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.. _basisrotation:
Numerical Treatment of the Sign-Problem: Basis Rotations
When performing calculations with off-diagonal terms in the hybridisation function or in the local Hamiltonian, one is
often limited by the fermionic sign-problem slowing down the QMC calculations significantly. This can occur for instance if the crystal shows locally rotated or distorted cages, or when spin-orbit coupling is included. The examples for this are included in the :ref:`tutorials` of this documentation.
However, as the fermonic sign in the QMC calculation is no
physical observable, one can try to improve the calculation by rotating
to another basis. While this basis can in principle be chosen arbitrarily,
two choices which have shown good results; name the basis sets that diagonalize the local Hamiltonian or the local density matrix of the
The transformation matrix can be stored in the :class:`BlockStructure` and the
transformation is automatically performed when using :class:`SumkDFT`'s :meth:`extract_G_loc`
and :meth:`put_Sigma` (see below).
Finding the Transformation Matrix
The :class:`TransBasis` class offers a simple method to calculate the transformation
matrices to a basis where either the local Hamiltonian or the density matrix
is diagonal::
from triqs_dft_tools.trans_basis import TransBasis
TB = TransBasis(SK)
TB.calculate_diagonalisation_matrix(prop_to_be_diagonal='eal', calc_in_solver_blocks = True)
SK.block_structure.transformation = [{'ud':TB.w}]
Transforming Green's functions manually
One can transform Green's functions manually using the :meth:`convert_gf` method::
# Rotate a Green's function from solver-space to sumk-space
new_gf = block_structure.convert_gf(old_gf, space_from='solver', space_to='sumk')
Automatic transformation during the DMFT loop
During a DMFT loop one is often switching back and forth between the unrotated basis (Sumk-Space) and the rotated basis that is used by the QMC Solver. However, this need not be done manually each time. Instead,
once the block_structure.transformation property is set as shown above, this is
done automatically, meaning that :class:`SumkDFT`'s :meth:`extract_G_loc`
and :meth:`put_Sigma` are doing the transformations by default::
for it in range(iteration_offset, iteration_offset + n_iterations):
# every GF is in solver space here
S.G0_iw << inverse(S.Sigma_iw + inverse(S.G_iw))
# solve the impurity in solver space -> hopefully better sign
S.solve(h_int = H, **p)
# calc_dc(..., transform = True) by default
SK.calc_dc(S.G_iw.density(), U_interact=U, J_hund=J, orb=0, use_dc_formula=DC_type)
# put_Sigma(..., transform_to_sumk_blocks = True) by default
# extract_G_loc(..., transform_to_solver_blocks = True) by default
S.G_iw << SK.extract_G_loc()[0]
.. warning::
One must not forget to also transform the interaction Hamiltonian to the diagonal basis!
This can be done with the :meth:`transform_U_matrix` method. However, due to different
conventions in this method, one must pass the conjugated version of the transformation matrix::
U_trans = transform_U_matrix(U, SK.block_structure.transformation[0]['ud'].conjugate())