mirror of https://github.com/triqs/dft_tools synced 2024-10-19 22:41:39 +02:00
Oleg Peil d76f2d381a Added documentation
Added documentation on the converter input file.
Added a drafts of the documentation on charge self-consistency.
2017-01-27 11:39:02 +01:00

155 lines
6.9 KiB

.. _plovasp:
PLOVasp input file
The general purpose of the PLOVasp tool is to transform
raw, non-normalized projectors generated by VASP into normalized
projectors corresponding to user-defined projected localized orbitals (PLO).
The PLOs can then be used for DFT+DMFT calculations with or without
charge self-consistency. PLOVasp also provides some utilities
for basic analysis of the generated projectors, such as outputting
density matrices, local Hamiltonians, and projected
density of states.
PLOs are determined by the energy window in which the raw projectors
are normalized. This allows to define either atomic-like strongly
localized Wannier functions (large energy window) or extended
Wannier functions focusing on selected low-energy states (small
energy window).
In PLOVasp all projectors sharing the same energy window are combined
into a `projector group`. Technically, this allows one to define
several groups with different energy windows for the same set of
raw projectors. Note, however, that DFTtools does not support projector
groups at the moment but this feature might appear in future releases.
A set of projectors defined on sites realted to each other either by symmetry
or by sort along with a set of :math:`l`, :math:`m` quantum numbers forms a
`projector shell`. There could be several projectors shells in a
projector group, implying that they will be normalized within
the same energy window.
Projector shells and groups are specified by a user-defined input file
whose format is described below.
Input file format
The input file is written in the standard config-file format.
Parameters (or 'options') are grouped into sections specified as
`[Section name]`. All parameters must be defined inside some section.
A PLOVasp input file can contain three types of sections:
#. **[General]**: includes parameters that are independent
of a particular projector set, such as the Fermi level, additional
output (e.g. the density of states), etc.
#. **[Group <Ng>]**: describes projector groups, i.e. a set of
projectors sharing the same energy window and normalization type.
At the moment, DFTtools support only one projector group, therefore
there should be no more than one projector group.
#. **[Shell <Ns>]**: contains parameters of a projector shell labelled
with `<Ns>`. If there is only one group section and one shell section,
the group section can be omitted and its required parameters can be
given inside the single shell section.
Section [General]
The entire section is optional and it contains three parameters:
* **BASENAME** (string): provides a base name for output files.
Default filenames are :file:`vasp.*`.
* **DOSMESH** ([float float] integer): if this parameter is given
projected density of states for each projected orbital will be
evaluated and stored to files :file:`pdos_<n>.dat`, where `n` is the
orbital number. The energy
mesh is defined by three numbers: `EMIN` `EMAX` `NPOINTS`. The first two
can be omitted in which case they are taken to be equal to the projector
energy window. **Important note**: at the moment this option works
only if the tetrahedron integration method (`ISMEAR = -4` or `-5`)
is used in VASP to produce `LOCPROJ`.
* **EFERMI** (float): provides the Fermi level. This value overrides
the one extracted from VASP output files.
There are no required parameters in this section.
Section [Shell]
This section specifies a projector shell. Each shell section must be
labeled by an index, e.g. `[Shell 1]`. These indices can then be referenced
in a `[Group]` section.
In each `[Shell]` section two parameters are required:
* **IONS** (list of integer): indices of sites included in the shell.
The sites can be given either by a list of integers `IONS = 5 6 7 8`
or by a range `IONS = 5..8`. The site indices must be compatible with
POSCAR file.
* **LSHELL** (integer): :math:`l` quantum number of the desired local states.
It is important that a given combination of site indices and local states
given by `LSHELL` must be present in LOCPROJ file.
There are additional optional parameters that allow one to transform
the local states:
* **TRANSFORM** (matrix): local transformation matrix applied to all states
in the projector shell. The matrix is defined by (multiline) block
of floats, with each line corresponding to a row. The number of columns
must be equal to :math:`2 l + 1`, with :math:`l` given by `LSHELL`. Only real matrices
are allowed. This parameter can be useful to select certain subset of
orbitals or perform a simple global rotation.
* **TRANSFILE** (string): name of the file containing transformation
matrices for each site. This option allows for a full-fledged functionality
when it comes to local state transformations. The format of this file
is described in :ref:`_transformation_file`.
Section [Group]
Each defined projector shell must be part of a projector group. In the current
implementation of DFTtools only a single group is supported which can be
labeled by any integer, e.g. `[Group 1]`. This implies that all projector shells
must be included in this group.
Required parameters for any group are the following:
* **SHELLS** (list of integers): indices of projector shells included in the group.
All defined shells must be grouped.
* **EWINDOW** (float float): the energy window specified by two floats: bottom
and top. All projectors in the current group are going to be normalized within
this window.
Optional group parameters:
* **NORMALIZE** (True/False): specifies whether projectors in the group are
to be noramlized. The default value is **True**.
* **NORMION** (True/False): specifies whether projectors are normalized on
a per-site (per-ion) basis. That is, if `NORMION = True` the orthogonality
condition will be enforced on each site separately but the Wannier functions
on different sites will not be orthogonal. If `NORMION = False` Wannier functions
on different sites included in the group will be orthogonal to each other.
.. _transformation_file
File of transformation matrices
.. warning::
The description below applies only to collinear cases (i.e. without spin-orbit
coupling). In this case the matrices are spin-independent.
The file specified by option `TRANSFILE` contains transformation matrices
for each ion. Each line must contain a series of floats whose number is either equal to
the number of orbitals :math:`N_{orb}` (in this case the transformation matrices
are assumed to be real) or to :math:`2 N_{orb}` (for the complex transformation matrices).
The number of lines :math:`N` must be a multiple of the number of ions :math:`N_{ion}`
and the ratio :math:`N / N_{ion}`, then, gives the dimension of the transformed
orbital space. The lines with floats can be separated by any number of empty or
comment lines which are ignored.