K':'ik', 'L':'il' }, 'OPEN_OPEN_1' : code1%{ 'I':'ik', 'J':'il', 'K':'jk', 'L':'jl' }, 'OPEN_OPEN_2' : code2%{ 'I':'ik', 'J':'il', 'K':'jk', 'L':'jl' } } print """ do p=1,2 p2 = 1+mod(p,2) nact = elec_num_2(p) -mo_closed_num nact2 = elec_num_2(p2)-mo_closed_num if ( exc(3) == 0 ) then do n=1,nact ik = det(n,k,p) il = det(n,l,p) do j=1,mo_closed_num ! Closed-open shell interactions %(CLOSED)s !- Open-closed shell interactions %(OPEN_CLOSED)s enddo !- Open-open shell interactions do m=1,nact jk = det(m,k,p) jl = det(m,l,p) %(OPEN_OPEN_1)s enddo do m=1,nact2 jk = det(m,k,p2) jl = det(m,l,p2) %(OPEN_OPEN_2)s enddo enddo else if ( (exc(3) == 1).and.(exc(p) == 1) ) then ! Sum over only the sigma-sigma interactions involving the excitation call get_single_excitation(k,l,ik,il,p) do j=1,mo_closed_num !- Open-closed shell interactions %(CLOSED)s !- Closed-open shell interactions %(OPEN_CLOSED)s enddo !- Open-open shell interactions do m=1,nact jk = det(m,k,p) jl = det(m,l,p) %(OPEN_OPEN_1)s enddo do m=1,nact2 jk = det(m,k,p2) jl = det(m,l,p2) %(OPEN_OPEN_2)s enddo else if ( (exc(3) == 2).and.(exc(p) == 2) ) then ! Consider only the double excitations of same-spin electrons call get_double_excitation(k,l,ik,il,jk,jl,p) %(OPEN_OPEN_1)s else if ( (exc(3) == 2).and.(exc(p) == 1) ) then ! Consider only the double excitations of opposite-spin electrons call get_single_excitation(k,l,ik,il,p) call get_single_excitation(k,l,jk,jl,p2) %(OPEN_OPEN_2)s endif enddo """%(rep) END_SHELL enddo enddo call set_density_matrix_two_num(two_e_density_num) call set_density_matrix_two_indice(two_e_density_indice) call set_density_matrix_two_value(two_e_density_value) END_PROVIDER BEGIN_PROVIDER [ real, one_e_density_mo, (mo_active_num,mo_active_num,2) ] implicit none BEGIN_DOC ! One electron spin density matrix in MO space END_DOC integer :: i,j,k,l,p, il, jl if (mo_active_num == 0) then return endif one_e_density_mo(1,1,1) = -1. call get_density_matrix_one(one_e_density_mo) if (one_e_density_mo(1,1,1) /= -1.) then return endif do p=1,2 do i=1,mo_active_num do j=1,mo_active_num one_e_density_mo(j,i,p) = 0. enddo enddo enddo real :: ckl, phase integer :: exc(4), det_exc PROVIDE mo_closed_num elec_num_2 elec_alpha_num do k=1,det_num do l=k,det_num ckl = det_coef(k)*det_coef(l) if ( (k /= l).and.(abs(ckl) < 1.e-5) ) then cycle endif exc(1) = det_exc(k,l,1) exc(2) = det_exc(k,l,2) exc(4) = exc(1)*exc(2) exc(1) = abs(exc(1))-1 exc(2) = abs(exc(2))-1 exc(3) = exc(1)+exc(2) exc(4) = exc(4)/abs(exc(4)) phase = dble(exc(4)) ckl *= phase do p=1,2 if (exc(3) == 0) then do i=1,elec_num_2(p)-mo_closed_num il = det(i,k,p) - mo_closed_num one_e_density_mo(il,il,p) += ckl enddo else if ( (exc(3) == 1).and.(exc(p) == 1) ) then call get_single_excitation(k,l,il,jl,p) jl -= mo_closed_num il -= mo_closed_num one_e_density_mo(il,jl,p) += ckl one_e_density_mo(jl,il,p) += ckl endif enddo enddo enddo call set_density_matrix_one(one_e_density_mo) END_PROVIDER