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* TRIQS: a Toolbox for Research in Interacting Quantum Systems
* Copyright (C) 2011 by O. Parcollet
* TRIQS is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the
* terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software
* Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later
* version.
* TRIQS is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
* WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS
* FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more
* details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with
* TRIQS. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
#include "../../utility/exceptions.hpp"
#include <Python.h>
#include <numpy/arrayobject.h>
// if no python, same code but remove python parts...
typedef void PyObject;
#define Py_DECREF(P)
#include "./memcopy.hpp"
#include <triqs/utility/macros.hpp>
#include <iostream>
#define TRACE_MEM_DEBUG(X) std::cerr<< X << std::endl;
namespace triqs { namespace arrays { namespace storages { //namespace details {
template<typename ValueType> struct mem_block; // forward
// debug only, to check also weak refs. This will slow down a bit critical loops..
// I am not sure this is really useful ...
// the ref counting functions : weak means : no use of the reference counting system
template<bool Weak, typename ValueType> ENABLE_IFC(Weak) inc_ref(mem_block<ValueType> * const m) {
template<bool Weak, typename ValueType> DISABLE_IFC(Weak) inc_ref(mem_block<ValueType> * const m) { m->ref_count++;}
// force inline on gcc ?
//template<typename ValueType> void dec_ref(mem_block<ValueType> * const m) __attribute__((always_inline));
template<bool Weak, typename ValueType> ENABLE_IFC(Weak) dec_ref(mem_block<ValueType> * const m) {
template<bool Weak, typename ValueType> DISABLE_IFC(Weak) dec_ref(mem_block<ValueType> * const m) {
m->ref_count--; if (m->ref_count ==0) {
//std::cout << " detroying "<< m->weak_ref_count <<std::endl;
if (m->weak_ref_count !=0) TRIQS_RUNTIME_ERROR << "Deleting an memory block of an array with still "<< m->weak_ref_count<< " weak references";
delete m;
* This is a block of memory (pointer p and size size_).
* INTERNAL USE only, by shared_block only
* The memory can be :
* - allocated (and deleted in C++)
* - owned by a numpy python object (py_numpy)
* The block contains its own reference system, to avoid the use of shared_ptr in shared_block
* (which was very slow in critical codes).
* In addition, the python guard system can return to python an array allocated in C++.
* The memory block has 4 possible states (and only 4) :
* * State 0) : p ==nullptr && py_numpy == nullptr && py_guard == nullptr
* Default state. Also obtained when the object has been moved from
* * State 1) : p !=nullptr && py_numpy == nullptr && py_guard == nullptr
* Memory block allocated and used in C++.
* * State 2) : p !=nullptr && py_numpy != nullptr && py_guard == nullptr
* Memory block was allocated by python, and is used in C++.
* The block keeps a python ref (owned!) in py_numpy which is released at destruction
* * State 3) : p !=nullptr && py_numpy == nullptr && py_guard != nullptr
* Memory block allocated by C++, but passed to python.
* The guard is an owned reference to a python object, which itself owns a c++ reference to the mem_block
* When the python is done with this object, it releases this reference and the mem_block
* can be destroyed (when nobody else uses it).
* This guarantees that :
* * as long as python does not clean the guard (which is then later attached to a numpy array, cf numpy interface)
* the block will not be deleted.
* * when python is done with this numpy, hence the guard, the c++ reference is dec_refed and
* the usage can continue normally in c++ (without *any* python ref contrary to a previous design).
* * Invariants :
* * py_numpy == nullptr || py_guard == nullptr :
* * ref_count >=1.
template<typename ValueType> struct mem_block {
size_t size_; // size of the block
ValueType * restrict p; // the memory block. Owned by this, except when py_numpy is not null
size_t ref_count; // number of refs. : >=1
size_t weak_ref_count; // number of refs. : >=1
PyObject * py_numpy; // if not null, an owned reference to a numpy which is the data of this block
PyObject * py_guard; // if not null, a BORROWED reference to the guard. If null, the guard does not exist
static_assert(!std::is_const<ValueType>::value, "internal error");
static void import_numpy_array() {}// if (_import_array()!=0) TRIQS_RUNTIME_ERROR <<"Internal Error in importing numpy";}
//Construct to state 0
mem_block() : size_(0), p(nullptr), ref_count(1), weak_ref_count(0), py_numpy(nullptr), py_guard(nullptr) {}
// construct to state 1 with a given size.
mem_block (size_t s):size_(s),py_numpy(nullptr), py_guard(nullptr){
try { p = new ValueType[s];}
catch (std::bad_alloc& ba) { TRIQS_RUNTIME_ERROR<< "Memory allocation error : bad_alloc : "<< ba.what();}
weak_ref_count =0;
// construct to state 2. python_object_is_borrowed : whether the python ref is borrowed
mem_block (PyObject * obj, bool python_object_is_borrowed) {
TRACE_MEM_DEBUG(" construct memblock from pyobject"<<obj<< " # ref ="<<obj->ob_refcnt<<" python_object_is_borrowed = "<< python_object_is_borrowed);
assert(obj); import_numpy_array();
if (python_object_is_borrowed) Py_INCREF(obj);
if (!PyArray_Check(obj)) TRIQS_RUNTIME_ERROR<<"Internal error : mem_block construct from pyo : obj is not an array";
PyArrayObject * arr = (PyArrayObject *)(obj);
size_ = PyArray_SIZE(arr);
p = (ValueType*)PyArray_DATA(arr);
py_numpy = obj;
py_guard = nullptr;
weak_ref_count =0;
// destructor : release memory only in state 1. This should NEVER be called in state 3 (first need to get back to 1).
~mem_block(){ // delete memory manually iif py_obj is not set. Otherwise the python interpreter will do that for us.
TRACE_MEM_DEBUG("deleting mem block p ="<<p<< " py_obj = "<< py_obj << " ref of py obj if exists"<<(py_obj ? py_obj->ob_refcnt: -1));
assert(ref_count<=1); assert(py_guard==nullptr);// state 3 forbidden
if (py_numpy) Py_DECREF(py_numpy); // state 1
else { if (p) delete[] p; } // state 2 or state 0
// cannot be copied or moved.
mem_block & operator=(mem_block const & X) = delete;
mem_block & operator=(mem_block && X) = delete;
mem_block(mem_block && X) noexcept {
size_ = X.size_; p = X.p; ref_count = X.ref_count; weak_ref_count = X.weak_ref_count; py_numpy=X.py_numpy; py_guard = X.py_guard;
X.p =nullptr; X.py_numpy= nullptr; X.py_guard = nullptr; // state 0, ready to destruct
// deep copy of data from another block.
// MUST be of the same size...
void copy_from(const mem_block & X) {
assert(size_==X.size_);assert(p); assert(X.p);
storages::memcopy (p, X.p, size_);
// copy construct into state 1, always.
// This is a choice, even if X is state 2 (a numpy).
// We copy a numpy into a regular C++ array, which can then be used at max speed.
mem_block (mem_block const & X): size_(X.size()), py_numpy(nullptr), py_guard(nullptr) {
try { p = new ValueType[X.size()];}
catch (std::bad_alloc& ba) { TRIQS_RUNTIME_ERROR<< "Memory allocation error : bad_alloc : "<< ba.what();}
weak_ref_count =0;
// now we copy the data
// if X is in state 1 or 3
if (X.py_numpy==nullptr) { copy_from(X); }
else { // X was in state 2
// else make a new copy of the numpy ...
if (!is_scalar_or_pod<ValueType>::value) TRIQS_RUNTIME_ERROR << "Internal Error : memcpy on non-scalar";
PyObject * arr3 = X.py_numpy;
// STRANGE : uncommenting this leads to a segfault on mac ???
//if (!PyArray_Check(X.py_numpy)) TRIQS_RUNTIME_ERROR<<"Internal error : is not an array";
PyArrayObject * arr3 = (PyArrayObject *)(X.py_numpy);
// if we can make a memcpy, do it.
if ( ( PyArray_ISFORTRAN(arr3)) || (PyArray_ISCONTIGUOUS(arr3))) {
memcpy (p,PyArray_DATA(arr3),size_ * sizeof(ValueType));
else { // if the X.py_numpy is not contiguous, first let numpy copy it properly, then memcpy
PyObject * na = PyObject_CallMethod(X.py_numpy,(char *)"copy",nullptr);
PyObject * arr = na;
if (!PyArray_Check(na)) TRIQS_RUNTIME_ERROR<<"Internal error : is not an array";
PyArrayObject * arr = (PyArrayObject *)(na);
assert( ( PyArray_ISFORTRAN(arr)) || (PyArray_ISCONTIGUOUS(arr)));
memcpy (p,PyArray_DATA(arr),size_ * sizeof(ValueType));
// Precondition : state 3, postcondition: state 1
static void delete_python_guard(void *ptr ) {
mem_block * m = static_cast<mem_block*>(ptr);
TRACE_MEM_DEBUG("deleting data block"<<m);
assert(m->ref_count>0); assert(m->py_guard !=nullptr);assert(m->py_numpy ==nullptr);
dec_ref<false>(m);// release the reference which was owned by the guard
// returns a NEW python ref either to the numpy or to the guard.
// if the guard does not yet exists, create it.
PyObject * new_python_ref() {
// if we just have a borrowed numpy, just return a new ref to it
if (py_numpy) { Py_INCREF(py_numpy); return py_numpy;}
// if the guard is already set, then return it, otherwise create it...
if (py_guard) { Py_INCREF(py_guard); return py_guard;}
else {
TRACE_MEM_DEBUG(" activating python guard for C++ block"<<p<< " py_guard = "<< py_guard);
inc_ref<false>(this); // the guard owns a C++ reference !!
py_guard = PyCObject_FromVoidPtr( static_cast<void *>(this), &mem_block<ValueType>::delete_python_guard);
return py_guard;
ValueType & operator[](size_t i) {return p[i];}
size_t size() const {return size_;}
bool is_unique() const { return (ref_count + weak_ref_count) == 1; }
template<class Archive>
void save(Archive & ar, const unsigned int version) const {
ar << TRIQS_MAKE_NVP("size",size_);
for (size_t i=0; i<size_; ++i) ar << TRIQS_MAKE_NVP("data",p[i]);
template<class Archive>
void load(Archive & ar, const unsigned int version) {
ar >> size_;
assert (p==nullptr);
p = new ValueType[size_];
for (size_t i=0; i<size_; ++i) ar >> p[i];
}}}//namespace triqs::arrays