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synced 2025-01-12 22:18:23 +01:00
wrapper generator: add treatment of parameter class - methods taking a parameter class are called by **kw - the dict is passed to the C++ - the converters for the parameters are generated.
175 lines
5.1 KiB
175 lines
5.1 KiB
import re
def deduce_normalized_python_class_name(s) :
return ''.join([x.capitalize() for x in s.split('_')])
def decay(s) :
for tok in ['const ', 'const&', '&&', '&'] :
s = re.sub(tok,'',s)
s = s.replace('const_view', 'view') # DISCUSS THIS
return s.strip()
# compute used_module_list
recognized_namespace_for_using = {
'triqs::gfs::' : 'gf',
'triqs::params::' : 'parameters',
'triqs::utility::many_body_operator' : 'operators2',
using_needed_for_modules = {
'gf' : 'namespace triqs::gfs',
'parameters' : 'namespace triqs::params',
'operators2' : 'triqs::utility::many_body_operator',
used_module_list = []
def analyse(t) :
if t is None :return
#global used_module_list
for ns, mod in recognized_namespace_for_using.items() :
if decay(t.canonical_name).startswith(ns) :
for c in classes :
for m in c.constructors :
for t,n,d in m.params : analyse(t)
for m in c.methods :
for t,n,d in m.params : analyse(t)
for p in c.proplist :
for c in classes_of_parameters :
for m in c.members :
for f in functions :
for t,n,d in f.params : analyse(t)
used_module_list = set(used_module_list) # makes unique
using_list = [using_needed_for_modules[m] for m in used_module_list]
def cls(t) :
tname = decay(t.name)
if 'gf' in used_module_list: tname = re.sub('triqs::gfs::','',tname)
if 'parameters' in used_module_list: tname = re.sub('triqs::params::','',tname)
tname = tname.replace(' ','')
return tname
def make_signature(m) :
assert not m.template_list, "template functions can not be wrapped to Python"
s = "({args})"
if not m.is_constructor :
s = cls(m.rtype) + " {name} " + s
args = ', '.join( ["%s %s"%(cls(t),n) + (" = %s"%d if d else "") for t,n,d in m.params]) if m.parameter_arg == None else '**%s'%cls(m.params[0][0])
s = s.format(args = args, **m.__dict__)
return s.strip()
# Generated automatically using the command :
# ${shell_command}
from wrap_generator import *
# The module
module = module_(full_name = "${modulename}", doc = "${moduledoc}")
# All the triqs C++/Python modules
%for mod in used_module_list :
## All the using
##%for ns in using_list :
# Add here all includes beyond what is automatically included by the triqs modules
# Add here anything to add in the C++ code at the start, e.g. namespace using
%for ns in using_list :
using ${ns};
%for c in classes :
%for ns in c.ns :
using namespace ${ns};
%if classes_of_parameters :
#include "./converters.hxx"
%for c in classes :
def doc_format(member_list) :
h= ['Parameter Name', 'Type', 'Default', 'Documentation']
n_lmax = max(len(h[0]), max(len(m.name) for m in member_list))
type_lmax = max(len(h[1]), max(len(m.ctype) for m in member_list))
opt_lmax = max(len(h[2]), max(len(m.initializer) for m in member_list if m.initializer))
doc_lmax = max(len(h[3]), max(len(m.doc) for m in member_list))
form = " {:<%s} {:<%s} {:<%s} {:<%s}"%(n_lmax, type_lmax, opt_lmax, doc_lmax)
header = form.format(*h)
r = '\n'.join( form.format(m.name, m.ctype, m.initializer if m.initializer else '--', m.doc) for m in member_list)
return header + '\n\n' + r
# The class ${c.name}
c = class_(
py_type = "${deduce_normalized_python_class_name(c.name)}", # name of the python class
c_type = "${c.name}", # name of the C++ class
%if 0 :
#Hereafter several options to be selected by hand. Cf doc
#has_iterator = True,
#boost_serializable= True,
#is_printable= True,
#arithmetic = ("algebra","double")
%for m in c.members :
c.add_member(c_name = "${m.name}",
c_type = "${m.ctype}",
read_only= False,
doc = """${m.doc} """)
%for m in [m for m in c.constructors if not m.is_template]:
doc = """${m.doc} """)
%for m in c.methods:
%if m.is_static :
is_static = True,
doc = """${m.doc if m.parameter_arg==None else doc_format(m.parameter_arg.members) } """)
%for p in [p for p in c.proplist]:
c.add_property(name = "${p.name}",
getter = cfunction("${make_signature(p.getter)}"),
%if p.setter :
setter = cfunction("${make_signature(p.setter)}"),
doc = """${p.doc} """)
%for f in functions :
module.add_function ("${make_signature(f)}", doc = "${f.doc}")