mirror of https://github.com/triqs/dft_tools synced 2024-10-20 14:58:12 +02:00
AlynJ ad8c4e75fe
Elk converter (#151)
Adding Elk-TRIQS interface (first iteration) 

This interface reads in Elk's ground-state files / projectors generated by a specific Elk interface code version (https://github.com/AlynJ/Elk_interface-TRIQS). The interface can perform charge-self consistent DFT+DMFT calculations using the aforementioned Elk code version, including spin orbit-coupling. Hence, this is the first open source interfaced DFT code to triqs with FCSC support. 

The commit includes detailed documentation and tutorials on how to use this interface. Moreover, further new post-processing routines are added for Fermi surface plots and spectral functions (A(w)) from the elk inputs.

The interface was tested by A. James and A. Hampel. However, this is the first iteration of the interface and should be used with care. Please report all bugs.

List of changes:
- sumk.py: added cacluation of charge density correction for elk (dm_type='elk').
- sumk_dft_tools.py: added new post-processing functions to calculate the Fermi surface and A(w) from the Elk inputs.
- documentation and tutorial files amended for this interface.
- added python tests for the Elk converter.
2020-10-09 08:35:28 -04:00

82 lines
2.3 KiB

#(Crude) shell script for FCSC calculations using the Elk-TRIQS setup.
#You may put job scheduler (PBS, Slurm or other) information here
#Note mpirun command lines may have to be altered for the
#scheduler used
#the Elk executable (may have to update path and version used)
export elk_ex="${HOME}/elk-6.2.8/src/elk"
#this variable is already linked in the $PATH in .bashrc
export triqs_ex="python"
#initial variables which can be tweeked
#max loop index - Input variable
export imax=20
#python file prefix - user's script
export triqs_name="dft_dmft_cthyb_elk"
#DFT+DMFT self-consistent cycle shell output file
export out_file="FCSC.OUT"
#elk interface tasks
export e2t_task=805
export t2e_task=808
#Master input file for the dft interface calculation.
export elk_master_file="elk_master.in"
#input elk file
export elk_infile="elk.in"
#output elk file
export elk_outfile="elk.out"
#output triqs file
export triqs_outfile="SC_DMFT.OUT"
#this variable will be used to replace the string TASK in elk_master.in
export task="TASK"
#check if master file exists
if [ ! -e "$elk_master_file" ]; then
echo "No master input file" > $out_file
echo " "> $elk_outfile
echo " "> $triqs_outfile
echo "Maximum number of iterations = "$imax > $out_file
echo "Number of processors used = "$NUMPROC >> $out_file
for (( i=1; i<=$imax; i++)); do
echo "SC loop "$i" of "$imax >> $out_file
echo " ">> $out_file
#copy master input to elk.in
cp $elk_master_file $elk_infile
#replace TASK string to interface task
sed -i "s/$task*/$e2t_task/" $elk_infile
#executes elk (generate projectors)
echo "SC loop "$i" of "$imax >> $elk_outfile
mpirun $elk_ex >> $elk_outfile
echo " ">> $elk_outfile
echo "Interfaced Elk to TRIQS via task "$e2t_task >> $out_file
#executes triqs
echo "SC loop "$i" of "$imax >> $triqs_outfile
mpirun $triqs_ex $triqs_name".py" >> $triqs_outfile
echo " " >> $triqs_outfile
echo "TRIQS DMFT loop(s) done " >> $out_file
#copy master input to elk.in
cp $elk_master_file $elk_infile
#replace TASK string to interface task
sed -i "s/$task*/$t2e_task/" $elk_infile
#executes elk (density update)
mpirun $elk_ex >> $elk_outfile
echo " ">> $elk_outfile
echo "Interfaced TRIQS dmft outputs into elk via task "$t2e_task >> $out_file
echo " ">> $out_file