mirror of https://github.com/triqs/dft_tools synced 2025-03-14 12:46:41 +01:00
Olivier Parcollet f2c7d449cc First commit : triqs libs version 1.0 alpha1
for earlier commits, see TRIQS0.x repository.
2013-07-17 19:24:07 +02:00

152 lines
8.2 KiB

* TRIQS: a Toolbox for Research in Interacting Quantum Systems
* Copyright (C) 2011 by O. Parcollet
* TRIQS is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the
* terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software
* Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later
* version.
* TRIQS is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
* WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS
* FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more
* details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with
* TRIQS. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
#include "./array.hpp"
#include "./matrix.hpp"
#include <boost/preprocessor/repetition/enum.hpp>
#include <boost/preprocessor/repetition/enum_trailing.hpp>
#include <boost/preprocessor/repetition/repeat.hpp>
namespace triqs { namespace arrays {
template<typename ArrayType,int Pos > class matrix_view_proxy;
template<typename ArrayType,int Pos > class const_matrix_view_proxy;
// to do : separate the array and the matrix case.
// generalize with preprocessor (draft below)
// write concept mutable down and clean it (dim0, dim1, len(i), ...)
// human version of the class, the preprocessor generalisation is next..
template<typename ArrayType > class const_matrix_view_proxy<ArrayType,2> : TRIQS_MODEL_CONCEPT(ImmutableMatrix) {
ArrayType const * A; size_t n;
public :
typedef typename ArrayType::value_type value_type;
const_matrix_view_proxy (ArrayType const & A_, size_t n_=0) : A(&A_), n(n_){}
typedef indexmaps::slicer<typename ArrayType::indexmap_type , range , range,size_t,ellipsis> slicer_t;
typedef typename slicer_t::r_type indexmap_type;
typedef typename indexmap_type::domain_type domain_type;
indexmap_type indexmap() const { return slicer_t::invoke(A->indexmap() , range() , range(),n, ellipsis()); }
domain_type domain() const { return indexmap().domain();}
size_t len(int i) const { return A->len(i);}
size_t dim0() const { return A->len(0);}
size_t dim1() const { return A->len(1);}
typename ArrayType::storage_type const & storage() const { return A->storage();}
template< typename A0 , typename A1 , typename ... Args> value_type const & operator() ( A0 &&a0 , A1 &&a1 , Args && ... args) const
{ return (*A)( std::forward<A0>(a0) , std::forward<A1>(a1) , n,std::forward<Args>(args)...);}
template<typename ArrayType > class matrix_view_proxy<ArrayType,2> : TRIQS_MODEL_CONCEPT(MutableMatrix) {
ArrayType * A; size_t n;
public :
typedef typename ArrayType::value_type value_type;
matrix_view_proxy (ArrayType & A_, size_t n_=0) : A(&A_), n(n_){}
typedef indexmaps::slicer<typename ArrayType::indexmap_type , range , range,size_t,ellipsis> slicer_t;
typedef typename slicer_t::r_type indexmap_type;
typedef typename indexmap_type::domain_type domain_type;
indexmap_type indexmap() const { return slicer_t::invoke(A->indexmap() , range() , range(),n, ellipsis()); }
domain_type domain() const { return indexmap().domain();}
size_t len(int i) const { return A->len(i);}
size_t dim0() const { return A->len(0);}
size_t dim1() const { return A->len(1);}
typename ArrayType::storage_type const & storage() const { return A->storage();}
template<typename RHS> matrix_view_proxy & operator=(const RHS & X) {triqs_arrays_assign_delegation(*this,X); return *this; }
template< typename A0 , typename A1 , typename ... Args> value_type & operator() ( A0 &&a0 , A1 &&a1 , Args && ... args) const
{ return (*A)( std::forward<A0>(a0) , std::forward<A1>(a1) , this->n,std::forward<Args>(args)...);}
#define AUX0(z,P,NNN) std::forward<A##P>(a##P),
#define AUX1(z,P,NNN) A##P && a##P,
#define TEXT(z, n, text) text
#define IMPL(z, POS, unused)\
template<typename ArrayType > class const_matrix_view_proxy<ArrayType,POS> : TRIQS_MODEL_CONCEPT(ImmutableMatrix) {\
static_assert(ArrayType::rank==3, "Only array of rank 3 here");\
ArrayType const * A; size_t n;\
public :\
typedef typename ArrayType::value_type value_type;\
const_matrix_view_proxy (ArrayType const & A_, size_t n_=0) : A(&A_), n(n_), S(this->storage()), IM(this->indexmap()){}\
typedef indexmaps::slicer<typename ArrayType::indexmap_type BOOST_PP_ENUM_TRAILING(POS, TEXT, range),size_t,ellipsis> slicer_t;\
typedef typename slicer_t::r_type indexmap_type;\
typedef typename indexmap_type::domain_type domain_type;\
indexmap_type indexmap() const { return slicer_t::invoke(A->indexmap() BOOST_PP_ENUM_TRAILING(POS, TEXT, range()),n, ellipsis()); }\
domain_type domain() const { return indexmap().domain();}\
size_t len(int i) const { return A->len(i);}\
size_t dim0() const { return A->len((POS+1)%3);}\
size_t dim1() const { return A->len((POS+2)%3);}\
typename ArrayType::storage_type const & storage() const { return A->storage();}\
value_type const * restrict data_start() const { return &storage()[indexmap().start_shift()];}\
value_type * restrict data_start() { return &storage()[indexmap().start_shift()];}\
matrix_view<value_type> operator()() const {return *this;}\
template<BOOST_PP_ENUM_PARAMS(POS,typename A) BOOST_PP_COMMA_IF(POS) typename ... Args>\
value_type const & operator() (BOOST_PP_REPEAT(POS,AUX1,nil) Args && ... args) const \
{ return (*A)(BOOST_PP_REPEAT(POS,AUX0,nil) n,std::forward<Args>(args)...);}\
friend std::ostream & operator <<(std::ostream & out, const_matrix_view_proxy const & x) { return out << matrix_view<value_type>(x);}\
typename ArrayType::storage_type S;\
indexmap_type IM;\
template<typename ArrayType > class matrix_view_proxy<ArrayType,POS> : TRIQS_MODEL_CONCEPT(MutableMatrix) {\
static_assert(ArrayType::rank==3, "Only array of rank 3 here");\
ArrayType * A; size_t n;\
public :\
typedef typename ArrayType::value_type value_type;\
matrix_view_proxy (ArrayType & A_, size_t n_=0) : A(&A_), n(n_), IM(this->indexmap()){}\
typedef indexmaps::slicer<typename ArrayType::indexmap_type BOOST_PP_ENUM_TRAILING(POS, TEXT, range),size_t,ellipsis> slicer_t;\
typedef typename slicer_t::r_type indexmap_type;\
typedef typename indexmap_type::domain_type domain_type;\
indexmap_type indexmap() const { return slicer_t::invoke(A->indexmap() BOOST_PP_ENUM_TRAILING(POS, TEXT, range()),n, ellipsis()); }\
domain_type domain() const { return indexmap().domain();}\
size_t len(int i) const { return A->len(i);}\
size_t dim0() const { return A->len((POS+1)%3);}\
size_t dim1() const { return A->len((POS+2)%3);}\
typename ArrayType::storage_type const & storage() const { return A->storage();}\
value_type const * restrict data_start() const { return &storage()[indexmap().start_shift()];}\
value_type * restrict data_start() { return &storage()[indexmap().start_shift()];}\
matrix_view<value_type> operator()() const {return *this;}\
template<typename RHS> matrix_view_proxy & operator=(const RHS & X) {triqs_arrays_assign_delegation(*this,X); return *this; }\
template<BOOST_PP_ENUM_PARAMS(POS,typename A) BOOST_PP_COMMA_IF(POS) typename ... Args>\
value_type & operator() (BOOST_PP_REPEAT(POS,AUX1,nil) Args && ... args) const\
{ return (*A)(BOOST_PP_REPEAT(POS,AUX0,nil) n,std::forward<Args>(args)...);}\
friend std::ostream & operator <<(std::ostream & out, matrix_view_proxy const & x) { return out << matrix_view<value_type>(x);}\
typename ArrayType::storage_type S;\
indexmap_type IM;\
#undef IMPL
#undef AUX0
#undef AUX1
#undef TEXT
template<int Pos, typename ArrayType>
matrix_view_proxy<ArrayType,Pos> make_matrix_view_proxy(ArrayType const & A) { return matrix_view_proxy<ArrayType,Pos> (A);}