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cdef class MeshImTime:
cdef mesh_imtime _c
def __init__(self, beta, stat, int n_max, kind):
self._c = make_mesh_imtime(beta, {'F' :Fermion, 'B' : Boson}[stat], n_max, {'H':half_bins, 'F':full_bins, 'W':without_last}[kind])
def __len__ (self) : return self._c.size()
property beta :
"""Inverse temperature"""
def __get__(self): return self._c.domain().beta
property kind :
"""Inverse temperature"""
def __get__(self): return {half_bins: 'H', full_bins: 'F', without_last: 'W'}[self._c.kind()]
property statistic :
def __get__(self): return 'F' if self._c.domain().statistic==Fermion else 'B'
def __iter__(self) : # I use the C++ generator !
cdef mesh_pt_generator[mesh_imtime ] g = mesh_pt_generator[mesh_imtime ](&self._c)
while not g.at_end() :
yield g.to_point()
def __richcmp__(MeshImTime self, MeshImTime other,int op) :
if op ==2 : # ==
return self._c == other._c
def __reduce__(self):
return self.__class__, (self.beta, self.statistic, len(self), self.kind)
# C -> Python
cdef inline make_MeshImTime ( mesh_imtime x) :
return MeshImTime( x.domain().beta, 'F' if x.domain().statistic==Fermion else 'B',
x.size(), {half_bins: 'H', full_bins: 'F', without_last: 'W'}[x.kind()] )