mirror of https://github.com/triqs/dft_tools synced 2024-10-19 22:41:39 +02:00
2018-03-22 18:16:10 +01:00

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# Generated automatically using the command :
# c++2py ../../c++/app4triqs/toto.hpp -p --members_read_only -N app4triqs -a app4triqs -m toto_module -o toto_module -C pytriqs --cxxflags="-std=c++17"
from cpp2py.wrap_generator import *
# The module
module = module_(full_name = "toto_module", doc = "", app_name = "app4triqs")
# Imports
# Add here all includes
# Add here anything to add in the C++ code at the start, e.g. namespace using
#include <cpp2py/converters/string.hpp>
#include <triqs/cpp2py_converters/h5.hpp>
using namespace app4triqs;
# The class toto
c = class_(
py_type = "Toto", # name of the python class
c_type = "app4triqs::toto", # name of the C++ class
doc = """A very useful and important class\n\n @note A Useful note""", # doc of the C++ class
hdf5 = True,
arithmetic = ("add_only"),
comparisons = "==",
serializable = "tuple",
c.add_constructor("""()""", doc = """""")
c.add_constructor("""(int i_)""", doc = """Construct from integer\n\n :param i_: a scalar""")
c.add_method("""std::string hdf5_scheme ()""",
is_static = True,
doc = """HDF5""")
c.add_property(name = "i",
getter = cfunction("int get_i ()"),
doc = """Simple accessor""")
module.add_function ("int app4triqs::chain (int i, int j)", doc = """Chain digits of two integers\n\n Chain the decimal digits of two integers i and j, and return a new \n\n @param :math:`i` The first integer\n @param :math:`j` The second integer \n @return An integer containing the digits of both i and j\n\n @remark""")